Haverford House:
Contact History of Potential Agencies continued

Maternity Care Coalition
Mission: ³The mission of Maternity Care Coalition is to improve maternal and child health and wellbeing through the collaborative efforts of individuals, families, providers and communities²
Who They Serve: Pregnant women, new parents, infants,and their families in high-risk communities.
Established: in 1980 by professionals and lay people concerned with the appalling rate of infant mortality and morbidity in Philadelphia.
Contact Info:
Sandy Martin- Coordinator of Volunteers
Maternity Care Coalition
2000 Hamilton St, Ste 205
Phila PA 19130

Contact History:
2/23-- e-mailed to check interest
2/26-- received email from S.M. saying she is interested and getting more details

Mural Arts Program:
Mission: The Mural Arts Program, part of the Philadelphia Department of Recreation, ³has a tremendous impact on the city and its residents: through the elimination of graffiti, the beautification of city neighborhoods and by providing positive alternatives for former wall writers.
Who They Serve: Different communities across the city.
Established: in 1984 as a part of the Philadelphia Anti-Graffiti Network.
Contact Info:
Jane Golden Heriza- Artistic Director
Cindy Burstein: 215-683-3689
Philadelphia Department of Recreation
Mural Arts Program
1515 Arch St
10th Floor
Phila PA 19102

Contact History:
2/23-- left message
2/27-- she replied to my email and wants more info.; I am sending e-mail

Nonprofit Technology Resources
Mission: ³NTR provides computer consulting, hands-on training, used computer hardware, and technical support to over 200 nonprofit organizations annually in the Greater Philadelphia region. We are the only computer consulting and training organization in the area devoted exclusively to nonprofit organizations and the people they serve.²
Who They Serve: NPOıs and the people they serve
Contact Info:
Stan Pokras

Contact History:
2/23-- e-mailed to check interest
2/27-- he replied, but I have not responded (he sounds very interested)

Norris Square Neighborhood Project
Mission: A community center in Northeast Philadelphia, it serves a predominantly Puerto Rican neighborhood.
Who They Serve: The people who live in the community
Contact Info:
Sister Carol
2141 Howard St
Philadelphia PA 19122

Contact History:
3/1-- I sent letter w/ details and to check interest

Peopleıs Emergency Center
Mission: ³PEC is Pennsylvania's oldest and most comprehensive social service agency for homeless women, teenagers, and their children. We work one-on-one with women and children to help rebuild their lives and increase their opportunities for a better future. PEC's "continuum of care" for these families includes emergency food and shelter, transitional housing, case management, parenting and life skills, child care, teen programs, welfare-to-work programs, and permanent housing opportunities. Founded in 1972, PEC has served nearly 6,000 homeless women and children. More than 90% of those who complete PEC's program never return to homelessness.²
Who They Serve: homeless women and children of Philadelphia
Established: 1972
Contact Info:
Rebecca Hunter, H.R. Dir.
3902 Spring Garden St., Phila. PA 19104

Contact History:
2/23-- left message

Mission: A nonprofit organization that works to end hunger and malnutrition in the Greater Philadelphia region by rescuing surplus food and distributing it to local organizations serving people in need.
Who They Serve: The agencies around the city that serve people in need and therefore indirectly people in need. Food is delivered to over 180 community organizations in their network. They have served an estimated 130,000 people in the last year.
Contact Info:
Cassandra Carponter- Volunteer Coordinator

Contact History:
2/23-- e-mailed to check interest

Philadelphia Children's Alliance
Mission: The Philadelphia Children's Alliance (PCA) acts to prevent further trauma to abused children, and to assure that each child receives the services he or she needs. PCA staff focus on the child and act as the primary point of contact between the child and the various agencies providing needed services. The PCA offers a warm, home-like setting where the child can feel safe. Serving the entire city of Philadelphia from one central location, the not-for-profit PCA works to assure each child the immediate attention and care he or she needs. The PCA does this while minimizing the unnecessary emotional trauma that can result from fragmented services and repetitive interviews. Among the services offered through the PCA are: Joint Law Enforcement/Child Protection Service Interview; Medical Referrals; Mental Health Evaluations; Legal Referrals; Specialized Victim Services; Multidisciplinary Training; Support Groups; Community Services; Information Resource Center; Crisis Intervention
Who They Serve:: children of Philadelphia
Contact Info:
Chris Kirchner, Dir.
4000 Chestnut St., 2nd floor, Phila. PA 19104

Contact History:
2/23-- left message & e-mailed Chris

Philadelphia Reads
Mission: PHILADELPHIA READS, under the leadership of Mayor John F. Street, is part of the national America Reads Challenge to assure that all public school children read well and independently by the end of third grade. It is a collaborative effort with the School District and the Free Library of Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA READS mobilizes individuals, organizations, institutions, community groups, colleges and universities, and communities of faith to provide time, materials, books and other resources for in-school, after-school and summer programs to complement the School District's programs.
Who They Serve: public school children
Contact Info:
Office of the Mayor

