Name: ()
Date: 04/05/2006 20:44
Link to this Comment: 18851


Oh, man...I love seeing the little fishies bite the bait.

On the contrary, queers are the closed minded people. Anyone who opposes their little willie-whackin' lifestyle is anathema. The only thing worse than the imposition of morality, is the imposition of immorality.

F**gots are just that in the eyes of the world. I don't care how many people look you in the face and say, "Oh, it's okay with me, I don't care what lifestyle you choose" is laughing thier heads off inside. The idiocy of two little boy toys riding each other high on the saddle yellin' "HOOOEEYYYY!! RIDE 'EM COWBOY!!!" is the most desperate, pathetic, low-life, loser image one can possibly conjure, and the result is nothing but laughter.

Don't forget to wipe the shit off your dick, honeys. And while you're at it...grab me another beer out of the frig.

Name: ()
Date: 04/05/2006 21:46
Link to this Comment: 18855

"I am writing my dissertation on the film and audience response and need to construct an argument for my 8,000 word dissertation."

OMG...don't tell me you're flushing perfectly good money down the toilet for these pathetic "dissertation" topics of homos. Not only are you wasting your time in whatever course has you doing this, but the result will be that no one besides your professor will ever, ever give a sh*t. If you take this seriously, you'll be living in a lean-to.

It's incredible how universities actually HIRE people who waste their lives and those of their students by creating some useless topic that a handful of morons find interesting. In the real world, people who are learning a skill or a technical degree will actually live life comfortably.

My condolences that you chose the wrong major. No one, no one will give a crap about this topic if someday you actually (ROFL) try to market this esoteric waste.

Name: Ed Sikov (
Date: 04/06/2006 17:13
Link to this Comment: 18880

Obsession: when you just can't help yourself but hang out on a comment board devoted to a movie about gay men. And not one message but three! The joke's on you.
Still laughing, and still signing my name for all the world to see....

Ivory Tower Response
Name: Jackie (
Date: 04/06/2006 18:22
Link to this Comment: 18882

"Me thinks he doth protest too much"..and can't seem to stay off the site.
This is a discussion forum as far as I understand....not a place for obscenities and filth. If we were all in a room, I doubt very much if these comments would be made face to face.
I think ignoring this person is the best thing. He or she just wants attention...and will get no more from me.

Name: ()
Date: 04/07/2006 03:51
Link to this Comment: 18889

A waste of time eh? it would be interesting to know what you do for a job or career in the real world - to the one is too much of a coward to leave their name!!

i bet you didnt make it to university - well i hope you didnt with a small-minded and limited intellect you obviously have.

what didnt you like about the film so much that has got you riled? or have u been too cowardly to watch it??

i would be interested in why you appear so negative about the choice of dissertation!!

does it not agree with you own beliefs or values? or maybe its not up to your standard - why not suggest a better topic?

... Name: () Date: 04/08/2006 20:43 Link to this Comment: 18913'l Eddie loverboy is takin' one for the team! LOL!!! How cute. See, I told you it's therapeutic. This was, for Eddie, most likely his first attempt at being an actual man. Feeble, no doubt...but my words struck such a deep chord in loverboy's soul that he actually stood up straight (as opposed to his normal bent-over position) and punched the bobo doll. Hurt your knuckles there honey? The mact of the fatter is that this "forum" has nothing to do with the interchange of ideas; it's an online orgy for queers. Heaven forbid someone with an antithetical proposition confront you while you're clothes are off. Feel embarrassed? Feel ashamed? You should. Homosexuals are always cowardly, hiding half their tormented lives in shame and guilt. Hmmmm...I wonder why...could it be because they KNOW it's shameful and wrong? Yeah, what the hell. An artist named Piero Manzoni once canned his own shit under the premise that, even shit, if artistically sealed, would sell. He was right. His canned shit is a treasure of museums around the world. Now the right idea is that homosexuality is the shittiest thing one can do to another. But wrap it up in boy toys, and you've go canned shit flying off the shelves. Most of this post, if not all, will be deleted anyway. My above post is about %30 of the original. While Eddie shout "BIGOT" I shout "FAGGOT". Looks like we're made of the same substance. The very root of the ideals we condone yield the same results. Hmmmm...I wonder what would happen if this forum was FLOODED with opposing posts...that's something I'll look into. :P Name: () Date: 04/10/2006 21:15 Link to this Comment: 18946 The overuse of parentheses, italics, interspersed links and idealistic hyperbole does not disguise your inability to write well. An English teacher who hasn't learned that less is more? Have you ever taken an editing class? Apparently not. This idealistic curriculum is a poor attempt to consolidate feminine thought and dish it out in a way that will, hopefully, justify your student quota next semester. Your entire curriculum would vanish at the first sign of economic recession. You see, this bullsquat is easily done away with because it is only the kind of crap one affords when they've been so pampered that their money's burnin' a hole in his/her pocket. When the economic purse strings close, so does your job. It's just not needed. This type of class is what results when "professors" (what a laugh) train themselves in one little area and immerse themselves in it. Then they try to make it appeal to people. You only end up looking like a fool for wasting your money on your esoteric degree.

Name: ()
Date: 04/11/2006 21:16
Link to this Comment: 18990

"And I've been fascinated by what seems to be happening as a result of this experiment in whether an (open? fragile? egalitarian? democratic?) community CAN be formed among people who begin less with a shared set of common beliefs (including any non-negotiable sense of what constitutes community) than with a shared desire to learn, to go exploring."

