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Stud Life

About the Film
Year Released: 
Running Time: 

"JJ, a black lesbian stud with mad swagger, and her best friend Seb, a cute white twink, do everything together. When JJ meets a beautiful femme named Elle, Seb warns her that the seductress is trouble, to no avail: JJ is determined to have her, whether she’s seeing someone else or not. As JJ becomes more enamored with Elle and they begin a tumultuous, boundary-pushing relationship, and Seb is busy lusting after online conquests while thwarting the advances of a flamboyant drug dealer, their once solid friendship begins to waver. But Elle has something to hide that JJ can’t wrap her mind around, and Seb’s manly cyber crush isn’t all that he seems. As urban London’s homophobia affects both of their lives in different ways, JJ and Seb must lean on each other and both are forced to reevaluate their own stereotypes and beliefs on love and life."

Smith, Angelique. "Stud Life." Frameline. Accessed December 2 2012.

Poster Image: 
Film Director: 
Production Info
Reported or Estimated Budget: 
Raised $9,430 via IndieGogo. Totally self-financed, “micro, nano, like microscopic budget”
London, England
Other Interesting Production Info: 
Microbudget feature length film—raised money via IndieGogo; shot in 10 days; 13 days of production; two weeks of rehearsal, which included T’Nia living as a stud; two week casting process.
Categories About the Film
art and culture
interracial relations
urban life
Racial/Ethnic Affiliation: 
Filmmaking Team
Writer's Name: 
Campbell X
Stella Nwimo, Nadya Kassam, Lulu Belliveau
Primary Cast: 
T'Nia Miller, Kyle Treslove, Robyn Kerr, Simon Savory
Exhibition/Distribution Info
Wolfe Releasing
Where to find it/How to get it: 
Direct from Distributor
  • World premiere at the BFI London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, 2012
  • Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Film Festival (Outfest) 2012
  • San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival 2012
Personal Film Review and Cultural Context: 

Stud Life takes place in London and follows JJ, a black stud, their white gay friend Seb, and Elle, a black femme and JJ’s love interest. The collision of vastly different sexualities in the film challenges the perception that there is only one way to be a lesbian. JJ embraces this difference: “It takes all sorts to make a lesbian nation.” JJ’s photography captures resistance toward the conventions of sexuality and relationships—one photoshoot stages a civil partnership so a man can avoid deportation. With Campbell’s great direction, the film tastefully and respectfully explores relationships with non-traditional components while presenting the characters as their multi-faceted, complex selves. The sex scenes reveal insightful truths about the characters and how they connect to others aided by the actors’ genuine performances. Elle’s character complicates the representation of femme identity, raising questions about the intersections of race, power, and capitalism.

- Maria Aghazarian