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ADHD - Inattentive type
Name: Charles T. Date: 2002-05-24 11:26:44
Link to this Comment: 2129 |
For your info, here's a new ADHD resource site:
Here's a brief overview of how I deal with ADHD - Inattentive type:
A little background - Charles T. Wild
Ever heard of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) syndrome? It's gone through a large number of name changes over the last fifty years. Previous terms have included: ADD, Hyperactivity, Hyperkinesis, MBDysfunction, and Minimal Brain Damage. There are several types of ADHD and I have the rarest: it's called ADHD - Inattentive type predominantly. With me, there is little or no impulsivity or hyperactivity present which is part of the other types of ADHD. The symptoms which I experienced were a high level of involuntary distractibility, a subtle hearing challenge/communication challenge called CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder), and a very short attention span (measureable in seconds). ADHD can be severe, moderate, or mild. Mine is mild. I am one of those persons who responds extremely well to the right alerting agent which works quite well for limited periods of time (like about 4 hours or less and the second dose does not work as well as the first). For me an FDA approved alerting agent, a special caffeine compound made by Bristol-Myers (NoDoz, 100 mg caffeine, St. Louis, MO type only) works better than Ritalin, a factual observation which surprised my doctor, Anita Uhl Brothers, M.D., of Berkeley, California, who allowed me to better understand how in some people, an underaroused central nervous system present from birth can be temporarily boosted and mended with the right ADHD medicine, most often a central nervous system stimulant of some kind. One of my favorite movies is "Awakenings" with Robin Williams, based on a true story and the book by Oliver Sacks, M.D. In the movie "Awakenings" it shows a very dramatic short term response to a medicine which allowed people with severe motor difficulties to move a lot better for short periods of time like about 30 days or less when tolerance developed to the medicine and the medicine no longer was effective. I tend to live with that type of response, the medicine can relieve the ADHD symptoms for a few hours a day but not for the entire day. In some ways I am very lucky because there is a small group of those with ADHD where the medicines only work for about 1 hour. The ADHD medicine for me temporarily improves my fine motor control, especially on the left side of my body, apparently by changing the level of neurotransmitters involved with human movement including the chemical messenger dopamine. The reticular formation of the brain stem governs the level of attention and is a factor in some cases of ADHD/Attention Deficit. Oversimplified a little yet still in the ballpark, the underlying cause of ADHD is believed to be a spotty neuron. Good nutrition helps a little so I believe in the idea of a fresh, whole foods, additive-free approach to daily nutrition; however, bottomline, the only thing that really helped me was finding the right ADHD medicine which for me contained the alerting agent, caffeine. I was born in 1946 but it was only in 1978 when all the puzzle pieces tended to come together and I could understand what ADHD was and what it really wasn't. The credit goes to Dr. Brothers, M.D., of Berkeley, California, the first doctor who had the background needed to provide some of the answers, remedies, and solutions needed for me to understand and deal with ADHD a little better. That's my view. Email: ctw1940@jps.net
Name: John Bapty Date: 2002-05-29 04:18:02
Link to this Comment: 2137 |
Humanity is anchored in the conscious sphere, represented by self-will. It lives by using its conscious mind, strongly influenced by instinct. The conscious mind is incapable of truth as is demonstrated by the fact that it may be used by instinctive self-will. Our insanity stems from the fact that, lacking true guidance, their conscious minds enable human individuals to follow instincts which their high intelligence should make redundant, to adopt any faith, form any opinion, take any action they choose, restrained, perhaps, only by the 'still small voice of conscience'. This is the 'free will' which, together with all the instances of reckless conscious thinking which Laura Cody mentions, contribute to man's insanity. Laura Cody also says 'awareness is what fuels humanity's insanity'. Yes, because the conscious mind cannot make true sense of that awareness.
It is a remarkable fact that we unknowingly rely on a mind which is unreliable. The conscious mind cannot be relied upon because it can be used for any purpose. It can be taught, instructed, conditioned, manipulated - and by what? By a self which has a will but no mind, and which is merely a means of arbitrary choice and decision, without the benefit of true guidance.
That faculty which makes us potentially a truly intelligent species, the postconscious mind, is capable of truth, or humantruth. That is its sole function, but we ignore it except for its conscience, and we know well enough that it is impossible to follow true conscience when in the grip of a false framework of living. Our true human nature is to submit the self and conscious mind utterly to the true guidance of the postconscious mind - to be supraconscious. Our will would then no longer be free to 'do wrong', but to 'do right'. Necessary to our then sustaining the state of supraconsciousness would be a humantrue world framework of life.
The foundation of this reasoning can be found on www.humantruth.org
Neuron Potentials
Name: Dana,Gerry Date: 2002-07-10 13:52:55
Link to this Comment: 2208 |
Students may not always be in control of their behaviors. therefore as Teachers we must consider the possibilities of involuntary outputs.
free will
Name: kali bax Date: 2002-10-15 23:04:12
Link to this Comment: 3272 |
the choices made in the free will experiement are affected by the set up of the experiment. The yellow section maintain the border of the image and at first glance appears as the background the the green arrows.
Power of Mind
Name: Marissa Li Date: 2003-01-27 17:38:40
Link to this Comment: 4277 |
It never ceases to amaze me how very powerful the brain (mind) and subsequently the nervous system are. As a child and still to this day I still drive myself crazy through the cyclical thought process of how the brain and nervous system work, and their capabilities and capacities. Throughout this thought process I also realize that such thoughts themselves were all coming from the same place, (obviously) however when one actually sits and considers the authority that the brain and nervous system have over the body, it is overwhelming.
For the time being I am one of those that agreed with Emily Dickinson's poem. I do feel that the brain is all encompassing for without it, we would not be able to think or fathom such things. I cannot count how many times, as a lefty, I have been told to attempt to use the other side of my brain, or how many times people have stated the idea that the average human being only uses ten percent of their brain capacity. To me I was always baffled by such a statistic considering how much information we store on a daily basis, in memory, and simple material picked up throughout life. If the brain only functions at ten percent, where is that other ninety percent going, and will we ever really use it, or are we even meant to use it? Currently, my own brain is shooting out ideas and notions as I write this and simultaneously striking many ideas down in the process, which to me clearly signifies that it is somewhat busy enough in concentration to even access more capacity.
