The following are lists of sites concerning learning differences, in particular ADHD and dyslexia, as well as sites about functional imaging techniques and their use in the study of learning and human thought.
General Information:
Health Guide: General information about ADHD including resources for those with ADHD, symptoms in adults and children, as well as biological information on brain chemistry, medical treatment, etc., including PET image of ADHD vs. non-ADHD brain.
The ADD Clinic: Information on the diagnosis and treatment of different types of ADD/ADHD; includes history of ADHD research.
Jackie's Page: Information on ADHD, treatments and their side-effects; provided by a parent/grandparent of children with ADHD.
The CH.A.D.D. web site: "Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders (CH.A.D.D.) is a nonprofit parent-based organization formed to better the lives of individuals with attention deficit disorders and those who care for them."
An ADHD "checklist" of symptoms.
A list of many sites with information about ADHD, including current news, drug alternatives, and chat links.
A list of resources for parents with ADD/ADHD children provided by The Baby and Child Place.
ADHD Discussion Groups:
ADHD IN CHILDREN (Discussion about the treatment of ADHD.)
Mother Nature's Forum on natural alternatives to ritalin.
A list of questions and answers related to ADHD provided by "Ask the Expert," (Ron Pies, M.D., associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Tufts University and popular Psychiatric Times columnist).
General Information:
The Orton Dyslexia Society web site; general information about dyslexia and available services for dyslexics, current research, standardized testing, etc.
The Dyslexia Archive: interesting facts about dyslexia and dyslexics, including a list of several additional sites on dyslexia, many of which address issues related to higher education, such as special provisions for students with dyslexia.
A long list of sites with information about dyslexia and special education.
Dyslexia Discussion Groups:
The Davis Dyslexia Association International site; dyslexia bulletin board, information on educational materials, learning aids, newsletters (a free subscription), etc.
A list of sites with information about current research on speech and auditory processing.
General Information:
Web site for the Learning Disabilities Association of America; includes parent guide to ADHD and information about language and speech disorders.
The Center for New Discoveries in Learning provides information on how to assess your own personal learning style, as well as on programs and teaching aids for dyslexic children.
Learning Disabilities Research and Practice: A publication of The Division for Learning Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children.
The Institute for Clinical PET (ICP) home page; provided by a non-profit organization promoting the use of non-invasive biological imaging as a diagnostic tool, this site gives a comprehensive explanation of PET, complete with photographs of PET imaging facilities, a list (with definitions) of radioactive tracers, and more.
Web site of the Center For Positron Emission Tomography (CPET); provides a detailed explanation of the physics behind PET, including slides and a list of sites of interest to the PET community. In addition, there is a
The Positron Emission Tomography Laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital page; information about the invention PET, sample PET images of brains with neurological diseases, etc.
The personal web page of neuroscientist Martin Sereno of UC San Diego; learn about his research in the study of language development through the use of functional MRI, including new techniques involving electro- and magnetoencephalography (EEG and MEG respectively). (Click here to see actual movie images.)
A survey of medical physics and the imaging facilities provided by the physics and astronomy department of the University of Western Ontario.
Neuroimaging Primer: lecture notes from Harvard Medical School on functional brain imaging; includes brief summaries of techniques and sample CT, MRI, and SPECT/PET images, as well as more specific information (and image examples) about what one might expect to see in different types of images.
The Positron Emission Tomography Lab at Mount Sinai Medical Center (research also incorporates MRI) provides information about advances in special image processing software; visual examples.
The Inouye Lab home page; research on multi-dimensional signal processing, for X-CT, NMR, and SPECT imaging. Provides information on applications of axial computed tomography in neurological imaging (SPECT/PET, fMRI, etc.). (Note: parts are still under construction.)
A list of neuro-imaging sites.
Neuroscience Web Search: A full-text index of over 121,000 web pages related to neuroscience.
Functional MRI
General Neurological Imaging
General Information on Cognitive Neuroscience