The Center for Science in Society

Events Calendar
Fall 2002


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9 September, Monday
1-3pm, Room 264 Park Building

Language Working Group Meeting Details: Eric Raimy
11 September, Wednesday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road (Pennsby)
Brown Bag Lunch: Ralph Kuncl
Provost, Bryn Mawr College
"The Balkanization of Science"
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
12 September, Thursday
2-4pm, Campus Center
Undergrad Research Symposium Co-sponsored with HHMI Program
Details: Peter Brodfuehrer
18 September, Wednesday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road (Pennsby)

Brown Bag Lunch: Samantha Glazier
Keck Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry
"Isolation, Persuasion and Conviction:
Sustaining the Culture of Science"

Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke

20 September, Friday
4 pm,
Park Science 180
Refreshments proceeding lecture,
hallway outside of Park Science 273

Special Lecture: Ralph Kuncl
"Pre-clinical Drug Development of Novel Motor Neuronotrophic Factors That Have Potential in Lou
Gehrig's Disease"
Details: Sharon Burgmayer
Co-sponsored with Chemistry
23 September, Monday
1-3pm, Room 264 Park Building
Language Working Group Meeting Details: Eric Raimy
23 September, Monday
6:30pm, Dorothy Vernon Room
Special Seminar: Zhenya Zastavker
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
"DNA is Not the Only Helix in Town
or A Story of Crafty Microsprings"

Department of Physics Seminar
Details: Peter Beckmann
25 September, Wednesday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road (Pennsby)

Brown Bag Lunch: Ted Wong
Department of Biology
"Metaphor, Metonymy and the Two Sciences"
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
27 September, Friday
2-5 pm
Thomas Great Hall
and Thomas 224
Graduate Research Symposium
Presentations by Bryn Mawr graduate students in science and mathematics.

Details: Elizabeth McCormack
Co-sponsored by GSAS
27 September, Friday
Park 230 (Robotics/AI Lab)
8:00-9:00 am
Emergent Systems: A Discussion Group
Doug Blank and Deepak Kumar
Department of Computer Science
"Emergence and Robotics"

Details: Ted Wong
2 October, Wednesday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road (Pennsby)

Brown Bag Lunch: Rob Wozniack
Department of Psychology
"Psychology: The Imp
ossible Science?"
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
5 October, Saturday
Room Park 25
Panel on Advancing Women in Science Details: Judy Gould
7 October, Monday
1-3pm, Room 264 Park Building
Language Working Group Meeting Details: Eric Raimy
8 October, Tuesday
Graduate School of Social Work and
Social Research
4:00-6:00 pm
Graduate Idea Forum
Steven Johnson, "Emergence"
Details: Judy McCoyd
9 October, Wednesday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road (Pennsby)

Brown Bag Lunch: Katherine Rowe
Early Modern Studies
"Science Culture and Time"
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
11 October, Friday
Park 230 (Robotics/AI Lab)

8:00-9:00 am
Emergent Systems: A Discussion Group
Jim Wright, Department of Classical and Near Eastern Architecture
"Emergent Complexity in Bronze Age Greece: A Case Study of Settlement and Land-Use ca. 2000-1200 B.C.E."

Details: Ted Wong
16 October, Wednesday

Fall Break
23 October, Wednesday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road (Pennsby)

Brown Bag Lunch: Tomomi Kinukawa
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in History of Science
"The Scientist's Body"
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
23 October, Wednesday
8pm, Thomas Great Hall
Reception and book signing following lecture
Special Lecture: Scott Ritter
Former UN Weapons Inspector
"The Coming War with Iraq: How Did We Get There?"
Sponsored by the Center for International Studies, Co-sponsored by the Center for Science in Society and the Office of the President
28 October, Monday
1-3pm, Room 264 Park Building
Language Working Group Meeting Details: Eric Raimy
30 October, Wednesday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road (Pennsby)

Brown Bag Lunch: Panama Geer
Keck Postdoctoral Fellow in Mathematics and Computer Science
"Decentralization and Self-Organization: Not Just for Ants"
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
1 November, Friday
Park 230 (Robotics/AI Lab)

8:00-9:00 am
Emergent Systems: A Discussion Group
Victor Donnay, Department of Mathematics
"Ideas on Regular and Chaotic Dynamical Systems: A Mathematician's Perspective on Issues in Complex Systems"

Details: Ted Wong
4 November, Monday
8:00 pm, Thomas Great Hall
Reception and book signing following lecture.
Special Lecture: Octavia Butler, Author
"A Parable: Writing Science Fiction in These Times."