Contact History:
2/23-- emailed to check interest

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Mission: ³Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania (PPSP) believes that every child should be a wanted child. Then women and men can achieve self-determination, and families and society will be strong. Our Mission is to protect and enhance reproductive freedom, to increase access to reproductive health care services and information, and to promote sexual health.²
Who They Serve: men, women, and children of Philadelphia
Contact Info:
Donna Millan
Project H.O.M.E.
Mission: The mission of the Project H.O.M.E. community is to empower persons to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty, to address structural causes of poverty, and to enable all of us to attain our fullest potential as individuals and as members of the broader society. We achieve this through the provision of a continuum of care comprised of street outreach; a range of supportive housing facilities; and comprehensive services including health care, education, and employment. We also address the root causes of homelessness through neighborhood revitalization programs, including affordable housing development; employment training and opportunities; adult and youth education; health care;and environmental enhancement. Project H.O.M.E. strives to create a stable and secure environment where we support each other in our struggles for self-esteem, recovery and the confidence to move toward self-actualization. The work of Project H.O.M.E. is rooted in our strong spiritual conviction of the dignity of each person. We at Project H.O.M.E. believe that the ultimate answer to the degradation of homelessness and poverty is in the building of community. Therefore, we undertake all our work in a spirit of building relationships and community. We are also committed to nurturing a spirit of community among persons from all walks of life, all of whom have a role to play in making this a more just and compassionate society. We believe that the work to end homelessness and poverty enhances the quality of life for everyone in our community.
Who They Serve: The homeless and poverty-striken of Philadelphia
Established: 1988
Contact Info:
Laura Pritchard, H.R. Director
215-382-1622, ext. 213

Contact History:
2/23: spoke on the phone; very interested!!! Would love to continue discussion, especially soon since their budgetting is coming up; told her I would e-mail when we know more about expectations of $$ for agencies; I e-mailed her today w/ basic information about HH
3/1-- at networking fair, I spoke with Corinne... she said she'd make sure to tell Laura that she'd met me

Quaker Information Center
Mission: ³The QIC at Friends Center in Philadelphia provides: information and referral services regarding Quaker topics, events, organizations, and programs; display and dissemination of numerous Quaker publications; outreach to both Friends and Non-Friends; Hospitality for visitors to Friends Center, including tours. Who They Serve: Anyone who comes in looking for information on Quakerism.
Contact Info:
Peggy Morscheck
Quaker Information Center
1501 Cherry St
Phila PA 19102

Contact History:
3/1-- I mailed letter w/ details and checking interest

Southwest Community Enrichment Center
Mission: The Southwest Community Enrichment Center is a community-based human service organization that provides a broad range of services to very low-income residents of the Kingsessing section of Philadelphia. SCEC provides meals for senior citizens and for needy men, women, and children; visits and services for homebound seniors; computer training for youth and adults; after-school and summer programs for children; parenting classes for adults; and supports political activity in the neighborhood. The center includes an active community arts center, the members of which provide amamzing art that tells the stories of neighborhood people. SCEC;s philosophy of service emphasizes the self-worth of each inidividual and the importance of empowering people to realize their full potential.
Who They Serve: The people who live in the community.
Contact Info:
Miss Coffey
1341 S 46th St
Phila PA 19143

Contact History
3/1-- I mailed letter w/ details to check interest

Tabor Childrenıs Services
Mission: : Tabor Services Inc. is committed to the provision of family-focused, culturally-competent, cost-effective services that insure the safety of children and youth, enhance their development and foster the integrity of the family. The city facility is the primary site for the outpatient mental health clinic and also houses the Philadelphia foster care program, adoption, in-home services, adolescent initiative program and Philadelphia family preservation offices.
Who They Serve: youth of Philadelphia & Doylestown
Established: Tabor Services Inc., founded in 1907, originated as Tabor Home for Children under the auspices of the Tabor Lutheran Church in Philadelphia, Pa.
Contact Info:
Gerry Heim
215-842-4800 or 215-348-4071, ext. 204
4700 Wissahicken Ave., Bldg. H, Suite 117, Phila. PA 19144

Contact History:
2/23-- left message
2/27-- she returned my call, saying they will have administrative positions open, but nothing really in field work; we will keep each other aware of situations; I e-mailed her details
2/28-- email didn't go through, so I'm mailing a letter w/ details
3/7-- Gerry Heim emailed asking about details of program (ex: what kind of degree will participants have? etc); I returned her email 3/16-- Jerri Brooks (assoc. exec. dir.) sent letter and wants to talk more with us about setting up internship (* give info to Kaye!); he wants us to call him (215-842-4800) or email (jerribrooks@philadelphia.tabor.org)