In class we are told to be incorrect quite often, but what defines incorrect? Since it is merely the brain and nervous system that created the "right" and "wrong," than what or who is to judge accuracy? I say "what," because a "who" is functioning within the realm of the brain and nervous system. I find it impossible to truly find any sort of condolence in this course, because all it will do is force me to think and analyze exactly what makes me think and analyze. This, in my mind, is amazing, yet, equally frightening. The brain and nervous system are all powerful and encompassing, and the debate that will forever run on in my head regardless of what is learned is how strong and powerful the brain and nervous system actually are, if there will ever be a way to harness them, and should we want to?
racism and humiliation
Name: Stephen Sn Date: 2003-02-09 16:24:05
Link to this Comment: 4495 |
Hi. In going through the Prisoner's Dilemma, I am trying to piece together some thoughts I have about the relationships among the subtle forms (and not as subtle) of racism, humiliation and the ptential for community building. I am interested in the impact of humiliation <-->racism on the American psyche from a Jungian point of view and the potential to help people grow through these issues and make positive changes.
To that end, I am working on a group project as a graduate student in counseling that would apply these ideas. However, I am struggling to find resources that are both useful and practical that can help me both understand what I am getting at and translate it so that a group can use a process to gain from it.
ANY help is appreciated!
Stephen Snow
Blind Spots
Name: Daniel Date: 2003-02-10 17:02:58
Link to this Comment: 4514 |
How is it possible to sometimes have two blind spots in one eye? if anyone has the answer please send it to:
Not sure about Free Will in this example
Name: Dale P. Ca Date: 2003-03-25 22:38:31
Link to this Comment: 5176 |
Personally, I believe I was influenced by the darker colors of the arrows in the horizontal line, green and red. The arrows pointing up in the logo were also dark and stood out.
Name: Tony Mathi Date: 2003-04-09 08:11:03
Link to this Comment: 5337 |
I cannot get the Try button to operate correctly and consisstently. I saw the target once, but clicked on "Close this window." Thereafter, "Try" no longer worked at all. I tried Refresh, but that did not help.
I have a question
Name: Paul Butte Date: 2003-04-27 14:41:11
Link to this Comment: 5526 |
I saw the green and yellow arrows at the same time the yellow going to the right and the green going to the left. I am curious about that it was not one of the answers. thanks Paul
Name: kerstin de Date: 2003-04-28 17:11:51
Link to this Comment: 5536 |
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a Marymount University student and have just finished a blindsight participation experiment for a psychology class. Unfortunately, my statistical alalysis skills are lacking. I need your help!
I had 10 fellow classmates participate (they all signed consent forms) in the blindsight experiment. Each participant tried 20 times and I have the print out of results for all 10. I just dont know how to analyze the data andeventually submit to my professor (who mentioned chi square analysis).
For example: participant 1 Expected within circle 25%. Score of 20 hits 60% -of 8 seen 100% of 0 maybe seen . of 12 not seen 33%.
I have 9 additional pages of data and would appreciate instruction on how to properly interpret statistically.
Thank you for your time in advance.
Kerstin Depaoli
MArymount University
Name: Axel Nissi Date: 2003-06-03 02:04:47
Link to this Comment: 5743 |
Hey, I played 82 games, the results are... bizarre:
Seen 100%
maybe seen 96%
not seen 90%
is that possibly correct?
Axel Nissim
Name: Amy Date: 2003-06-16 04:24:15
Link to this Comment: 5758 |
i got 50% on the ones i was sure i didnt see. this is great, i was pretty much just guessing but had an incling of where to go, even though i didnt experience seeing the flash.
Name: Claudio Date: 2003-06-25 03:16:39
Link to this Comment: 5778 |
50 trys
25 seen 95% right
1 maybe seen 0% right
24 not-seen 20% right
Name: Alan Epste Date: 2003-06-29 15:33:15
Link to this Comment: 5790 |
I could not see anything, and the instructions were vague enough that I am not sure if I if I was doing it right. Please clarify instructions.
Vision test
Name: Dan Organe Date: 2003-07-02 18:31:51
Link to this Comment: 5799 |
Well, I have had military tests, and this comes close, if not more comprehensable. The test was pretty informative for me, and apparently I didn't do too badly.. Out of 5 runs, the only way I could actually see the thing, was with the sliders all the way to the right. Even with these settings, I had an overall 23% rating. I guess either I need to practice, or I need a good eye exam. Please feel free to e-mail me at organek@bigriver.net
Dan Organek.
I Am
Name: Carol Tyso Date: 2003-07-07 10:05:13
Link to this Comment: 5807 |
A teacher at Turner Middle School in Southwest Phila.I am in my fifteenth year of teaching.My currnet Position at the school is as SLCC for the Health and Nutrition Community.At present I am waiting for an appointment as an Ass.Principal within Philadelphia.However,I have really broadened my search to the surrounding suburban areas.Thus far my summer has been exciting and quite busy.I have several interesting experiences planned;including a seminar on starting your own business.
My reasons for taking this seminar are many.Most importantly is my desire to better "reach" the students that I am responsible for each day.I believe that as we continue to"debate"societal differences and Ills,an entire generation is "slipping"away from us all.I believe that each person is responsible for making the planet a better place;for at the very end of our lives we ask "why was I here? what have I done? what was my Purpose?"
Thoughts about Emily Dickinso's Program
Name: Nia Turner Date: 2003-07-07 13:29:22
Link to this Comment: 5835 |
The idea that everything is in the brain is interesting to me, and reminds me of the Matrix. This notion makes me rethink life. What if life is a manefestation of the brain? Imagine if this journey called life is just a test, and that some outside being is observing our behavior and interactions and forming a "summary of observations". I think Emily proposed provocative thoughts about the brain's capacity. I also am reminded of Kant and his ideas of time and space.
Name: Randal Hol Date: 2003-07-09 09:39:03
Link to this Comment: 5881 |
It is interesting to note that I was looking for a relatively easy ideal way of making completed service year end projects available for students and others to peruse. More oftern than not, my students concerns regarding the difficulty of this assignment are minimized when students can view what former students were able to accomplish. Because many of these students are friends, it promotes a feeling of "hey, I can do this too." Also, with this means of virtual storage, students can use past projects as framework for developing their own ideas about topics, approach and presentation styles.
Name: sylvia Date: 2003-07-30 02:13:13
Link to this Comment: 6218 |
I'm just learning psychology. I took the blindspot "test" and these are my results. For 31 tries, with 28 that I could see and 3 that I could not see. My results were 91%. This was an interesting experiment but now I need to learn what implications if any this shows.
Thanks so much.
Sylvia - a wife and mother of 5 who's going back to school now that the kids are successfully reaching responsible adulthood.
Guess having kids running here and there, quick as they can at times, helps to develop a blindspot.
brain and behavior
Name: Gwen Mario Date: 2003-09-11 21:19:21
Link to this Comment: 6448 |
I have continued over and over again to improve my percentage but instead my percentage went down from the first time I tryed which was a 19%, I finally went and put on my magnifying glasses and I was sure I seen these little dots every time, I felt it was a sure thing, but according to my percentage I must have only "imagined" I seen them. This was interesting but as I play a game, I want to get better as I go along and I(didn't) I got "worse" so I gave up. Your eyes can truly play tricks on you!
