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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities

Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.

This web exhibit was first built in 2000 by Patricia Anne Kinser, Haverford College, under the direction of Paul Grobstein, Bryn Mawr College. The updated version of Comparative Neuroanatomy and Intelligence is now online at This old version has been archived in place, and will continue to be available for teachers and students who are using it.

On this page are the following types of brain, from which the web site will begin: human, dolphin/whale, ape, rat, cat/dog, sheep, frog/fish. The pictures will be according to comparative size (i.e. human brain is larger than rat brain).
Human Brain Monkey Brain
Dolphin Brain Sheep Brain
Cat Brain Mouse Brain

As the pictures above reveal, the brains of mammals come in a large variety of sizes, shapes, and degrees of complexity. Why are they so varied? In what ways do different brains differ from one another? Do larger brains give greater adaptability to their owners? How are the observed differences in brain's external appearance reflected in their internal structure? Are different brains wired differently or made up of different materials? These are the questions we will explore as we make our way through this brain adventure...

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