Co-sponsored with Feminist and Gender Studies
Details: Anne Dalke
4 November, Monday
1-3pm, Room 264 Park Building
Language Working Group Meeting Details: Eric Raimy
6 November, Wednesday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road (Pennsby)

Brown Bag Lunch: Michael Tratner
"An Anatomy of Cultural Studies Methods"
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
8 November, Friday
Park 230 (Robotics/AI Lab)

Emergent Systems: A Discussion Group
Panama Geer
Keck Postdoctoral Fellow in Mathematics and Computer Science

" Swarm Intelligence: An Example"

Details: Ted Wong
11 November, Monday
4:30 pm, Park 229
4:00, Refreshments, Park 227
Special Lecture: Daniel Charles
Contributing Science Correspondent, NPR
News Section Contributor, Science Magazine
"Lords of the Harvest: The Hidden History of Genetically Engineered Food"
Co-sponsored with the Dept. of Biology
Details: Karen Greif
12 November, Tuesday
4 pm, The Ely Room, Wyndham
The Rothenberg Lecture: Shirley M. Tilghman
President, Princeton University
"Perspectives on the Stem Cell Debate"
Co-sponsored with the Dept. of Biology
Details: Karen Greif
13 November, Wednesday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road (Pennsby)

Brown Bag Lunch: Chris Couples
UNIX System Administrator for the Sciences
"The Political Practice of the Sys-Admin"
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
18 November, Monday
1-3pm, Room 264 Park Building
Language Working Group Meeting Details: Eric Raimy
19 November, Tuesday
Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research
4:00-6:00 pm
Graduate Idea Forum
Steven Pinker, "The Blank Slate"
Details: Judy McCoyd
20 November, Wednesday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road (Pennsby)

Brown Bag Lunch: Kris Tapp
Keck Postdoctoral Fellow in Mathematics
"Philosophies of Mathematics"
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
22 November, Friday
Park 230 (Robotics/AI Lab)

8:00-9:00 am

Emergent Systems: A Discussion Group
Panama Geer
Keck Postdoctoral Fellow in Mathematics and Computer Science

Swarm Intelligence: Continued

Details: Ted Wong
2 December, Monday
1-3pm, Room 264 Park Building
Language Working Group Meeting Details: Eric Raimy
5 December, Thursday
4-6pm, Park Building, Room 338
3:30pm Refreshments, Park 338
Special Lecture: Professor Judith Houck
University of Wisconsin-Madison
"The Social History of a Biological Process, Menopause, 1897-1980"
Details: Tomomi Kinukawa
6 December, Friday
Park 230 (Robotics/AI Lab)
8:00-9:00 am

Emergent Systems: A Discussion Group
Paul Grobstein
Discussion Topics:
(1) Complex Systems: Continued
(2) Ideas/Agenda for Next Semester & Beyond
Details: Ted Wong
6 December, Friday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road (Pennsby)
Brown Bag Lunch: Professor Judith Houck
University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Why Scientists Should Care About History"
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
8 December,Sunday
Carpenter Library 21
7:00-8:00 pm

Special Lecture: George P. Lakoff
University of California, Berkeley
"The Brain, The Mind, and Language:
Why They Matter in Personal Life, in Politics, and Throughout the Academic World"

Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, and Cognitive Linguistics are presently esoteric disciplines that most people know little about. Yet they are utterly transforming our understanding of virtually every aspect of our lives - especially our personal and political lives. They also have transformative implications for virtually every academic discipline. This lecture will be an overview for a general audience.
Details: Eric Raimy
9 December, Monday
1-3pm, Room 264 Park Building
Language Working Group Meeting Details: Eric Raimy
11 December, Wednesday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road (Pennsby)
Brown Bag Lunch: Paul Grobstein
Department of Biology
"Philosophies of Science: A View From the Brain"
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
18 December, Wednesday
230 Park Building
Emergent Research Group
Details: Douglas S. Blank

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