Name: Angela Date: 2003-09-19 18:33:38
Link to this Comment: 6541 |
I ended up with 36 but do not understand Help!!
Name: Robert B.G Date: 2003-10-09 18:30:59
Link to this Comment: 6869 |
my blisight test rating was 36%, not hugely above the 25% corresponding to random guessing but still above it (35 trials)
the green arrow/background topic...
Name: marsel ben Date: 2003-11-02 12:17:24
Link to this Comment: 7076 |
this is a good way to break into the concept of free will, but i think it is still very ambiguous in the way it has been presented, which is ironic since the presentation of the object influenced our perception of it.
but this is also a flaw...
for example, there is a reason 99.9% of people viewing that image for the first time will see green arrows pointing right. because our brain is programmed to base current perception (in the here and now) on perceptions previously experienced and processed.....if we were to process each perception from scratch as if we never encountered it before we would be constantly overloaded with information struggling to build some form of logic structure for ourselves to depend on in order to create an ability to build layers on which we operate.
this automation has its pro's and con's, a con being that we did not see the yellow arrows for the green ones....
so the challenge is to take each new perception neutrally, while utilizing information of prior encounters to its advantage.
another flaw in the picture though, we cannot perceive the image as being both arrows "yellow going left, green going right", limited in that sense we saw the yellow arrows, but threw them out for the green ones which seemed a more obvious answer.
we had to make a choice between the two.....so it isn't really "free will" we are talking about in the literal sense, we are talking about free will (the moment independant of the past) vs. automated will (the moment dependant on the past)....how far we let past information of experiences affect our "in the moment" decisions is up to us to control, self-programming is always an option
Name: Mikael M. Date: 2003-11-12 10:38:12
Link to this Comment: 7226 |
Tried the gadget at http://serendipstudio.org/bb/blindsight.html, but I can't get it to work.
With all good wishes,
Mikael M. Karlsson
Name: Pablo Date: 2003-12-03 20:27:08
Link to this Comment: 7452 |
First time:
90%. Green
0%. Blue
0%. Red
100%. Green
33%. Blue
0%. Red
100%. Green
(Don´t remember). Blue
71%. Red
spot seeing
Name: James Hart Date: 2003-12-04 16:43:51
Link to this Comment: 7467 |
I pretty sure the spot did pot appear every time. I tried the test a few times. I was right each time I said I saw the spot on 100 trials at middle speed, middle size, white spot contrast. Sometimes I thought I saw a small black '+' sign near where the spots appear and this almost made me select that area. Not really sure if it was there or not. When I didn't see a spot, I just clicked the circle in the lower left corner except for 1 time. Think I put maybe on that one, probably thougth I saw a plus. Cool study. I'll try it on a faster speed and smaller dot.
never saw anything
Name: David Date: 2003-12-23 18:26:37
Link to this Comment: 7578 |
Nothing on the screen, ever.
Irlene Syndrome
Name: Anthoni Co Date: 2004-01-05 12:36:23
Link to this Comment: 7586 |
found this place in asearch for the Irlene clinic home page. Just thought I'd post that this place seems pretty intersting, I'll probably be coming back here when I can (public computer).
Also, I have Irlene syndrome. If anyone has any questions about it just ask. I can give both siplified and detailed explanations (been doing it since I was 7).
In closing, any body have a current mailing address for the Irlene lab that doess the actual lense coloring? I'm not sure the one I have is still valid, I know the phone number's not.
Cant use the experiment
Name: Archana Date: 2004-01-09 02:55:56
Link to this Comment: 7595 |
I am not able to see the target at all. May be I am doing something wrong. I would like to run this and check the results for my curosity.
Name: Jim Byrne Date: 2004-01-10 11:03:33
Link to this Comment: 7597 |
I could not see it either.
sometimes I guess right
Name: Mr.T Date: 2004-01-14 23:45:32
Link to this Comment: 7605 |
Sometimes when I play guessing games, the quiker I guess, the more right it seems to be and the more I think about it, it gets wrong. I think this is my unconsious mind making the decision for me, but it's hard to tune into, and you eventually learn to ignore it.
Name: Date: 2004-01-31 18:03:53
Link to this Comment: 7851 |
This experiment didn't really work on me.
Is this too easy?
Name: John Aubin Date: 2004-02-08 00:22:52
Link to this Comment: 8022 |
I think I missed only one of the clicks, am I doing something wrong?
Name: askim Date: 2004-02-08 07:46:06
Link to this Comment: 8024 |
i saw every time 100% with every stage.
Blindsight score
Name: Peter Sint Date: 2004-02-12 15:49:16
Link to this Comment: 8135 |
scored 40 percent for none seen out of 20
Name: NY Date: 2004-02-16 07:43:26
Link to this Comment: 8200 |
Hey, my name is Ny , a student of antomy at san jose college. I don't know how to find out why it is helpful to study the external and internal structures of the rat for my home work?. Please help me some indormation about this topic!. I thanks a lot.
PS: please send to my email.
Name: Susan Bern Date: 2004-03-02 16:06:51
Link to this Comment: 8631 |
I enjoyed the experiment but unfortunately, I could not get the summary box. Any sense of why it wouldn't open?
Thanks, Susan Bernstein
What the brain makes up
Name: keith sgri Date: 2004-03-24 09:37:10
Link to this Comment: 8978 |
Dear Paul,
It has been a while since I have last visited the site (due to the vigors of this school year and the intensity of the new curriculum here in philly). I have used some of the information you discussed in the institute this past summer with my students. They were very intgregued particularly by the discussion of "more than one mind." They were very receptive to the idea. More so than I had expected. THeir interest in the matter provoked many of my students to continue to look for answers on their own. I never gave any real assignment on the matter, but many of my students came back with verbal and sometimes written reports on things they found.
They really enjoyed using the dot and circle on a piece of paper to show that the mind is making up part of what they see. We even did some tests on color interpretation. We did not do a scientific study, but we did do a test on how members of the class saw different colors and the brightness of them. THey were very impressed.
I have also used the workshop for my own purposes as well. Using some of the concepts you proposed were useful in helping me to gain a better understanding of student behaviors and how to handle them.
I hope you are going to continue with the institute. I am looking forward to coming back this year (provided you will have me). Please shoot me an e-mail and let me know.
