Community Forum
Feb. 24, 2004

Notes from Group C

Ice Breaker
Resident-works @ Penn
Likes Block party
Resident--Main St/Shopping
UCD Director neighbor resident, Leisure/eating
Shops on 40th street
Partnership CDC also shops on 40th St.
Rotunda community arts
Penn Student McDonalds
Resident and pastor, school, thrift shop
Resident 40th street shopper
UPPD Community relations officer, 40th Street shopper and area resident
Penn student 40th street shopper
Penn student shops and tutors neighborhood kids
Penn student shops

Mixed use
More commercial

Help existing establishments
Enhance value
Bring new users
More open space Requires a commitment to keep as active open space Mutually supportive open space and commercial
Meeting places
Example: Rittenhouse Sq.
Creates a sense of community
Meeting places
Pedestrians traveling paths
Café seating /restaurants
Gaps in streetscape are a problem; we have density to support a full streetscape of retail from Baltimore to Market. More going on

Past, Current, and Future uses
Diners--people, students going to restaurants
Spectrum of users

South end -students vs. residents
Closer to Market--West Philly residents
Chestnut Street N and Walnut Streets
Relates to transportation network and commuter groups
"See what it's all about"
Children (starting to use 40th St. more often because of the movie theater)
Younger people using it more Related to safety, lighting, less vacancy Students at new school
Program users (programs at the bridge)
Library users in the past
Expected resurgence once library is complete
New users from new construction
Movie watchers
Past Less reason to come
Less perceived safety

Future Users
Place where people mix
The anti-suburb and suburbanite
Most "cheaper and better"…something different
Real city dwellers
People not needing to spend money
Reduced fees at dentist school

Inhibit and support
-Parking lots (surface)
+Residents on 40th street (above commercial)
-Not maximizing spaces and densities
-Less revenue generation
+Variety of uses
+/- Green space


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