Bryn Mawr College Center for Science in Society   


Events Calendar - Spring 2008

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February 1, 2008
11:45-1:00 pm
Ely Room, Wyndham

Free Buffet Lunch.

Open to All Faculty

First Friday Faculty Club Lunch Series:

Marc Ross, Department of Political Science

"The Fabric of Identity: Confederate Flags and Islamic Headscarves"

Details: Deepak Kumar
February 12, Tuesday
1-2 pm, Dalton 212E

Brown Bag: Brown Bag: Seeing through Different Eyes

Amanda Root (Empowering Learners Partnership)
and Steve Green (Public Safety and Transportation)

"Do You Believe the Hype"

Details: Anne Dalke
February 19, Tuesday
1-2pm, Dalton 212A

*Note-room change
Brown Bag: Seeing through Different Eyes

Jerry Berenson (Chief Administrative Officer) and
Kim Cassidy (Provost)

"When the Vision is Administrative"
Details: Anne Dalke

February 28, Thursday
4:00 p.m., Park Science Rm. 259
Refreshments will be served.


Mindy Fleisher, Bryn Mawr '82
Supervisory Patent Examiner
United States Patent and Trademark Office

"Introduction to Intellectual Property"
Details: Jodi Jacoby
(610) 526-7392

Sponsored by the Center for Science and Society and the Departments of Biology
and Chemistry

March 4, Tuesday
1-2pm, Dalton 212E

Brown Bag: Seeing through Different Eyes

Betsy Reese (Map Curator, Collier Science Library)
and Darla Attardi (Coordinator, Staff Education)

"Re-mapping The Space Around Us: Re-envisioning the Place that is Bryn Mawr"

Details: Anne Dalke

March 7, Friday
Ely Room, Wyndham

Free Buffet Lunch 11:30am to 1:15pm

Open to All Faculty

First Friday Faculty Club Lunch Series:

Judy Wicks, Hepburn Fellow 2007-08
"Science and Social Science Perspectives on Sustainable Agriculture and Local Foods"


Details: Deepak Kumar
March 18, Tuesday
1-2pm, Dalton 212E

Brown Bag: Seeing through Different Eyes

Janet Scannell and Elliott Shore (Information Servies)
"Re-envisioning Bryn Mawr's Technology for the 21st Century"

Details: Anne Dalke
April 1, Tuesday
1-2pm, Dalton 212E
Brown Bag: Seeing through Different Eyes

Laura Blankenship and Scott Silverman (Information Services)

"The Tightrope of Faculty Support: Working for/against/with/as Academics"
Details: Anne Dalke

April 4 , Friday
Ely Room, Wyndham

Free Buffet Lunch 11:30am to 1:15pm

Open to All Faculty

First Friday Faculty Club Lunch Series:

James Wright (Classical & Near Eastern Archeology)

"Squeezing Life Out of the Dead...or How We are Trying to Keep Ahead of the Tomb Robbers and Learn about Human Society, Demography, Health, and Diet by Excavating Chamber Tombs of the 14-13th c. BCE in the Nemea Valley, Greece"

Details: Deepak Kumar

April 10, Thursday
4:15-5:15 PM
Carpenter Library 21

Reception following lecture in the London Room

2008 Bernard Rothenberg Lecture in Biology and Public Policy

Taylor Ricketts, Ph.D.
Director of Conservation Science, World Wildlife Fund

"The Science of Saving the Earth"
Details: Peter Brodfuehrer
April 15, Tuesday
1-2pm, Dalton 212E

Brown Bag: Seeing through Different Eyes

Elizabeth McCormack (General Faculty Chair)
and Diane Craw (Director of Operations, GSSWSR)

"Staff and Faculty Partnerships for Change: Stories from the Trenches
--Searching for a New President, Pursuing a Green Campus, and
Restructuring Graduate Education at Bryn Mawr"

Details: Anne Dalke
April 29 Tuesday
1-2pm, Dalton 212A

Brown Bag: Seeing through Different Eyes

Anne Dalke (Department of English)

"Lessons Learned from a Year of Risk-Taking: Where Might We Go From Here?"

Details: Anne Dalke
May 2, 2008
Ely Room, Wyndham

Free Buffet Lunch 11:30am to 1:15pm

Open to All Faculty

First Friday Faculty Club Lunch Series:

Lisa Traynor (Department of Mathematics)
Title TBA

Details: Deepak Kumar
  Color Key:
  Special Lectures & Events


Emergent Systems: A Discussion
Details: Mark Kuperberg or Paul Grobstein
  Graduate Idea Forum Details: Roland Stahl
Monthly (check schedule)

Brown Bag

Details: Anne Dalke or Paul Grobstein

First Friday of the month

Open to All Faculty

First Friday Faculty Club Lunch Series

Details: Deepak Kumar
  Elementary Science Education: A Working Group Details: Alice Lesnick or Paul Grobstein