Keith Sgrillo
Applet doesn't work
Name: Date: 2004-05-19 19:22:42
Link to this Comment: 9904 |
The applet doesn't work at all on Safari (Mac OS X). On Internet Explorer (Mac OS X) it works a little better but the mouse cursor leaves trails with disturb the experiment, because the dot makes a "hole" in the trails so you can see it no matter how short a time it is shown. I don't know which browser you had in mind when you made this applet but I'm sorry to report that it seems to be useless for Mac users.
blindsight game
Name: Ahdy Messi Date: 2004-07-06 18:02:08
Link to this Comment: 10357 |
18% of unseen. i dont' got it yet i guess. very interesting though.
neurobiology and moral theology
Name: Jan Maes Date: 2004-07-27 09:24:44
Link to this Comment: 10485 |
Hello every body,
I'm Jan Maes (°1962), teacher of religion in a secondary school in Flandres (Belgium).
Next year I'm going to study again. I'm master in modern history and a bachelor in religieus sciences, and now I want a masters degree in religious sciences at the Catholic University of Leuven. I have to write a thesis and my proposal to work about "Neurology and moral behavior: about determinism and free will" is accepted by the head of "moral theology". I found a lot of neurophilosophers (as Daniel Denett, ) or neurologists (as Damasio, Edelman)who have written about this subject. My promotor asks me to read also an important moral theological book in English on this subject.
Do you have a suggestion? I'm looking for a book about a subject as close as possible to "Neurology and moral behavior: about determinism and free will" from a (famous or coming) moral theologian who is acqainted with the (last) foundings of neurology, neurobiology, neurophilosophy...
Thanks a lot in advance,
Jan Maes
Mortsel (near Antwerp)
function of brain hemispheres
Name: Chris Date: 2004-09-13 02:19:20
Link to this Comment: 10826 |
Is it true that the right side of your brain is more influential upon the left side of your body, and vise verse? I think I was told this in grade school. For example, are left-handed people generally more artistic and right-handed people generally more of the logical, reasoning-type?
Blindsight peripheral vision
Name: L K Tucker Date: 2005-02-11 01:04:21
Link to this Comment: 12773 |
I tried the exercise. I find nothing in your text to indicate that humans have two vision systems, conscious sight, peripheral vision.
Each works independently of that other. Subliminal Sight in far peripheral vision serves to detect threat movement and trigger peripheral vision reflexes.
There are experiments on line to engage peripheral vision by focusing on a suspended object a few inches away from the eyes. The theory is that this engages the subconscious to evaluate vision input rather than conscious sight.
How do these features of normal physiology enter into your experiment?
L K Tucker
the effects the ocean has on human behavior
Name: Beth Barbe Date: 2005-02-23 14:57:58
Link to this Comment: 13166 |
I am presenting a speech on the human pyschological connection to the ocean this spring for a humanities course. I would like to find out more information about the affect the ocean has on human behavioral patterns through out history. If that can be made available it would be of great use to me.
Time to Think
Name: John Dalto Date: 2005-07-11 15:54:07
Link to this Comment: 15431 |
After having gone through the tasks, I was surprised by my own need to be more efficient. There seemed to be a necessity on my own part to succeed at what I thought was a successful rate. It made me wonder if everyone felt that way, or if some people naturally resisted judging themselves.
Science As Storytelling
Name: Cleat Date: 2005-07-11 17:16:14
Link to this Comment: 15435 |
All I can say is science is story telling and story telling is a science and many, many other things too. Science is a challenge and an integral part of life here on earth and beyond. We will constantly questions ourselves and search for answers. Are there any concrete answers to our theories, ideas, etc... you tell me? And how do we best explain this too our students when the teachers are often in the dark?
Name: si Date: 2005-07-18 10:24:47
Link to this Comment: 15536 |
ata submitted:
Act Times (in milliseconds): 553, 200, 223
Think, Act Times (in milliseconds): 428, 408, 276, 250
Read, Think, Act Times (in milliseconds): 3272
Act Time: 325 ± 162 milliseconds
Think, Act Time: 340 ± 79 milliseconds
Read, Think, Act Time: 3272 ± 0 milliseconds
Time to Act: 325 ± 162 milliseconds
Time to Think: 15 ± 181 milliseconds
Time to Read: 2932 ± 79 milliseconds;
This is fun!
Name: Rosa Date: 2005-07-18 10:25:40
Link to this Comment: 15537 |
Act 412
Think, Act 510
Read, think, Act 1012
Read,Think-negate,Act 943
Loved it, loved, loved it! It appears that it does take time to think.
Once you get past the eye/motor response, the time needed to think increases. Nevertheless, it was interesting that it took less time for me to read, think-negate and act then it did to read, think and act. Hummmm.
Students will get a blast from this!!!
You better think
Name: Cleat Date: 2005-07-18 10:31:55
Link to this Comment: 15539 |
These were very interesting observations. As far as using them in a classroom setting goes, I think it would depend on the age of the students. Younger students might find it amusing for awhile, but eventually get bored. Older students I think would get bored immediatley.
Thinking Time
Name: John Dalto Date: 2005-07-18 10:32:50
Link to this Comment: 15540 |
Act Times (in milliseconds): 446, 223, 246, 258, 228, 204, 329, 267, 197, 180
Think, Act Times (in milliseconds): 332, 323, 360, 315, 371, 348, 449, 391, 321, 410
Read, Think, Act Times (in milliseconds): 538, 423, 1366, 472, 511, 714, 535, 587, 468, 578
Read, Negate-Think, Act Times (in milliseconds): 1870, 948, 857, 774, 935, 1151, 644, 779, 613, 330
Act Time: 257 ± 75 milliseconds
Think, Act Time: 362 ± 42 milliseconds
Read, Think, Act Time: 619 ± 261 milliseconds
Read, Think-Negate, Act Time: 890 ± 389 milliseconds
Time to Act: 257 ± 75 milliseconds
Time to Think: 105 ± 86 milliseconds
Time to Read: 257 ± 265 milliseconds
Time to Negate: 271 ± 469 milliseconds;
My initial reaction involved a lot of irritating frustration because I wanted to score higher than the average. What that says about my mind set remains to be seen. I was also annoyed because I wasn't rewarded with a tally when I followed directions correctly that were telling me not to act. Reward works as a motivting force, I suppose. The experiments seem to confirm that certain kinds of discriminations (dark versus light box, following directions, identifying the opposite direction) warrant the assumption that this sort of thinking takes time. It doesn't, however, make me fully comfortable that this comprises thinking, or that there aren't other kinds of discriminations that better exemplify thinking.
It's not fair!
