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to understand our realitiy
Name: Michel Van Date: 2002-12-09 16:56:34
Link to this Comment: 4017 |
I want to go on a philosophical tour .
Our world is very divers. Not only in its natural(physical) composition (nature, living species, ..), but also in our observations. What I see is not the same as you see. You interpet what you see, and interpret what I tell you I see. I wonder: what is reality realy?
We have all a masking on reality. We have all our reality.
Recently I witnessed a crash. I knew the victim, she worked at our office.
The crash was witnessed by more then 10 people. Each explained what happened from his point of view. The victim heard afterwards the individual stories..and came so to what happened..she did not know because she was unconscious while the incident happened. She got a film of stories, composing out of them what happened in real time.
This is one way to come to a reality.
But that is not all : my dog knows his world (and partly my world ) by smell and hearing, insects see it by infrared, my child sees it from the ground, my grandad by introspection..All these are masks,masks covering the reality of our world. We will never know reality unless we suceed in tapping all points of view and cluster them in total view. Thats why social and human sciences are so important, that's why culture and knowlege is so , that's why nature conservation matters, and good understanding, communcation/education/...Because they cultivate our brains, because brains are the portal to the omnivalent reality. And at the same time the relativity of us as beings. What a paradox! Any comment or reaction? Let it go.
Name: Daniel Adj Date: 2003-02-14 08:18:24
Link to this Comment: 4596 |
First of all I want to excuse me for my English, I can't speak it so well, but what is reality is an interessting question. You're right every human ans animal has his own reality so he lives in his own World. Evolution made the reality, which most of the Humans believe. They live with their emotions like Love, sorrow, with the believing in Good ans Evil and so on, but they dont know that all these emotion are chemic reaktions with hormones. And if you tell them, that they are nothing only minerals, water and elektronic impulse, they start to lough about. But isn't that a part of the reality? We live in this world but nobody asks why. If you ask me Live is senseles, but humans dont believe in. If you ask them they answer to have fun or to build a nice live for every one. Humans always want to creat "The Perfect Life" but what happens if they "riched" it. What comes than? Will they see that there life is Senseless and it has ever been. But they can't understand it, better: They dont want to. That is why they invented their Religions and Their Soul. My reality is similar to theirs I live like every Human else, but I know, that everything life is build of, is an Illusion.
Name: Daniel Adj Date: 2003-02-14 08:22:21
Link to this Comment: 4597 |
First of all I want to excuse me for my English, I can't speak it so well, but what is reality is an interessting question. You're right every human and animal has his own reality so he lives in his own World. Evolution made the reality, which most of the Humans believe. They live with their emotions like Love, sorrow, with the believing in Good ans Evil and so on, but they dont know that all these emotion are chemic reaktions with hormones. And if you tell them, that they are nothing only minerals, water and elektronic impulse, they start to lough about. But isn't that a part of the reality? We live in this world but nobody asks why. If you ask me Live is senseles, but humans dont believe in. If you ask them they answer to have fun or to build a nice live for every one. Humans always want to create "The Perfect Life" but what happens if they "riched" it. What will come than? Will they see that there life is Senseless and it has ever been. But they can't understand it, better: They dont want to. That is why they invented their Religions and Their Soul. My reality is similar to theirs I live like every Human else, but I know, that everything life is build of, is an Illusion.
eidetic memory
Name: DNT5 Date: 2003-03-04 03:40:11
Link to this Comment: 4936 |
i recently stumbled apon this website. i am in my teens and possessed eidetic memory (popularly known as photographic memory) as a child. The ability faded as i grew untill it completly dissappeared. i have been trying to find ways to regain the ability, but am skeptical there are any answers this early in my search. I am mostly trusting on God that if it is an ability he wants me to have, he will give it to me. if there is anyone else out there like me, please get in contact with me. we can talk about it!!!
Name: Date: 2003-03-07 07:01:50
Link to this Comment: 4983 |
Perhaps I can help you to get this ability back DNT5, but first you must explain, when and what you see, with your internal Eye.
Dickinson Poem
Name: Pam Date: 2003-07-07 13:31:34
Link to this Comment: 5841 |
At first glance the poem suggested that it's substance consisted of a parrallel comparison of the brain's hemispheres. However, while I reviewed and reflected upon Dickinson's poem, a new perspective surfaced. The historical frame developed centuries ago may have assisted the writer in her quest to explain the endless activities and storage of the human bain.
The comparison presented by Dickinson suggested that brain activity and the sky are difficult to be measured by the scientific community during that time period.
Still Exploring
Name: Lois Date: 2003-07-11 09:47:53
Link to this Comment: 5931 |
I am still stuck questioning and seeking some answers in the "two mind" mode.If this other mind is the " unconscienious mind" and we are able to tape into it unknowingly,then is there way a way to go there at ones own free will?
