Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
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I love the thought of her
In that scene
Spring commences
Pigment candles
Gray-green room
Canvas-tented bulb
Luminous anticipation
Holds her rooted
Paste-polished chest
Chambered coffer
Nooked crannies
Affirm the theme
Burgeoning boxed yarn
Contained unravelings
Past productions
Await succeeding yields
She herself is presage
Green-stemmed skirt
Gossamer petal blouse
Stamen taut coiffure
Swish of shadowed taffeta
Transporting cradled cullings
Utters bygone season
When bayberry hung heavy
She weighs the crop
Pristine geraniums of March
Reaped seedlings of wintered windows
Swallowing the flutter of cherubed expectations.