The workshop is free, but registration
is requested. To register, please send an email including the
following information:
1. Your name
2. The institution with which
you are affiliated
3. Your contact information (email
address, postal address, phone #, fax #)
4. A list of which sessions you
are interested in attending (follow links to Program page for
April 13th, 5:30-8pm (includes dinner) *
Thursday, April 14th, morning session
Thursday, April 14th, afternoon
session (1:30-5:30pm)
Friday, April 15th, morning session
Friday, April 15th, afternoon session
5. How you learned about the workshop
* We need an exact count for dinner on Wednesday,
so please be sure to pre-register for this session if you are
planning to attend.
here to send a registration email.