Overall project: Investigate aquatic ecology--make field environmental observations; sample the macroinvertebrate fauna at stream and pond sites on the BMC campus; examine samples under the microscope in the lab, and use GPS to map sample site locations.

First visit (Sept, 28th, 2007)

In the lab:
1) Brief discussion of watersheds and impacts to local water quality.

2) Brief introduction to aquatic fauna (insects, crustaceans, worms) and how they can be used to evaluate water quality conditions.

3) Description of how “leaf packs” provide a standardized sampling method, why that is important, and how we will make our own leaf packs for this project.

4) Hands-on work--preparation of leaf packs.

Field work outside:
1) Using GPS to map the sample site locations.

2) Measuring water quality parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen content) at each sampling site. Observing other field characteristics of each sample site, e.g., amount of tree shade/sun exposure, water flow rate, water depth, sediment texture (muddy or gravelly).

3) Anchoring leaf packs and recording location and bag number.

4) Collecting net-drag samples of pond sediment; collecting kick samples in stream. Samples placed in buckets for macroinvertebrate identification back in the lab.

Back in the lab:
1) Comparison of recorded water temperatures and oxygen levels from the sites.

2) Viewing GPS data overlain on air photo--sample sites in relation to each other and within watershed; where we walked to/from the lab.

3) Microscope work: identifying and counting macroinvertebrate fauna collected at each site.

4) Evaluation of Water Quality from Biotic Index? System, derived from Macroinvertebrate fauna counts. Visit Stroud Water Research Center (http://www.stroudcenter.org/lpn/more/data.htm) for a description.

5) Digital Photos of Macroinvertebrates (http://serendipstudio.org/exchange/node/1168) sampled by Delaware Valley Friends School seventh grade science class on September 28, 2008 from Rhoads Pond and Mill Creek, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Fridays in the Lab

7th grade science class,

Delaware Valley Friends School, Nov. 16, 2007.

Overall project: Investigate aquatic ecology--make field environmental observations; sample the macroinvertebrate fauna at stream and pond sites on the BMC campus; examine samples under the microscope in the lab, and use GPS to map sample site locations.

In the lab:
1) Discussion of physical and chemical characteristics of the pond and stream bottom habitat, why these vary from place to place, and how these characteristics influence aquatic organisms.

2) Description of how we quantitatively measure bottom characteristics, e.g., relative amounts of mud, sand and gravel; oxygen levels in the sediment; and amount of organic detritus (leaves).

Outside field work:
1) Measure and record water temperature and oxygen levels at each sampling site; qualitative observations of other site characteristics such as water clarity/turbidity, seasonal change in shade levels and sunlight amounts. Brief discussion of how/why these differences arise.

2) Collection of pond and stream bottom sediment samples for lab analysis.

3) Retrieval of leaf packs from each sample location.

Back in the lab:
1) Wet-sieve analysis of stream and pond sediment samples; separation of the gravel, sand and mud fractions to be dried then weighed. Create and view a histogram plot of these sediment texture results.

2) Observation and mineralogical identification of sand and gravel particles under the microscope.

3) Identification and counting of macroinvertebrate fauna collected in leaf pack samples.

4) Evaluation of Water Quality from Biotic Index? System from the leaf pack sample results. Visit Stroud Water Research Center (http://www.stroudcenter.org/lpn/more/data.htm) for a description.

5) Wrap-up discussion.


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