From Serendip
A program for students of education at Bryn Mawr College, Haverford College, Swarthmore College, University of Pennsylvania
(Supported by an AT&T Learning Network Teaching and Technology Grant)
Serendip Credo on Education and Technology
- Above all, do no harm -- remember that what is even more important than teaching what to think is teaching how to think, how to make better and better sense of the world.
- Everybody starts life knowing the basics of how to think, and wanting to make better sense of the world.
- Different people approach any given educational experience with different existing ways of making sense of the world, and different existing levels of comfort with various ways of further making sense of the world.
- The educational environment should be rich enough to give every individual both things with which they are comfortable and room and incentive to go beyond them.
- The educational experience should start with wherever people are, carry them further, and provide windows for moving beyond that.
- The educational experience should be cooperative, interactive, and inquiry based, encouraging all participants to construct, criticize, and reconstruct understandings, individually and collaboratively.
- For the first time in human history, it is becoming possible to achieve optimal educational environments and experiences for all human beings. The Web can provide the needed richness, interactivity, and room to explore in a cooperative and collaborative mode. To achieving this, we dedicate our lives and our sacred honor.
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