I ask that question because it is my belief that I myself have tape into this unconscienios mode on numerious occassions, and yet have been unable to get there when in a conscienious mode. I was a 4.0 student at Drexel for almost two years, yet when I became conscieniously aware, my grade went down a little, and I felt burned out.
Still Seeking Answers without Having to Take The C
Name: Lois Date: 2003-07-14 09:32:44
Link to this Comment: 5953 |
Friday session was very interesting.I felt as though I was getting a lot more closer in getting some answers that I was seeking as an educator working with younger children.
We discussed depression a little,and Paul said that there were many forms of depression.I would like some more elaboration done on this topic, and of cause the "two minds", as well as the left and right side of the brain.
i am looking forward to once again having a informative week, as well as a interesting.
Response to Questions
Name: Lois Date: 2003-07-16 09:40:17
Link to this Comment: 5997 |
Did our perspective Colleges/Universities prepare us to meet the challenges in exducation?
* For many of us ,no!Will respond verbally if curious about my direct answer.
Colleges/Universities, what should they be doing to help prepare educators?
*Keep up to date as to what is needed in our educational system, and prepare educators from that perspective. Not from their course requirements.
What could the be done to improve education for all of our students, Urban or Suburban?
*I don't believe that there is no one specific answer to this question. Our children are very needy, and therefore we need to be able to address them as they arise.
prisoner's dilemma strategies
Name: Brian Lync Date: 2004-04-20 11:55:29
Link to this Comment: 9482 |
I am a student in an Irish university and I am involved in an artificial intelligence project concerned with the use of AI in the IPD. If anybody has any thoughts they would like to share on this subject eg. strategies, solutions, software used or if anyone knows any useful links I would greatly appreciate it.
Name: Jack McHug Date: 2004-04-26 14:00:05
Link to this Comment: 9602 |
Your article on Shingles was helpful and assuring in telling me I was doing the right thing for my wife. She is 39 and had Shingles for the past week. Thankfully we had it looked at early by an MD who prescribed Valtrex, and Hydrocodone. I then went to my local healfood store Brunswick Naturals in Troy, NY, and purchased a homeopathic remedy for cold sores, #39 made by Newton. As well as a gel to rub on her blisters called Shingles Rescue, put out by a company called Peaceful Mountain. The Dr had recommended Calamine lotion, which I used when the blisters were oozing, then switching to the Shigles Rescue gel when they were dried up. This mixing of modern medicine with homeopathy seems to be the best plan of attack, like the Dr in Canada you mention. Feel free to use my info in your forums.,ps She seems to be on the mend in only 8 days!
Name: d vandale Date: 2004-12-08 21:14:20
Link to this Comment: 11917 |
has michael j fox and mohammed ali ever tried alternative medicine for their parkinsons disease?
Shivambu is no joke people swear by it.
Name: Denise Kes Date: 2005-02-20 19:25:19
Link to this Comment: 13042 |
This is in regard to the comments on reality. We all percieve things very differently. I, how ever believe it is because we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. More food for thought huh?
Name: Emily Date: 2005-11-28 13:55:24
Link to this Comment: 17184 |
ok, so I really was just wondering who the editor of this cite is, because I'me using an essay as a source in my paper, and I can't do my work cited section without knowing who the edidtor of the page is...so if someone could let me know, that would be super. Thanks
Name: Date: 2006-01-24 02:29:21
Link to this Comment: 17767 |
i m a student of psycology.all the information is marvalous.
Hi Paul!
Name: Brett & So Date: 2006-03-23 17:06:39
Link to this Comment: 18674 |
I remember you from years ago. I am a student of Ed Gruberg at Temple. Road has had some turns in it for me since I was diagnosed with MS in 1997, but I had to just drop you a line and say how much I love this website! I posted a link to Serendip from my own website @
http://www.brokenartgallery.com . I'll be back again sometime! :o) I have an art show opening on April 5th which everyone here is welcome to attend - should anyone be near Allentown, PA. More info on my site, but enjoy this monkey meantime! :o)
http://www.careerbuilder.com/monk-e-mail/?mid=5504756 I really love your website. Visit you again! God bless, Brett & Soph'
post tsop
Name: silverlain Date: 2006-04-28 02:38:35
Link to this Comment: 19172 |
it's just a word.
you can even write it backwards.
want to know
Name: frog Date: 2006-07-15 01:51:02
Link to this Comment: 19874 |
what does this website like?i want to know all of them.
please tell me the reason why the date was so late
Forum Archived
Name: Webmaster Date: 2006-10-05 12:33:11
Link to this Comment: 20619 |
This forum has now been archived and is closed to new postings. If you are interested in continuing the conversation, please contact
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