Haverford House:
Contact History of Potential Agencies

AIDS Law Project of PA
Who They Serve:
Contact Info:
Rhonda Goldfine
122 Chestnut St., Suite 1200, Phila. PA, 19107

Contact History:
2/23-- left message

BEBASHI (Blacks Educating Blacks about Sexual Health Issues
Mission: BEBASHI provides culturally sensitive health and prevention information, education, direct services and advocacy to African American communities in metropolitan Philadelphia. BEBASHI focuses on HIV prevention education, HIV prevention counseling, and antibody testing, case management, emergency food and support groups for people living with HIV/AIDS.
Who They Serve: African Am. communities in Philadelphia
Established: 1985
Contact Info:
1233 Locust St., 4th floor, Phila. PA 19107

Contact History:
2/23-- left message

Bethesda Project
Mission: The mission of the Bethesda Project is to find and care for the abandoned poor and to be family for those who have none. Bethesda develops communities where homesless adult women and men can live with freedom and dignity in a famiy atmosphere. Bethesda provides housing, material goods, support services, and leadership to sustain communities, and enable people to care for and support one another. The project runs a shelter, My Brother¹s House, in Center City, Philadelphia, which focuses on outreach and short-term hospitality. Bethesda also has six residences, longer term housing space for 127 formerly homeless people. Two of the residences are single ­sex, one is co-ed, and another serves men in recovery from addiction. The program operates on the conviction that the poorest and most alone are our brothers and sisters.
Who They Serve: The abandoned poor.
Contact Info:
Jennifer Gaffey (Morissette?)
Bethesda Project
700 South 15th St
Phila PA 19146
(215)985-1600 or 985-1004

Contact History:
2/23-- spoke w/ Jennifer; wants us to e-mail her with more info. she¹s interested
2/23-- e-mailed her

Catholic Worker
Mission: The worker houses provide food, shelter, literacy tutoring programs, material aid, and youth programs as ways to stand with the urban poor. The Philadelphia Catholic Worker house, named for Sister Peter Claver, is located in a low-income, multi-racial neighborhood in North Philadelphia. During the school year, the house runs an after-school tutoring program and weekend programs for kids. They also run summer programs for children.
Who They Serve: The people living in their neighborhood, anyone who comes to their door.
Established: The Catholic Worker movement was founded in the 1930s.
Contact Info:
Magda Eliasovia or Karen Lenz

Contact history:
2/23-- spoke w/ Karen Lenz on phone; she's very interested; she doesn't know how much $$ they would have to help w/ stipend, but it is "negotiable". Keep contact w/ her! She invited anyone who is interested to come to weekly liturgy on Wednesdays at 6pm.

Center for Literacy
Mission: The Center for Literacy is the nation's largest and Pennsylvania's oldest community-based, nonprofit adult literacy organizations. Since 1968, CFL has helped thousands of individuals and families achieve self-sufficiency, economic potential and self-esteem with instruction in reading, writing, math and English as a second language. Today, CFL serves approximately 2,800 learners annually. These are individuals who want to improve their skills in order to enhance their lives as community members, parents and workers.
Who They Serve: Philadelphia community members in need of literacy & lifeskills guidance
Established: 1968
Contact Info:
JoAnn Weinberger, Dir.
636 South 48th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19143

Contact History:
2/23-- left message
2/26-- Judy Taylor returned call (on machine) and is VERY interested (215-474-1835)
3/2-- at networking fair, I spoke with Rick Markham (H.R. Director) who said to get in touch with him regarding program (email: markham@centerforliteracy.org; phone: 215-474-1235 ext. 275)

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia- HIV/AIDS division
Who They Serve:
Contact Info:
Jim Vagnoni

Contact history:
2/23-- e-mailed to confirm continued interest in HH

Committee for Dignity & Fairness for the Homeless
Mission: General support to provide housing and life skills development to formerly homeless families.
Who They Serve: the homeless population of Philadelphia
Contact Info:
Mrs. Beverly Roberts
7208 Germantown Ave., Phila. PA 19119

