Being a Scientist/Explorer/Creator (Practice)
Trying Out Exploring/Creating
Science is a tool to help one become better at thinking for oneself
at using observations to make one's own stories that motivate new observations that motivate new stories that one shares with others
Science education should help people become better at thinking for themselves
at ongoing, shared, exploration and creation
That was the theory, now the practice ...
After working through the rest of The World of Langton's Ant (including Notes on Education):
Put your thoughts about your experience in the institute forum area to help others think too. Could you use this particular exhibit, or ideas from it, in your class? How would you need to present it? How does it help (or not help) you in thinking about science and education?
And Another:
EITHER try out another Serendip on-line lesson
OR begin finding some observations that you can build your own lesson plan around
Put your thoughts about your experience in the institute forum area to help others think too. What did you play with? What did you learn from it, about the subject? about science? about education?
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