Community Forum
Feb. 24, 2004

Notes from Group B

What we like about 40th Street
Fatou and Fama's
Diversity -cultural
Services for local residents
Convenience shopping - grocery, movies
Culture - bars/lounges
Busy/bustling evenings
Diversity/variety of retail

Current Users - changes by time of day
All of us!
Citizens of Greater Philadelphia area
Local residents
People coming for specific venue
Out of state
Those going to nail salon, liquor store, SS buildings, grocer store
Pet owners
University herbs
Prospective students/families
Visiting family members
Public transportation - destination, 40th & Market St trolley, passing through
High school/middle school students
Business owners

Users: Past/Future/Current
More residents: esp. for local services
Strip club goers

Uses: the possibilities - past, present, future
Meeting place
Post office
[Tradition, familiarity]
Barbers/hair salons
Grocery store
Movie Theater
Common green, park - recreation
Library [Penn assisted/sponsored] activated through all-seasons [year round attractions/amenities]
Discount stores
Community [local] supported
Partner with U of Penn/high schools - exchange ideas, cultures

Factors that support Factors that don't
- diverse population
- mixed use
- community use
- transportation
- pedestrian friendly
- walkability
- area layout
- population - age, gender ethnicity, economics
- traditions
- stable local residential pop [businesses]
- public transportation
- steering committed with Penn
- Penn proactively attracts certain businesses

- not enough drivers and parkers
- perceptions
- lack of understanding
- lack of marketing
- fluctuating student pop [business]
- university ownership
- limited parking [maybe validation/ discounted]
- Penn isn't a summer institution
- Penn bureaucracy - lack of constant contact
- Landlords cater to students
- Lack of introduction to new facilities



Help No Help
- entrance on 40th Street
- safe - UCD officers
- University district - the feeling of a divide along 40th Street
- lack of connection
- litter
- perception that UCD manipulated by Penn

Principles [Safety, vendors (street trucks), St Mary's Church]
- maintain or enhance the diversity (people)
- do keep it unique, special with its own flavor; producing its own homegrown culture
- walkable, pedestrian-scale
- aesthetics: row-house style, not big blocks; fundamentally West Philadelphia
- encourage vendor activity
- sidewalk/street activity
- enhance communications, using stable contacts
- cross cultural, cross pollination - example: St Mary's
- enhance transportation/parking opportunities

© 2004, 40th Street Community Forum and Serendip