Biology 103
2005 First Web Reports
On Serendip


Biology, 2006

Students were expected, in lieu of midterm examinations, to select topics of interest to themselves and write a short paper based on exploration of materials available on the web. As elsewhere on Serendip, these are intended not as the final word on any topic but rather as expressions of the interests and perspectives of individuals and as windows to available information and perspectives available elsewhere.

Simone BiowDoes Adolescence Make Sense?
Claire BrandonWhy Do We Sweat?
Cristiane de OliveiraColored Hearing: Synesthesia as an Enhanced Reality
Sarah GaleDDT vs. the Mosquito
Karen GinsburgLove to Lose?
Amelia JordanObsessive Compulsive Disorder: A Neurological Model
Masha KapustinaPerspective - What, Where, and Why?
Georgia LawrenceThe Science of Homosexuality
Courtney MalpassTrue or False: Dispelling Myths about Sharks
Meagan McDanielLou Gehrig's Disease
Kelsey McMillenDissociated Controversy
Cayla McNallyEvolutionists: Not the Fathers of Their Ideas
Sarah MellorsWhy Do Some People Develop Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Angely MondestinChocolate? As a Health Benefit?
Hannah MuellerAlready Seen, Already Lived: What is Déjà Vu?
Moira NadalVeganism: What is It, and Is It Nutritionally Healthy?
Kali NobleOrca Social Structure and Whale Dialects
Corey NorcrossThe Dodder - The Thinking Plant that Challenges Classification
Ingrid ParedesRelief, Freedom, and Peace (on crying)
Kaari PittsRace Wars: The Debate on the Importance of Race as a Method of Classification
Mia PrenskyThe Horror of Ragweed and Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis
Priscilla RoneyTeratoma: The Monster that May Lead to the Cure?
Arielle SchecterGaia: The Earth Lives with Us
Kelly SoudachanhThe Abortion Pill
Ananda TriulziAncient Greek Color Vision
Annabella WoodWhat is a Belief?

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