Summary of Effects of Unilateral Lesions on Frog Prey-Orienting Movements.

Capacities Remaining

  • Optic nerve lesioned frogs respond accurately to stimuli at various eccentricities throughout their visual field. Tectal lobe lesioned frogs respond accurately to frontal stimuli, as well as to those at varying eccentricities in the hemifield ipsilateral to the lesion.

  • Frogs can still displace laterally in either direction.

  • Frogs retain the ability to rotate in either direction.

  • Optic nerve lesioned frogs vary their gaze appropriately with changes in two-dimensional displacement. Tectal lobe lesioned animals vary gaze appropriately to locations in front and within the ipsilateral hemifield.


    Altered Aspects of Behavior

  • LDT.

  • DTS

  • gaze- appropriate in optic nerve lesioned frogs but not tectal lobe lesioned frogs may reflect disturbance of spatial rep signal or simply failure to rotate