Name: Linda Slat Date: 2005-07-18 10:33:06
Link to this Comment: 15541 |
This was an interesting experiment. Here is my data:
I. 689 II.648 III. 1087 IV. 1220
I noticed that my reaction time varied greatly within each of the four trials. If I had one slow reaction, it really affected the mean response, and gave a less true indication of my reaction times. I think if I started all over again, it may be different. I had a high degree of motivation in these trials, and was upset when I messed up and greatly added milliseconds. So what can be extracted from this as far as variables such as motivation, distractions in the environment, etc. ?
time to think
Name: Date: 2005-07-18 10:33:13
Link to this Comment: 15542 |
test 1 273 sd 93
test 2 503 sd 232
test 3 876 sd 139
test 4 1305 sd1306
My feelings about the test are two fold;first,there are far too many distractions in class for this to be an accurate measure of input/response.The second thought is that I believe the degree of difficulty of a task is directly related to the amount of thought required to perform said task
nerves and the nervous system
Name: carol Date: 2005-07-18 13:56:01
Link to this Comment: 15548 |
Since we have learned how output influences expectation of input,it becomes infinitely easier to adjust our expectations to the learner.Once a desired outcome has not been met we can create a new set of goals and objectives.However,we will continue to labour within the confines of a system geared to a standardized and well paced curriculum, which of course will force us into an area of creativity previously unexplored!
AM meeting 7/19/05
Name: Antoinette Date: 2005-07-19 13:13:24
Link to this Comment: 15565 |
Inhibitions and learning...
There are many times that as a teacher I think that i am responsible to excite various parts of my student's brains. It could be that I need to practice inhibiting various parts of my students brains. Learning may be equal to an equal combination of inhibitions and excitatory actions. What place does the "I-function" have in learning????? It seems that soemtimes not only does it get in the way, but it can be counter intiuitive. Letting the brain, nervous system play may be one of the best ways to learn. Maybe Maria Montessori was right, and maybe all school need to follow her learning principes more closely.
7-19-05 Comments: Why don't I really see red?
Name: Miss T. Date: 2005-07-19 13:25:10
Link to this Comment: 15572 |
In the words of Ennis Cosby, "Hello friend".
As I went through each set of optical bi-views I found things disappearing and blending in. Once I focused on a specific aspect of each combined view, everything else seemed to fade away.
In the instance of the last right view (yellow dot highlighted in black on white surrounded by red dots, I kept in view the cross on the left and the red dots only seemed to remain on the right.
Ah, how can this be, if I do not see red?!
How much fun would class be if we did this as an experiment with our students? How much fun would be professional developments be if we brought fun into the session?
Blind Spots
Name: Antoinette Date: 2005-07-19 13:26:22
Link to this Comment: 15575 |
This shows the interesting distinction between 'vision' and perception. I noticed woth the blind spot experiment this morning that with the dot on lined yellow paper, once my 'blind spot refelx' kicked in, my brain 'saw' the verticle lines continue on the paper. While continuing to play with the blind spots, I noticed a closure/completion of what ever the backround/field area was were the spot was located.(Once it enterd my blind spot.)
Interestingly enough I 'LEARNED' from the Summer Institute sign conversation... often when I am writing a paper, when I 'try' to type the word "from"...I end up typing the word "form" ... I am completly unalbe to notice this when I proof read my own papers. Maybe what I 'see' and perceive' are not in conflict with each other. Does this explain my spelling difficulties???????
Blind spotsIf the brain makes up what is missing,
Name: Linda Slat Date: 2005-07-19 13:29:23
Link to this Comment: 15580 |
after trying this several times I finally got it! I wonder if my inability at first was because of my I function getting in the way, or something else.
If this exercise shows that the brain can fill in black holes or blinds spots due to lack of photoreceptors, does that in turn mean that our pschological "blind spots" are also due to a missing receptor of some kind???
And let's say we fill in our" blind spot" with new information or feedback, does that mean that new receptors are being made within the I function?/ Just a story!
When we make up new ideas, create novel images, what is happing in terms of patterns of activity. Are we then creating new neural connections? Do our old ones die off or just get lost?
Blind Spot
Name: Laverne Date: 2005-07-19 13:53:15
Link to this Comment: 15583 |
Completing the activity was a great way to explain the qualities of the eye and the blindspot.
I would love to try this activity in a class room, Finding out that the eye can fill in things (such as colors) would really get and keep the students attention. Ienjoy this activity very much.
Blind Spot
Name: JENNIFER H Date: 2005-07-19 14:03:24
Link to this Comment: 15584 |
I found the "blind spot" activity to be interesting and informative. Just think, your brain really does make up what you eye is not seeing. Who would think, the brain could actually fill in and "make a best guess" about what the nervous would normally see.
Name: MROBB Date: 2005-07-20 23:41:03
Link to this Comment: 15603 |
I thought of a game Kate showed me in the Serendip "Playground". The player witnesses a crime and has to make a drawing of the criminal's face, relying on his/her memory and either descriptions or pictures of different facial features - for example: round, square, oval shaped face. It's not easy to reconstruct a face glimpsed only during several stressful seconds.
Yet, witnesses participate in this process, sometimes identifying innocent people as perpetrators. Law enforcement needs to acknowlege the brain's willingness to fill in the blanks, even with false information. Can we contine to ignore the pain of the wrongfully convicted and the guilt of the honest, but wrong, witness because the truth -we aren't wired to see what's there- is too messsy?
Name: ANXIETY Date: 2005-07-20 23:43:15
Link to this Comment: 15604 |
Name: mrobb Date: 2005-07-20 23:45:29
Link to this Comment: 15605 |
The social costs of getting treatment are still there.
Name: Date: 2005-08-26 18:51:28
Link to this Comment: 15928 |
I was wondering if blindsight had any correlation with visual discrimination.
I am studying visual discrimination and V1's role and so would like to hear your thoughts on the matter.
Thank You
secondary organic brain syndrome
Name: The Staff Date: 2005-09-26 22:29:20
Link to this Comment: 16324 |
Will the mind/brain functioning return to full capacity after an event with secondary organic brain sydrome?
This syndrome was brought about through a motor vehicle accident and resulted in a four month coma as a result of closed head trauma.
The doctors have all and repeatedly offerred different Diagnosis. Therefore; the family and friends of this person are somewhat bewildered!
This event had taken place some 23 years ago and there is no disorientation being seen,or reported in addition complete space and time awareness is present with no sign of distortion of any kind. The only issue is rapid speech and that occurs just about 15%- 20% of the time. most often the person is relaxed and calm with no sensational features nothing remarkable or out of the ordinary. We seek your suggestions
The question:
Has Complete Recovery been seen and reported If so, how often?
We (the true friends of the injurred person) feel that the case here just as described is an example of complete and total recovery.
