Topics in Cellular and Organismal Physiology - Neuroendocrinology (Biology 380)

Peter D. Brodfuehrer

  • room number - 210
  • phone number - 526-5095
  • e-mail -
  • homepage

    Meeting time and location:

    Tuesday 2 - 5 p.m., room 227


    One three hour discussion per week


    One of the following Biology courses - 202, 303 or 304, or permission of the instructor

    Course description:

    An integrated approach to the study of the interaction between the brain and endocrine system and the influence of this on behavior. The first half of the course we will discuss the language and concepts of neuroendocrinology using an introductory textbook by Brown (see below). In the second half of the course students will give oral presentations on related topics based on primary literature articles.

    Sample readings:

  • Required textbook:

    An Introduction to Neuroendocrinology by Richard E. Brown

  • Primary literature article:

    Dores, R.M., McDonald, L.K., Steveson, T.C. and Sei, C.A. (1990) The molecular evolution of neuropeptides: prospects for the 90s. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 36:80-99.

    Assignments and examinations:

  • Two essays on topics discussed in the first half of the class
  • Two critiques of primary literature articles
  • One classroom presentation
  • Final paper (5-10 pages) - written is the form of a research proposal


  • essays (20%)
  • critiques (20%)
  • classroom presentation (15%)
  • classroom discussion (25%)
  • final paper (20%)