United Communities Southwark House
Mission: The Southwark House is a United Way community center in Southeastern Phildelphia that borders a white working class community, a poor and working-class African-American community, and a community of Cambodian and Vietnamese immigrants. The centerıs services include a preschool, an after-school program for public and parochial school shildren, a 6-week summer camp, GED and ESL classes, a food cupboard, a seniorıs social group, and community outreach. In all of these programs, Southwark House tries to model ways that conflict and difference can be handled respectfully and lovingly, and to support a sense of community and hope.
Who They Serve: The people in all of these different communities.
Contact Info:
Kathy Saxton (director)
101 Ellsworth St
Philadelphia PA 19147
e-mail: ucsaxton@earthlink.net

Contact History:
2/23-- interested, but cannot afford to pay an intern; please keep her in mind if our situation changes such that we can support intern fully; I e-mailed her w/ details about program

The Village of Arts and Humanities:
Mission: The Village of Arts and Humanities seeks to build community through its innovative arts, education, construction, and social programs. In all of its projects and activities, the Village seeks
to do justice to the humanity of people who live in North Philadelphia and in similar inner city situations. Who They Serve:The poor of North Philadelphia. Many of their programs are for children including camps and after-school arts programs.
Established: in 1986 by Lily Yeh. The program has grown from a park building project to an arts institution.
Contact Info:
Heidi Warman, heidi@villagearts.com
2544 Germantown Ave
Phila PA 19113

Contact History:
2/23-- spoke w/ Heidi who is very interested (has worked with other HC students previously, which has worked out well); stay in touch! I e-mailed her today w/ basics
3/1-- at networking fair, I met Heidi who reiterated interest; as a side note: she is leaving the Village in May, so we will have new contact person then

The West Philadelphia Partnership
Mission: The WPP's mission is residential, educational, and economic revitalization through community participation and empowerment. They hope to enhance the quality of life for those who live and work in the area. Central to achieving its mission, the WPP acts as a depository and clearinghouse of information, as a facilitator, a mediator of different intersts, and as a catalyst in developing, focusing and coordinating human, technological and financial resources.
Who They Serve:
Contact Info:
Jennia Muskit, Dir.

Contact History:
2/23-- spoke & e-mailed her w/ details

The West Philadelphia Partnership- Community Development Corporation
Mission: The Partnership CDC (Community Development Corporation) is dedicated to addressing the issues of affordable housing and economic development in West and Southwest Philadelphia. We work with a variety of community partners to have great impact in our neighborhoods. With major support from PECO Energy Company and the Philadelphia Neighborhood Development Collaborative (PNDC), which provides operational support for community development corporations, The Partnership CDC has developed a team approach to project management and has created a strong organization committed to its mission. Our core values of open communication, honesty, integrity and respect are benchmarks for all partnerships and internal relationships.
Who They Serve: communities in west and southwest Philadelphia
Established:Nov. 1992
Contact Info:
Blaine Stoddart, Dir.
4020 Market St., Phila. PA, 19104

Contact History:
2/23-- left message; I also e-mailed him
2/27-- he returned call (left message) and I gave Kaye info to call him back; he is very interested in working with us

The William Way Community Center
Mission: The William Way Community Center strives to promote self-acceptance for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals living in the Philadelphia area. The Center provides social, cultural, educational, health and wellness services for the LGBT community. Programs include: archives, bingo, community calendar, drop-in legal clinic, Friday Night Café, front desk information and referral, gallery, gay and lesbian peer counseling, GED tutoring, library and reading room, movie night, speakerıs bureau, Team Philadelphia, town meetings, weekend renovation crew, womenıs coming out support group, scrabble, theater arts, and various and numerous support groups.
Who They Serve:: The LGBT community
Contact Info:
Ben Malbeck
Volunteer/Program Coordinator
1315 Spruce St
Philadelphia PA 19107

Contact History:
2/23-- spoke w/ Claire but directed me to Ben Malbeck (message); I e-mailed him
2/28-- Ben Malbeck called and he will email info about their internship program

Womenıs International League for Peace and Freedom Mission: WILPF works to acheive through peaceful means world disarmament, full rights for women, racial and economic justice, an end to all forms of violence, and to establish those political, social, and psychological conditions which can assure peace, freedom, and justice for all.
Who They Serve:
Established: The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom was founded in 1915 during World War I, with Jane Addams as its first president.
Contact Info:
Kate Kasper
1213 Race St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107-1691
fax: 215-563-5527

Contact History:
2/23-- emailed to check interest
2/28-- wrote letter b/c email didn't go through