One other item, this person now reports being able to think i.e., process information at a remarkably speedy pace. we are sure he is fine! Just would like to hear it from some Pro's
We now offer our thanks for assisting in this matter
Warmest Regards,
The friends of a great Human-being
who has been virtually cast asside by the un trained.
Thank You again
Head Injury help
Name: Friend Date: 2005-12-01 10:16:38
Link to this Comment: 17262 |
secondary organic brain syndrome
Name: The Staff of section Seven (actualentelechynow@hotmail.com)
Date: 09/26/2005 22:29
Link to this Comment: 16324
Will the mind/brain functioning return to full capacity after an event with secondary organic brain sydrome?
This syndrome was brought about through a motor vehicle accident and resulted in a four month coma as a result of closed head trauma.
The doctors have all and repeatedly offerred different Diagnosis. Therefore; the family and friends of this person are somewhat bewildered!
This event had taken place some 23 years ago and there is no disorientation being seen,or reported in addition complete space and time awareness is present with no sign of distortion of any kind. The only issue is rapid speech and that occurs just about 15%- 20% of the time. most often the person is relaxed and calm with no sensational features nothing remarkable or out of the ordinary. We seek your suggestions
The question:
Has Complete Recovery been seen and reported If so, how often?
We (the true friends of the injurred person) feel that the case here just as described is an example of complete and total recovery.
One other item, this person now reports being able to think i.e., process information at a remarkably speedy pace. we are sure he is fine! Just would like to hear it from some Pro's
We now offer our thanks for assisting in this matter
Warmest Regards,
The friends of a great Human-being
who has been virtually cast asside by the un trained.
Thank You again
New theory of consciousness, comments welcome
Name: Tony Wrigh Date: 2006-01-25 14:55:04
Link to this Comment: 17786 |
Im looking for feedback/comments on a developing hypothesis that has some pretty fundamental implications. Basically I have proposed that the ancient myths and mystic traditions that talk of humanities degeneration were in fact describing a complex neurological condition. The techniques and practices that have come down to us are the fragmented relics of an atempt to slow or reverse the condition. Ultimately it failed. Please visit www.kaleidos.org.uk
Name: Deanna Date: 2006-02-05 04:07:57
Link to this Comment: 17964 |
I have been diagnosed with several lesons on the brain most being in the pons area.And that it would only get worse more so because I am taking cyclosporin. Could you please explain to me the meaning and prognosis of this diagnosis.I also have lesons each side of my head.
can some explain to me how to perform the blind sp
Name: kathy devo Date: 2006-02-09 21:29:30
Link to this Comment: 18048 |
Could someone please expalim how teyh blind spot test works and how it is performed?
Java problem?
Name: Date: 2006-02-10 20:07:58
Link to this Comment: 18061 |
Doesn't seem to work after pressing play. Using Linux, Firefox, and Sun JDK 1.5.
latitudinal blindspot
Name: jon Date: 2006-02-12 14:46:41
Link to this Comment: 18077 |
you can measure your longitudinal blind spot this way but how do you measure your latitudinal blind spot
Name: Date: 2006-02-14 12:14:16
Link to this Comment: 18114 |
secondary organic brain syndrome
Name: The Staff of section Seven (actualentelechynow@hotmail.com)
Date: 09/26/2005 22:29
Link to this Comment: 16324
Will the mind/brain functioning return to full capacity after an event with secondary organic brain sydrome?
This syndrome was brought about through a motor vehicle accident and resulted in a four month coma as a result of closed head trauma.
The doctors have all and repeatedly offerred different Diagnosis. Therefore; the family and friends of this person are somewhat bewildered!
This event had taken place some 23 years ago and there is no disorientation being seen,or reported in addition complete space and time awareness is present with no sign of distortion of any kind. The only issue is rapid speech and that occurs just about 15%- 20% of the time. most often the person is relaxed and calm with no sensational features nothing remarkable or out of the ordinary. We seek your suggestions
The question:
Has Complete Recovery been seen and reported If so, how often?
We (the true friends of the injurred person) feel that the case here just as described is an example of complete and total recovery.
One other item, this person now reports being able to think i.e., process information at a remarkably speedy pace. we are sure he is fine! Just would like to hear it from some Pro's
We now offer our thanks for assisting in this matter
Warmest Regards,
The friends of a great Human-being
who has been virtually cast asside by the un trained.
Thank You again
Where are The Answers ?????
Name: Date: 2006-02-16 10:49:58
Link to this Comment: 18156 |
Name: (my_ja_m@yahoo.com)
Date: 02/14/2006 12:14
Link to this Comment: 18114
secondary organic brain syndrome
Name: The Staff of section Seven (actualentelechynow@hotmail.com)
Date: 09/26/2005 22:29
Link to this Comment: 16324
Will the mind/brain functioning return to full capacity after an event with secondary organic brain sydrome?
This syndrome was brought about through a motor vehicle accident and resulted in a four month coma as a result of closed head trauma.
The doctors have all and repeatedly offerred different Diagnosis. Therefore; the family and friends of this person are somewhat bewildered!
This event had taken place some 23 years ago and there is no disorientation being seen,or reported in addition complete space and time awareness is present with no sign of distortion of any kind. The only issue is rapid speech and that occurs just about 15%- 20% of the time. most often the person is relaxed and calm with no sensational features nothing remarkable or out of the ordinary. We seek your suggestions
The question:
Has Complete Recovery been seen and reported If so, how often?
We (the true friends of the injurred person) feel that the case here just as described is an example of complete and total recovery.
One other item, this person now reports being able to think i.e., process information at a remarkably speedy pace. we are sure he is fine! Just would like to hear it from some Pro's
We now offer our thanks for assisting in this matter
Warmest Regards,
The friends of a great Human-being
who has been virtually cast asside by the un trained.
Thank You again
secondary organic brain syndrome
Name: The Staff of section Seven (actualentelechynow@hotmail.com)
Date: 09/26/2005 22:29
Link to this Comment: 16324
Will the mind/brain functioning return to full capacity after an event with secondary organic brain sydrome?
This syndrome was brought about through a motor vehicle accident and resulted in a four month coma as a result of closed head trauma.
The doctors have all and repeatedly offerred different Diagnosis. Therefore; the family and friends of this person are somewhat bewildered!
This event had taken place some 23 years ago and there is no disorientation being seen,or reported in addition complete space and time awareness is present with no sign of distortion of any kind. The only issue is rapid speech and that occurs just about 15%- 20% of the time. most often the person is relaxed and calm with no sensational features nothing remarkable or out of the ordinary. We seek your suggestions
The question:
Has Complete Recovery been seen and reported If so, how often?
We (the true friends of the injurred person) feel that the case here just as described is an example of complete and total recovery.
