Lesson plan 1: How does water travel in plants?
Time frame : About 90 mins.

borrowed from Aylett Nurseries
Objectives :
Students to observe how water travels in plants.
Students will see how fast the liquid travels on an hourly basis.
Students will measure the color move using 1/4",1/2",inch .
Materials :
paper 1/4",1/2" inch ruler
celery stalk with leaves
jar,water,different food colors
student worksheet and pencil.
Procedure :
Have students look at the regular inch rulers and compare to the paper rulers handed out to them.
Have them practice measuring the length of their textbooks and their pencils or any other object of interest in the classroom.
perform the experiment:
Cut the celery stalk at the bottom and draw a picture of the bottom.
Use your paper ruler to measure 3 inches on student's jar or simply calibrate the jar.
Fill jar with water up to the 3" level.
Add color of choice to water,
Put in the celery stalk and leave overnight.
Every hour, have students measure how far the color has travelled up the stalk.
Take out the stalk and observe the bottom, comparing it to the old celery bottom drawing.
Complete the student worksheet1.Lesson Plan 2.
For more fun stuff on mearurements in math and science {check this out.}