2007 Off Campus Research Awardees

(6 - BMC Students)

Kaitlynn Heflin (Chemistry)

Serpentinization of olivine ---- A new energy source?

Dr. Rosenbaum, US Geological Survey in Menlo Park, CA.

Camille Jones (Geology)

Geochemical Processes at Mid-Ocean Ridge and Forearc Environments:
Energy Resources and the Origins of Life

Dr. Rosenbaum, US Geological Survey in Menlo Park, CA.

Jasmine Shafagh (Biology with a concentration in Neural and Behavior Sciences)

Cytokines and Inflammatory diseases, such as MS --- Is there a Link?

Mentor: Dr. Jayasri Das Sarma, Dept. of Neurology at Jefferson University

Laura Spearot (Psychology and Biology Double Major with a concentration in Behavioral Neural Sciences)

To determine if C. pneumoniae exerts an affect in the cytochrome c apoptotic cascade in neuronal cells.

Mentor: Denah Appelt Ph.D., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Holly Stewart (Biology and Philosophy Double Major and a Minor in Latin)

Diabetics and the Workplace

Mentor: Janet Kramschuster, CTRS Diabetic Youth Foundation, Concord, CA.

Aditi Vashist (Mathematics and Physics)

Lie Algebras in a Topological Setting.

Mentor: Cesar Silva, Director, SMALL Williams College, MA.

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