Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
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Bentley, D. and Hoy, R. The neurobiology of cricket song. May, 1974.
Stevens, C.F. The neuron. September, 1979.
Iverson, L.L. The chemistry of the brain. September, 1979.
Bloom, F.E. Neuropeptides. October, 1981.
Nauta, W.J.H. and Feirtag, M. The organization of the brain. September, 1979.
Merton, P.A. How we control the contraction of our muscles. May, 1972.
Wilson, D.M. The flight control system of the locust. May, 1968.
Pearson, The control of walking. December, 1976.
Bizzi, E. The coordination of eye-head movement. October, 1974.
Heller, H.C., Crawshaw, L.I., and Hammel, H.T. The thermostat of vertebrate animals. August, 1978.
Evarts, E.V. Brain mechanisms of movement. September, 1979.
Melzack, R. Phantom limbs. April, 1992
Ratliff, F. Color and contrast. June, 1972.
Michael, C.R. Retinal processing of visual images. May, 1969.
Hubel, D.H. and Wiesel, T.N. Brain mechanisms of vision. September, 1979.
Pettigrew, J.D. The neurophysiology of binocular vision. August, 1972.
Rushton, W.A.H. Visual pigments and color blindness. March, 1975.
Land, E.H. The retinex theory of color vision. December, 1977.
Ramachandran, V.S. Perceiving shape from shading. August, 1988.
Treisman, A. Features and objects in visual processing. November, 1986.
Ramachandran, V.S. Blind spots. May, 1992.
Freeman, W.J. The physiology of perception. February, 1992.
Ewert, J.-P. The neural basis of visually guided behavior. March, 1974.
Brownell, P.H. Prey detection by the sand scorpion. December, 1984.
Shettleworth, S.J. Memory in food-hoarding birds. March, 1983.
Wurtz, R.H., Goldberg, M.E. and Robinson, D.L. Brain mechanisms of visual attention. June, 1982.
Lent, C.M, and Dickinson, M.H. The neurobiology of feeding in leeches. June, 1988.
Jouvet, M. The states of sleep. February, 1967.
Gwinner, E. Internal rhythms in bird migration. April, 1986.
McEwen, B.S. Interactions between hormones and nerve tissue. July, 1976.
Kety, S.S. Disorders of the human brain. September, 1979.
Wurtman, R.J, and Wurtman, J.J. Carbohydrates and depression. January, 1989.
Jerison, H.J. Paleoneurology and the evolution of mind. January, 1976.
Cooper, L.A. and Shepher, R.N. Turning something over in the mind. December, 1984.
Gazzaniga, M. The split brain in man. August, 1967.
Mattley, M.T. Slips of the tongue. September, 1985.
Morrson, A.R. A window on the sleeping brain. April, 1983.
Luria, A.R. The functional organization of the brain. March, 1970.
Geshwind, N. Specializations of the human brain. September, 1979.
Weiss, J. Unconscious mental functioning. March, 1990.
Sperry, R.W. The eye and the brain. May, 1956.
Bickerton, D. Creole languages. July, 1983.
Cowan, W.M. The development of the brain. September, 1979.
Kandel, E.R. Small systems of neurons. September, 1979.
Routenberg, A. The reward system of the brain. November, 1978.
Gould, J.L. and Marler, P. Learning by instinct. January, 1987.
Mishkin, M. and Appenzeller, T. The anatomy of memory. June, 1987.
Additional more recent articles (not on reserve)
Barkley, R.A. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Sept. 1998
Beardsley. T. The machinery of thought. Aug. 1997
Brown, J.L. and Pollitt, E. How malnutritioon affects intellectual development. Feb. 1996
Brown, W.A. The placebo effect. Jan. 1998
Casti, J.L. Confronting science's logical limits. Oct. 1996
Copeland, B.J. and Proudfoot, D. Alan Turing's forgotten ideas in computer science. April, 1999
Damasio, A.R. How the brain creates the mind. Dec, 1999.
Damon, W. The moral development of children. Aug, 1999
Dawson, J.W.Jr. Godel and the limits of logic. June, 1999
Dugastin, L.A. and Godin. J.-G. J. How females choose their mates. April, 1998
Gibbs. W.W. Gaining on fat. Aug. 1996
Gazzaniga, M.S. The split brain revisited. July, 1998
Grillner, S. Neural networks in vertebrate locomotion. Jan. 1996
Horgan, J. Why Freud isn't dead. Dec. 1996
Kearney, J.T. Training the Olympic athlete June 1996
Kempermann, G. and Gage, F.H. New nerve cells for the adult brain. May, 1999
Kennedy, J.M. How the blind draw. Jan. 1997.
Kleinman, A. and Cohen, A. Psychiatry's global challenge. March, 1997
Lenhoff, H.M., Wang, P.P., Greenberg, R., and Bellugi, U. Williams Syndrome and the brain. Dec. 1997
Loftus, E.F. Creating false memories. Sept. 1997
Logothetis, N.K. Vision: a window on consciousness. Nov, 1999
Losick, R. and Kaiser, D. Why and how bacteria communicate. Feb. 1997
Lusted, H.S. and Knapp, R.B. Controlling computers with neural signals Oct. 1996
McDonald, J.W. Repairing the damaged spinal cord. Sept, 1999
Myers, D.G. and Diener, E. The pursuit of happiness. May 1996.
Nemeroff, C.B. The neurobiology of depression. June, 1998.
Plomin, R. and DeFries, J.C. The genetics of cognitive abilities and disabilities. May, 1998
Shaywitz, S.E. Dyslexia. Nov. 1996
Siegel, J.M. Narcolepsy. Jan, 2000
de Waal, Frans B.M. The end of nature versus nurture. Dec, 1999
Webb, Barbara. A cricket robot. Dec. 1996
Youdim, M.B.H. and Riederer. Understanding Parkinson's disease. Jan. 1997
Zill, S.N. and Seyfarth, E. Exoskeletal sensors for walking. July 1996
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