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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities

Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.

Chaos & Computers

The Chaos & Computers Institute was offered for Philadelphia area science and math teachers at Bryn Mawr College in the summer of 1997, with support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The Institute will next be offered in the summer of 1998.

Some Lesson Plans

These are works in progress. Participants in the Summer Institute are putting together lesson plans that will be incorporated into their classes.
  1. The World's Largest Sierpenski Triangle
    by Victor Donnay (Bryn Mawr College).
  2. From Pascal to Sierpenski (for Grades 6-7)
    by Doris Thornton (Wilson Middle School) & Olivia Cunningham (Wilson Middle School).
  3. A Lesson on PI (for Grades 7-8)
    by Lloyd Norman (Cooke Middle School) & Nora Kasper (Judge High School) & Leon Bailey (Leeds Middle School).
  4. Modeling Forest Fires (for Grades 6-8)
    by Abram Cushner (WS Pierce Middle School).
  5. A Lesson on Chaos: The AIDS Study (for High School students)
    by Alan Cushner (Lincoln High School) & Joan Johnson (North-East High School).
  6. A Lesson on Tessellations
    by Maceo Randall (Lincoln High School).
  7. Chaos vs Simple Dynamical Systems (for Grades 10-12)
    by Thomas Witkowski (Central High School).
  8. Making a Pinhole Camera (for Grades 4-8)
    by Allan Gladsden (Leeds Middle School).
  9. An Introduction to Chaos
    by Luci Ryan (Leeds Middle School).
  10. A Lesson on Chaos for Middle School Students
    by Marilyn Krupnick (Wilson Middle School) & Barbara Orlan (Wilson Middle School) & Jennifer Kim (Cooke Middle School) & Joel Simon (Central High School).

Useful Resources