One other item, this person now reports being able to think i.e., process information at a remarkably speedy pace. we are sure he is fine! Just would like to hear it from some Pro's
We now offer our thanks for assisting in this matter
Warmest Regards,
The friends of a great Human-being
who has been virtually cast asside by the un trained.
Thank You again
Head Injury help
Name: Friend (actualentelechynow@hotmail.com)
Date: 12/01/2005 10:16
Link to this Comment: 17262
secondary organic brain syndrome
Name: The Staff of section Seven (actualentelechynow@hotmail.com)
Date: 09/26/2005 22:29
Link to this Comment: 16324
Will the mind/brain functioning return to full capacity after an event with secondary organic brain sydrome?
This syndrome was brought about through a motor vehicle accident and resulted in a four month coma as a result of closed head trauma.
The doctors have all and repeatedly offerred different Diagnosis. Therefore; the family and friends of this person are somewhat bewildered!
This event had taken place some 23 years ago and there is no disorientation being seen,or reported in addition complete space and time awareness is present with no sign of distortion of any kind. The only issue is rapid speech and that occurs just about 15%- 20% of the time. most often the person is relaxed and calm with no sensational features nothing remarkable or out of the ordinary. We seek your suggestions
The question:
Has Complete Recovery been seen and reported If so, how often?
We (the true friends of the injurred person) feel that the case here just as described is an example of complete and total recovery.
One other item, this person now reports being able to think i.e., process information at a remarkably speedy pace. we are sure he is fine! Just would like to hear it from some Pro's
We now offer our thanks for assisting in this matter
Warmest Regards,
The friends of a great Human-being
who has been virtually cast asside by the un trained.
Thank You again
Name: Bronwyn Date: 2006-03-04 13:41:10
Link to this Comment: 18448 |
I scored 100% of the ones I knew I had seen.
Whenever I wasn't sure I had seen the spot, I still got it right - but I think that's because I'm usually careful to say that I *did* see something. (So that when I say I *think* I did, that'll usually be true.)
When I hadn't seen the spot, I never got the locating right. So, unfortunately, for me it wasn't true that unconscious knowledge helped me.
But of COURSE the general idea holds. Of everything that comes into our field of vision in a day, we'll consciously see only a limited set of things. The rest, or part of the rest, has been registered unconsciously. If this wasn't true, I don't see how we would be able to function.
language and abuse
Name: debb Harri Date: 2006-03-15 13:43:29
Link to this Comment: 18537 |
I have a question, rather off the topic, that I would like feedback on.
My son was born speaking spanish, was severely abused.
We adopted him at the age of five, we spoke only english.
Three months after he arrived he spoke perfect english,
but more interesting, he could no longer speak or understand spanish
or even pronounce it correctly when he entered kindergarten 11 months later.
He still finds spanish extremely difficult to learn, although many of his friends speak spanish.
Could this have some connection to the abuse?
The language we speak
Name: Ananda Lak Date: 2006-03-18 22:33:50
Link to this Comment: 18590 |
It does seem that Spanish was closely tied to the earlier experiences. Once it was no longer relevant, it was given up totally as the baggage of the past.
Perhaps, years later, he may be able to recall his first language. In the circumstances,it probably does not matter. It is more important that he has affectionate parenting and a feeling of security in your home.
March 19, 2006
Name: craig Date: 2006-03-27 09:41:54
Link to this Comment: 18693 |
how you do transplants
Name: Date: 2006-03-27 09:43:37
Link to this Comment: 18694 |
how do you do that is it ugly
how you do transplants
Name: Date: 2006-03-27 09:44:10
Link to this Comment: 18695 |
how do you do that is it ugly?
Name: Date: 2006-04-02 16:33:28
Link to this Comment: 18792 |
Act Time: 218 ± 25 milliseconds
Think, Act Time: 237 ± 34 milliseconds
Read, Think, Act Time: 388 ± 54 milliseconds
Read, Think-Negate, Act Time: 329 ± 60 milliseconds
I was surprised to improve my time for the last task. Any explanation why some people are quicker with the last task?
Name: Hero@Lifed Date: 2006-04-03 01:12:02
Link to this Comment: 18797 |
secondary organic brain syndrome
Name: The Staff of section Seven (actualentelechynow@hotmail.com)
Date: 09/26/2005 22:29
Link to this Comment: 16324
Will the mind/brain functioning return to full capacity after an event with secondary organic brain sydrome?
This syndrome was brought about through a motor vehicle accident and resulted in a four month coma as a result of closed head trauma.
The doctors have all and repeatedly offerred different Diagnosis. Therefore; the family and friends of this person are somewhat bewildered!
This event had taken place some 23 years ago and there is no disorientation being seen,or reported in addition complete space and time awareness is present with no sign of distortion of any kind. The only issue is rapid speech and that occurs just about 15%- 20% of the time. most often the person is relaxed and calm with no sensational features nothing remarkable or out of the ordinary. We seek your suggestions
The question:
Has Complete Recovery been seen and reported If so, how often?
We (the true friends of the injurred person) feel that the case here just as described is an example of complete and total recovery.
One other item, this person now reports being able to think i.e., process information at a remarkably speedy pace. we are sure he is fine! Just would like to hear it from some Pro's
We now offer our thanks for assisting in this matter
Warmest Regards,
The friends of a great Human-being
who has been virtually cast asside by the un trained.
Thank You again
Head Injury help
Name: Friend (actualentelechynow@hotmail.com)
Date: 12/01/2005 10:16
Link to this Comment: 17262
secondary organic brain syndrome
Name: The Staff of section Seven (actualentelechynow@hotmail.com)
Date: 09/26/2005 22:29
Link to this Comment: 16324
Will the mind/brain functioning return to full capacity after an event with secondary organic brain sydrome?
This syndrome was brought about through a motor vehicle accident and resulted in a four month coma as a result of closed head trauma.
The doctors have all and repeatedly offerred different Diagnosis. Therefore; the family and friends of this person are somewhat bewildered!
This event had taken place some 23 years ago and there is no disorientation being seen,or reported in addition complete space and time awareness is present with no sign of distortion of any kind. The only issue is rapid speech and that occurs just about 15%- 20% of the time. most often the person is relaxed and calm with no sensational features nothing remarkable or out of the ordinary. We seek your suggestions
The question:
Has Complete Recovery been seen and reported If so, how often?
We (the true friends of the injurred person) feel that the case here just as described is an example of complete and total recovery.
One other item, this person now reports being able to think i.e., process information at a remarkably speedy pace. we are sure he is fine! Just would like to hear it from some Pro's
We now offer our thanks for assisting in this matter
Warmest Regards,
The friends of a great Human-being
who has been virtually cast asside by the un trained.
