"... articulating the struggle of the bulimic. To the outside world, the bulimic is strong, defiant, confident, and in control. Yet, inner conflict rages like a hurricane. The three women at the lower right represent the full totality of the disease: spiritual, physical, and emotional. I see the disease clearly in the hands; overly elongated and menacing. They hide the truth of our big secret and who we really are."
"Abuse; women as entertainment; putting on a face; 'no strings attached'."
"Anger, loneliness, fear in the character with the white dress. The nails and the person playing the piano on the body of the other image was disturbing, made me ill."
"Fashion magazines contribute significantly to making young girls feel that everything about them is wrong."
"... articulating the struggle of the bulimic. To the outside world, the bulimic is strong, defiant, confident, and in control. Yet, inner conflict rages like a hurricane. The three women at the lower right represent the full totality of the disease: spiritual, physical, and emotional. I see the disease clearly in the hands; overly elongated and menacing. They hide the truth of our big secret and who we really are."
"Abuse; women as entertainment; putting on a face; 'no strings attached'."
"Anger, loneliness, fear in the character with the white dress. The nails and the person playing the piano on the body of the other image was disturbing, made me ill."
"Fashion magazines contribute significantly to making young girls feel that everything about them is wrong."