Faculty Development


" We propose to create a pool of funds for professional development to assist faculty in incorporating computational methods of inquiry into their courses and student/faculty research projects."

Faculty Development Fund

Bioinformatics Workshop 2005

Register by May 31 by sending an e-mail to Barbara Edwards (bedwards@brynmawr.edu) for the:

Bioinformatics Workshop at Bryn Mawr College

Funded by HHMI

  • Training Initiative through NCBI
  • Wednesday, June 8 and Thursday, June 9, 2005. Start time 9:30 am
  • Park Sciences Building 231.
  • Schedule:



    9:30-11:00 am         MapViewer QuickStart

    11:00-12:30 pm         Break/Hands-on session

    12:30-1:30 pm         LUNCH Provided


    1:30-3:00 pm         Making Sense of DNA and Protein

    3:00-4:30 pm         Hands-on session



    9:30-11:00 am         Identification of Disease Genes and Correlating Disease Genes with Phenotypes

     11:00-12:30 pm         Break/Hands-on session

    12:30-1:30 pm         LUNCH Provided


    1:30-3:00 pm         Structural Analysis Quick Start

    3:00-4:00 pm         Hands-on session/Wrap-Up

  • NCBI Minicourses have been selected from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Class/minicourses/
  • For Bioinformatics Workshop flier click here

    Computational Methods of Inquiry

    Faculty Development Fund

    "We propose to create a pool of funds for professional development to assist faculty in incorporating computational methods of inquiry into their courses and student/faculty research projects.  Funds will be available for faculty to attend short courses, conferences, and workshops.  Funds will also be used to bring visiting experts to campus to work directly with faculty or enable faculty to travel to meet with experts at their home institutions.  Faculty members will submit requests for allocations from the Faculty Development Fund to the HHMI Advisory Committee. The awarding of funds will be based on the potential impact of the proposed activities. "

    Faculty Development Fund

  • Search for Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Methods is complete

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Last updated: 5/05/05 Xenia Morin


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