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Center for Science in Society

Bryn Mawr College

To facilitate the broad conversations, involving scientists and non-scientists as well as academics and non-academics, which are essential to continuing explorations of the natural world and humanity's place in it, the nature of education, the generation, synthesis, and evaluation of information, technology and its potentials, the relationships among forms of creativity and understanding. Director: Paul Grobstein - Secretary:Lisa Kolonay - Faculty Steering Committee: Peter Briggs (English), Maria Luisa Crawford (Geology), Alison Cook-Sather (Education Program), Anne Dalke (Feminist and Gender Studies), Kim Cassidy (Psychology), Victor Donnay (Mathematics), James Martin (Social Work and Social Research), Deepak Kumar (Computer Science), Elizabeth McCormack (Physics), George Weaver (Philosophy), Susan White (Chemistry) Page graphics:Sharon Burgmayer (Chemistry) To facilitate the broad conversations, involving scientists and non-scientists as well as academics and non-academics, which are essential to continuing explorations of
  • the natural world and humanity's place in it,
  • the nature of education,
  • the generation, synthesis, and evaluation of information,
  • technology and its potentials,
  • the relationships among forms of creativity and understanding.
Director: Paul Grobstein -
Secretary:Lisa Kolonay -
Faculty Steering Committee:
Peter Briggs (English), Maria Luisa Crawford (Geology), Alison Cook-Sather (Education Program), Anne Dalke (Feminist and Gender Studies), Kim Cassidy (Psychology), Victor Donnay (Mathematics), James Martin (Social Work and Social Research), Deepak Kumar (Computer Science), Elizabeth McCormack (Physics), George Weaver (Philosophy), Susan White (Chemistry)
Page graphics:Sharon Burgmayer (Chemistry)


Events Calendar for Fall Semester 2002

On-Line Discussion Forum: The Place of the U.S. in the World Community

Regularly scheduled meetings:

Women in Culture - A New Initiative

Initiatives - Spring and Summer 2002

Other Recent (Spring 2001, Fall 2001) and Ongoing Activities

Center Background and History

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