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universe bar
a schedule of conversations

Wed Nov 3, Clynnoc House (BMC) @ 8pm
Paul Grobstein

Wed Nov 10, Lunt Cafe (HC) @ 8pm
Eric Raimy

Wed Nov 17, Clynnoc House (BMC) @ 8pm
Empty Space
Elizabeth Catanese

Wed Nov 24
Thanksgiving break

Wed Dec 1, Lunt Cafe (HC) @ 8pm
Su-Lyn Poon

Wed Dec 8, Clynnoc House (BMC) @ 8pm
Gender and Creativity
Elizabeth Catanese, Maria Scott-Wittenborn

what is u-bar?

Ever find yourself wondering about the universe and your place in it?

The Universe Bar is a gathering of individuals interested in an informal exploration of questions that matter.

We welcome people of all backgrounds and interests, and value contributions from all segments of academia (humanities, social sciences, natural sciences) and beyond.

Conversations take place every Wednesday in Lunt Café (Haverford College) or Clynnoc House (Bryn Mawr College), from 8pm to 9pm. Need directions?

All are welcome.



To be notified of coming events go to the on-line forum and register for "Keep Me Posted"
Maintained by Su-Lyn Poon. Last updated 10/24/04.