Thank You again
wellness is of the mind
Name: debb Date: 2006-04-03 23:57:53
Link to this Comment: 18819 |
I am a psychiatric nurse, and have worked with neurotrauma neuromedical illness. I have seen many things in the past fifteen years. I can say that when it comes to the brain, there is so much that isn't known. I have seen some marvelous recovery and some very sad declines, but what I have seen most is that people, brain injured or not, who make the decision to live life as it is, sharing what they have to offer, and receiving what others can offer them, tend to believe that in spite of everything they are healthy and well. I guess what I am trying to say, is that whether or not the brain is injured, it is the mind that determines our wellness.
Name: Faggal Hor Date: 2006-04-21 15:27:35
Link to this Comment: 19114 |
balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls are good for girls
blindsight applet
Name: James Date: 2006-04-24 09:09:31
Link to this Comment: 19132 |
Hello, what a great short article and aplet for testing blindsight. I tried the game three times, each time with 30 repititions, I set speed at 1, radius at 1 and contrast at -2. I was shocked to see that each time I had between 59% and 66% for both the "maybe" and the "definately not" categories. as you predicted the "score" for each trail was slightly higher than the previous.
Anyway, what a great little way to "productively" waste some time online...thankx!
Blindsight Plotting
Name: Julius Date: 2006-06-20 11:01:06
Link to this Comment: 19532 |
Hey all. According to the results in your test...

I ran through about 38.
Thanks - great work this is fantastic.
irene"s syndrome
Name: tim.steph@ Date: 2006-06-22 22:17:44
Link to this Comment: 19559 |
Hi my name is stephanie and my good friend and neighbour's boy Jason who is 10 has just been diagnosed with Irene's syndrome, we haven't heard much about it and have limited information. He has special cloured lens glasses which have been strengthed recently, but still has trouble reading on some days. Has had high tempertures, his mood is very low right now as things are becoming very differicult at school for him.Gets tired and frustrated quite a lot. Anyone in the area would be great to talk to or communities that can help us would be great.....
missing instructions re blindsight
Name: Aaron Slom Date: 2006-08-14 15:31:02
Link to this Comment: 20164 |
As I don't think there any instructions regarding where to click
when I did not see the spot I just moved the pointer onto the sensitive
area and clicked. Since it was mostly resting below the screen and to the right I mostly clicked for unseen spots in the bottom right corner.
If you want some behaviour that is different from that, e.g. try clicking
randomly or something else that makes sense when the spot is not visible, you might get different results from literal minded people like me.
free will
Name: Ana Drobot Date: 2006-08-20 12:08:42
Link to this Comment: 20184 |
I came across this quote (don’t know to whom it belongs) in someone’s blogs:
„Life is what happens while you are making other plans.”
...and it made me wonder whether we have free will or whether we have desires. I mean, sometimes it doesn’t help if we have the free will to change our lives. Because if we don’t have the means to change our lives, if the external factors cannot help, then... actually we only have desires, dreams that cannot always be fulfilled. So against our free will we have an enemy – life. There are so many things in life we can’t control, even if we wished to...
Even the fact that we were born is not a choice we ourselves made... But even the idea of having to make choices does not imply free will – that is, if we are given some alternatives and have to choose from them... maybe we’d want something else, an alternative which is not offered in the grid of choices...
We can’t control when we are born and we can’t control when we die (of natural death, that is). We can’t control falling in love, sometimes we seem to lose all control over ourselves and our own lives... even if we had the will to do all these...
If we have the free will and make the choice of writing a poem, but if nothing comes out of it no matter how hard we try – there’s always the issue of talent at stake – then... it seems our ‘free’ will clashes against reality (the way we were born, without the gift for poetry...).
We may have the free will to obey or to break the rules, but afterwards there are always consequences we have to bear. And finally, if we break the rules, then we end up having no choice but to take punishment; if we don’t want to be punished, then we have to ignore our free will and obey the rules... and there’s not much space for freedom here...
What is it that I understand by free will? Control, be it over events, one’s actions, one’s self. It also includes independence – from society, conventions, from external circumstances, from the unpredictable (which is sort of impossible). Free will is different from freedom in the sense that it involves more power and control. Free will can also meet obstacles from reality, while freedom excludes these right from the start, together with conventions, rules, norms, unpleasant consequences... But can we really ever be free and happy? Freedom sometimes brings confusion, together with responsibility and even difficulty of making decisions and establishing facts as truths...
We may have free will, but it clashes against obstacles which are outside us, in the external world, or inside us, and then free will becomes weaker and changes into desire...
I may want to change the world, to control time, but I will never be in control of these... so all I’m left with is a desire, a dream...
Name: Lisa Date: 2006-08-22 01:21:01
Link to this Comment: 20195 |
My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD when she first entered school. The school harassed me until my daughter was put on Ritilin. While on the medication, she became like a zombie, quiet and still, afraid to move. When she arrived home from the ride home on the school bus, she was wet with sweat, but cold. I took my daughter off this medicine. At that time Ritilan was the drug of choice. I am glad to see an increased awareness on this. Thank you for sharing. Through unity we will find strength
Format complaints
Name: Date: 2006-08-23 22:26:30
Link to this Comment: 20212 |
Why is this "forum" so poorly structured? People have very specific concerns and yet the way various comments simply pile up on top of each other precludes the ability to have a meaningful conversation. Please re-format this forum so that people may post individual topics and therefore have hope for an answer.
Thank you.
My Score
Name: Alyssa Date: 2006-08-31 20:09:34
Link to this Comment: 20236 |
Hey. Today's the first time I tried your "seeing what you don't see" program, and I was doing it on and on for the whole day. My regular score is 40+ & 50+ out of 100 tries.
My highest score of 100 hits is: 71%
- of 60 seen: 100%
- of 38 maybe seen: 28%
- 0% of 2 not seen
I don't know if it was helpful, but I just decided to share with you this information.
do our minds trick us in that we alter information
Name: Date: 2006-10-04 04:41:12
Link to this Comment: 20586 |
hi all
i would like to know if there is any explanation to the fact that when you have a set of information that you heard from your English teacher a year a go, for example, then if happaned that a classmate, a year later, told you that this information was not taught by our english teacher but rather by our psychologist. then by time you will suddenly find yourself accepting this folse claim by your classmate and then your mind will work accordingly, meaning that your mind will convince you that a psychologist not an english teacher who told you this information.
my question is how our mind tricks us and please if there is any article about it, let me know
Forum Archived
Name: Webmaster Date: 2006-10-05 13:03:44
Link to this Comment: 20622 |
This forum has now been archived and is closed to new postings. If you are interested in continuing the conversation, please contact
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