Contact History:
2/23-- left message
3/5-- Annie Murphy called me back and wants me to email her details, which I did (dignityam@starlinx.com)
3/16-- Annie Murphy emailed, saying she will contact us soon to discuss more

Mission: ³The Community Occupational Readiness & Placement Program a non-profit corporation committed to providing job-related assistance to those most in needŠ The prupose of the CORPP program is to assist the participant in making a realistic entry/re-entry into the world of work. We also allow the participant to learn transferrable skills, not only in understanding the practical application of math and reading skills, but also in intangible terms such as dealing with authority, striving for excellence through discipline, i.e., Š better academic performance and finally to prepare to assume responsibility for his/her life and the Œdecision-making-processes¹ which will lead to individual self-sufficiency²
Who They Serve: Anyone who comes to them or is sent to them including: those in transition from drug and alcohol treatment programs, the homeless, high school dropouts, funtional illiterates, parenting teenagers, economically deprived young people, and others.
Contact Info:
Clifton J. Williams
1217 Sansom St
7th Floor Biddle Building
Phila PA 19107

Contact History:
3/1-- wrote letter to send details and check interest

The Employment Project
Mission: The Employment Project is a nonprofit employment service for homeless and disadvantaged people in Philadelphia, PA. It was founded by homeless people from the Committee for Dignity and Fairness for the Homeless shelter and student volunteers from the Eight Dimension program at Haverford College. The project offers an employability skills training program that operates in a 4-8 week cycle.
Who They Serve: over 2,500 clients annually
Contact Info:
Leona Smith
246 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Phone: 215-923-1694
Fax: 215-923-5960
Email: Lenci1@aol.com

Contact History:
2/28-- I mailed letter w/ details (b/c email didn't work)

Friends Committee to Abolish the Death Penalty
Mission: ³FCADP seeks to use innovative methods to apply the principles of restorative justice, not retribution. We encourage reflection, discussion and most importantly activismŠ from visiting both death-row prisoners and their victims¹ families, to meetings with neighborhood groups and elected officials, to public demonstrations.²
Who They Serve:
Established:: in 1993 is a national Quaker organization
Contact Info:
1501 Cherry St
Phila PA 19102

Contact History:
2/23-- e-mailed to check interest

Friends Neighborhood Guild
Mission: ³The Friends Neighborhood Guild is a settlement house and neighborhood center, which exists to serve and respond to the needs of the people in its community, particularly those people who are less able to help themselves. Pursuant to that mission, the Guild provides social services, seeks to improve the quality of life of its neighbors, and assists in the development of leadership and organization, through which community residents may more effectively pursue their common objectives.²
Who They Serve: People in the Central North Philly neighborhood who need their assistance.
Established:in 1879 by a small group of Quakers.
Contact Info:
Denise Collier
703 N 8th St
Phila PA 19123
(215)923-1544/ (215)923-2502

Contact History:
2/23-- left message
3/2-- at networking fair, I spoke with Richelle Phillips (Dir. of Youth Services) who said she is a good person to contact regarding HH; she asks that we send info. her way (phone: 215-923-4115; fax: 215-923-4119)

Friends Rehabilitation Program, Inc.
Mission: ³The organization¹s purposes were to provide housing and related facilities and services for the elderly, families, and persons on a non-profit basis; to plan, construct, operate, manage, maintain, rehabilitate, alter, convert, and improve housing; and to combat community deterioration by engaging in the redevelopment or rehabilitation of property.²
Who They Serve: Friends Rehabilitation Program, Inc. currently owns, and operates 387 apartments for the elderly, handicapped, families and formerly homeless.
Established: in 1961 as the Friends Guild Rehabilitation Program, Inc., the name was changed in 1989 to what it is today.
Contact Info:
Jim Wilcox (Dir)
Friends Rehabilitation Program, Inc.
1221 Fairmont Ave
Phila PA 19123-2412
(215) 232-1924

Contact History:
2/23-- spoke w/ Andy Heyer (phone) who said they're very interested; keep in contact w/ them by phone, esp. regarding $$

