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ACC-  13 years: Head of User Services, Assistant Dir, Director
MM Grants – anonymous donor, 1992;  2 Mellon grants; write, hire, administer
Committees –
Middle States – Academic Support
-Management time-consuming, away from curricular support
-Take graduate courses in Neurobiology and Neuropsych
  - five main sections plus forums
  - an area where people for within and outside academia can discuss and explore ideas about educational and social change
  - where technology’s role can be explored
 - build bridges betw academia and non-academics; college and pre-college teachers; scientists and non-scientists; - Audience – people from all over the world, middle school students; patients; researchers; people interested in the brain
- over  3000 people per day; 30,000 per week
In early years, large/public schools talked about how to justify costs.  Uses they were proposing did not seem to fit liberal arts colleges.  At Haverford, debates about whether technology did have a role; whether anything was broken.
In preparing for this presentation, I thought about some of the projects that I was involved with, and how to characterize those projects and the role of technology.
Engage – an aspect of play to learning – children begin learning through play.  Experiential learning.  Interactive exhibits. Involve – Learn about classic experiments in Psychology, e.g., but wasn’t practical to recreate them in the lab at the introductory level.  Donders’ reaction time – thinking takes time.  Experiment with effect of practice, distraction from music, gender differences.
Explore – compare brain structure and size, think about function
Encourage –
    -Forums: Heart of Serendip.
    -Used for non-class as well as classes
    - Students who don’t speak up in class
   - talk about creating forum software
   - how faculty set up forum
   - how used in College Seminar
  - Keep me Posted
  - My Web Forum paper posting software
   – role of advocacy in education
  – opinion papers;
  - reaching a wider audience;  getting feedback (webmaster comments); 
  -papers used for student research and sometimes used by faculty in syllabi;  also by patients seeking answers, kids doing projects
Extend – Inter-American Dialogue, class at Haverford and in Guatamala, Program Manager for Latin America in UNDP. Formulate  policy jointly for peace and development. Reviewed by outside experts, presented to UN and US/Guatamala policy groups. Produce CD-ROM as model for transforming classrooms into policy lab. Used email, web, visiting students, culminated in videoconference/videotaped. I arranged it.  Helped plan for facility in Peace and Global Studies Center.
Yoko – Japanese HS, Hawaiian College, joint projects – focused on contemporary culture as well as language. Low-tech CUSeeMe, joint web development, email. Font issues.
Illustrate – using art
             -  student papers
Inquire -  student surveys
           -  psych research
- Summer Seminars
         - Bridge with K-12
Guest Exhibitions – Descartes, Sharon
Enable – Do something that was difficult to do in classroom – access specific passages of music to compare
- CD Voyager
  - students also did papers using
  - moving to Real server
- in addition to forums, lectures, presentations, papers
Pedagogy Rules – new technology can be attractive, but must serve pedagogy
Control – faculty must own process, both development and use
Accessibility – web has improved this, but still have issues of speed, Java, etc.
Disabilities – must do better
Copyright – neverending issue, not always clear
Ownership – security
Evaluation – more formal studies of what is most effective
  - cost/benefit has improved with new dev tools, lower costs
Sharing – faculty must learn from each other what is most effective, share projects; reusable design
Challenge can become opportunities if we are open to learning from one another and sharing the results of our work.  Technologists can help that process by organizing opportunities within and among colleges.