Sponsored by Bryn Mawr College under a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Program Outline: "Science" is often regarded, by both students and teachers, as an isolated and distinct part of the educational experience, one which is fully accessible to and teachable by only individuals with a special set of abilities and interests. In fact, science is a process of inquiry rather than a specific body of information, and thus is closely related to inquiry-based, "constructivist" teaching and learning. Science is accessible to everyone, and may be best taught not in isolation but in relation to other aspects of the curriculum and by teachers who are themselves excited by teaching and learning through inquiry.
This Institute will provide selected teachers with an opportunity to explore ways of better integrating science and other areas of the curriculum, in terms of both subject matter and intellectual approach. Following an initial introduction to "science" and its relation to human culture generally, faculty will present a series of subject "modules" which integrate science with other curricular matter and could be adapted to a variety of classroom settings. Designed to stimulate students to think and act across disciplinary boundaries as they strengthen their understanding of key concepts in areas including science, math, art, language arts, psychology and history, these modules focus on such subjects as evolution, color and art, and cognitive differences between males and females. Participants will work with faculty and each other to adapt material and approaches from these modules for use in their own schools and classrooms. In addition, we will discuss ways to take up an "action research" stance toward developing and trying out new curricular units, so that teachers can themselves use the methods of inquiry to document, assess and revise their innovations in practice. Attention will be given to the use of the internet as a valuable tool for curriculum development as well as for dissemination of materials and experiences.
The Institute Directors are Dr. Kim Cassidy, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at Bryn Mawr College, Jody Cohen, Lecturer and Acting Director of the Education Program at Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges, and Paul Burgmayer, a former industrial researcher with a Ph.D in Analytical Chemistry. Dr. Cassidy has prior experience as a pre-college teacher, and has a research program in the area of cognitive development in children. Dr. Cohen has previous experience as a middle and high school teacher, and her research focuses on issues in urban education. Dr. Burgmayer has worked for the Polaroid Corporation and for BetzDearborn, a leading industrial water treatment company, and is currently enrolled at Bryn Mawr College in the teacher certification program for high school chemistry and math.. The Institute directors will be assisted by Paul Grobstein, Professor of Biology and organizer of the Summer Institute program, and by colleagues from other College departments, both sciences and non-sciences.
Institute Requirements and Follow-up: Fellows will be expected to play an active role in the Institute, helping to develop effective ways to integrate scientific concepts and perspectives with other aspects of the curriculum.. In addition to active participation in discussion during the two week summer session, Fellows will be expected to prepare a written proposal describing plans to make use of Institute experiences in their own classrooms, to experiment with these during the following academic year, to participate in several follow up meetings during the year, and to prepare a report of the their year's activities which can be posted on a World Wide Web site so as to be available to other interested teachers.
Institute Schedules and Location: This Institute will take place at Bryn Mawr College from 22 July through 2 August. Sessions will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays. Lunch will be provided.
Eligibility: High school, middle school and elementary school teachers, including department heads, and school administrators are eligible. Participants may teach science and/or other subject areas. Preference will be given to teams of teachers from schools that serve overlapping student populations. Please indicate team memberships on the applications forms. Enrollment will be limited to eighteen.
Incentives: Participants from Philadelphia schools will receive 60 hours of Act 48 credit, and a $500 stipend. An additional $300 per participant to purchase educational supplies and materials will be available to Philadelphia teachers submitting cogent curriculum proposals and agreeing to provide a written report on their experiences.
Principal's Commitment: Institute participation requires signature of principal.
Application procedures: Information and application forms are available on line at See for information about the general program and other available Institutes.
For more information: Jody Cohen, Education Program, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. 19010. 610 526- 5396,; Kim Cassidy, Department of Psychology, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. 19010, 610 527-5190,