Healthy Beginnings Family Support Services
Mission: They run programs for developmentally delayed children (age 0-5). In addition, they have child abuse prevention programming and parenting programs.
Who They Serve:
Contact Info:
Dr. Peckham
259 S 43rd St., Phila. PA 19104

Contact History:
2/23-- left message & e-mailed
2/28-- she returned call & left message on my machine; I sent Kaye her info. to return call

Homeless Advocacy Project
Mission: The Philadelphia Bar Association's Homeless Advocacy Project's mission is to provide free legal services through volunteers to homeless people, and to non-profit community groups developing affordable housing and other services for the homeless.
Who They Serve: homeless in Philadelphia
Established: 1990
Contact Info:
Marcia Cohen
1424 Chestnut St., Phila. PA 19102

Contact History:
2/23-- left message
3/1-- she returned call and said they are NOT interested b/c intern needs to be paralegal or lawyer

Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems
Mission:The organization is a "premier provider of comprehensive behavioral health services through the Mid-Atlantic States". An internship may involve behavioral intervention to children/adolescents with emotional and/or behavioral difficulties; intern ("Therapeautic Staff Support") will follow treatment and behavior plans as designed by a behavior specialist.
Who They Serve: children and adolescents with emotional and/or behavioral difficulties
Contact Info:
Jennifer Abeloff, Coordinator Philadelphia County
Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems
225 South 69th St.
Upper Darby, PA 19082
fax: 610-352-8880

Contact History:
3/1-- at networking fair, I spoke w/ Amy Bollenbacher (Coordinator for Del. Co.) who told me about the TSS position (which is paid) and said they would probably love to work with us; she said to contact Jennifer Abeloff w/ more details

Horizon House
Mission: ."Horizon House, Inc., in partnership with disabled individuals and their families, provides and advocates comprehensive, community-based rehabilitation services to create opportunities for those served to manage their lives through environments emphasizing individual strength and choice." Horizon House provides mental health and substance abuse services, which include both non-residential and residential programs. Horizon House, itself, is a conglomeration of numerous distinct yet intertwined affiliates, with more than 50 residential facilities across Philadelphia
Who They Serve: persons with mental illness and/or substance abuse problems
Established: founded in 1952 by members of the Society of Friends who were motivated by their concern for the plight of persons with mental illness
Contact Info:
Horizon House, Inc.
120 S. 30th St.
Philadelpha, PA 19104-3403
phone: 215-386-3838
fax: 215-386-8262

Contact History:
3/1-- at networking fair, I spoke with H.R. Director who gave me details of their program; she wants me to fax our information to them

Intercultural Family Services, Inc.
Mission: ³Through culturally competent services, we stabilize, strengthen, and unite families and diverse communities using public and private partnerships. Recognizing the power of diversity, IFSI¹s Board and staff are of various Africa, Asian, Latino and European descent. As a result, we have the capacity to translate and interpret in more than two dozen primary languages. IFSI provides an array of community-based health and social services, and a constant exchange of training, educational, artistic, cultural and civic experiences. IFSI builds on the strengths inherent in the cultural heritage and values of its program participants.
Who They Serve: families of Philadelphia
Established: 1979
Contact Info:
Myra Brown, H.R. Director
4225 Chestnut St., Phila. PA 19104

Contact History:
2/23-- left message
2/27-- returned call and wants us to send info.; I will draw up a letter to mail to them
2/28-- I mailed letter w/ details
3/1-- at networking fair, I picked up info.

Mission: ³We work to provide direct nutritional support and education to persons living with HIV/AIDS in Philadelphia, Delaware County or Southern New Jersey. We provide each Monday through Saturday- free of charge- three nutritious meals, as well as opportunities for caring individuals to take loving support and comfort into the homes of friends and neighbors living with HIV/AIDS. Additionally we provide nutrition education and counseling to providers and consumers of HIV-related services.²
Who They Serve: People living with HIV/AIDS
Established: in 1990
Contact Info:
Tania Castro- Volunteer Support Specialist
PO Box 30181
Phila PA 19103
(215)496-2662 ext. 141
physical address: 12 S 23rd St (between Chestnut and Market)

Contact History:
3/1-- wrote letter with detail info to check interest

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