LOL..yes, yes, English "instructor"...we're all lab rats in your little "experiment". How incredibly arrogant. Do you realize, that even WITHOUT your Ph.D., your know-it-all BS, that it is human nature to "go exploring"? Do you think you had ANYTHING to do with it?

Your students see right through your intellectual flailings:

"I am a biologist. As such, I find paintings beautiful. The way I see beauty as a scientist is not separated from the way that I see beauty as a human. There is no ³lens² that I need to adapt, or that I would suggest to others, that causes me to see beauty of what I do biologically any more than I need a special ³lens² to appreciate a beautiful sunset. Why then, with all our academic obsession with so-called ³interdisciplinary courses² are we still apparently DETERMINED to find a difference in the way scientists and humanists view the world? I thought the point of interdisciplinary work was to build across the schism rather than to further stereotype the divide. Anne, in particular, seems relentless in looking for ³the difference between art and science², and will invent one if none is apparent. I find myself wishing that none of us had identified ourselves according to discipline, that I spend most of my time trying to fight off the expectations that come with my major.
I also think that there are so many other divisions of beauty that we are not addressing because of the concentration along disciplinary lines- differences in beauty culturally, historically, ect."

Yes..."and will invent one if none apparent"

Your students are jumping through your hoops because you hold a grade over their head which means everything to many - especially those who will actually contribute to the world rather than fall back on this BS "deconstructing" and "reconstructing" crap that will NEVER do anything but give feminist criticism a foothold in the ivory tower impractical world view.


Name: ()
Date: 04/11/2006 22:05
Link to this Comment: 18991

"And I've been fascinated by what seems to be happening as a result of this experiment in whether an (open? fragile? egalitarian? democratic?) community CAN be formed among people who begin less with a shared set of common beliefs (including any non-negotiable sense of what constitutes community) than with a shared desire to learn, to go exploring."

LOL..yes, yes, English "instructor"...we're all lab rats in your little "experiment". How incredibly arrogant. Do you realize, that even WITHOUT your Ph.D., your know-it-all BS, that it is human nature to "go exploring"? Do you think you had ANYTHING to do with it?

Your students see right through your intellectual flailings:

"I am a biologist. As such, I find paintings beautiful. The way I see beauty as a scientist is not separated from the way that I see beauty as a human. There is no ³lens² that I need to adapt, or that I would suggest to others, that causes me to see beauty of what I do biologically any more than I need a special ³lens² to appreciate a beautiful sunset. Why then, with all our academic obsession with so-called ³interdisciplinary courses² are we still apparently DETERMINED to find a difference in the way scientists and humanists view the world? I thought the point of interdisciplinary work was to build across the schism rather than to further stereotype the divide. Anne, in particular, seems relentless in looking for ³the difference between art and science², and will invent one if none is apparent. I find myself wishing that none of us had identified ourselves according to discipline, that I spend most of my time trying to fight off the expectations that come with my major.
I also think that there are so many other divisions of beauty that we are not addressing because of the concentration along disciplinary lines- differences in beauty culturally, historically, ect."

Yes..."and will invent one if none apparent"

Your students are jumping through your hoops because you hold a grade over their head which means everything to many - especially those who will actually contribute to the world rather than fall back on this BS "deconstructing" and "reconstructing" crap that will NEVER do anything but give feminist criticism a foothold in the ivory tower impractical world view.


Name: ()
Date: 04/11/2006 22:38
Link to this Comment: 18992

"And I've been fascinated by what seems to be happening as a result of this experiment in whether an (open? fragile? egalitarian? democratic?) community CAN be formed among people who begin less with a shared set of common beliefs (including any non-negotiable sense of what constitutes community) than with a shared desire to learn, to go exploring."

LOL..yes, yes, English "instructor"...we're all lab rats in your little "experiment". How incredibly arrogant. Do you realize, that even WITHOUT your Ph.D., your know-it-all BS, that it is human nature to "go exploring"? Do you think you had ANYTHING to do with it?

Your students see right through your intellectual flailings:

"I am a biologist. As such, I find paintings beautiful. The way I see beauty as a scientist is not separated from the way that I see beauty as a human. There is no ³lens² that I need to adapt, or that I would suggest to others, that causes me to see beauty of what I do biologically any more than I need a special ³lens² to appreciate a beautiful sunset. Why then, with all our academic obsession with so-called ³interdisciplinary courses² are we still apparently DETERMINED to find a difference in the way scientists and humanists view the world? I thought the point of interdisciplinary work was to build across the schism rather than to further stereotype the divide. Anne, in particular, seems relentless in looking for ³the difference between art and science², and will invent one if none is apparent. I find myself wishing that none of us had identified ourselves according to discipline, that I spend most of my time trying to fight off the expectations that come with my major.
I also think that there are so many other divisions of beauty that we are not addressing because of the concentration along disciplinary lines- differences in beauty culturally, historically, ect."

Yes..."and will invent one if none apparent"

Your students are jumping through your hoops because you hold a grade over their head which means everything to many - especially those who will actually contribute to the world rather than fall back on this BS "deconstructing" and "reconstructing" crap that will NEVER do anything but give feminist criticism a foothold in the ivory tower impractical world view.


Name: ()
Date: 04/12/2006 23:39
Link to this Comment: 19012

The beauty lies in the answer to AIDS.

To Christians, homosexuality is a sin (want verses? Just ask). But it's blaringly obvious that it's NO MORE OF A SIN than CURSING, ADULTERY, LYING, and IDOLATRY. We "straight" people have endured our own sins and demons. Perhaps an alcoholic received the genetic disposition to alcohol. How reasonable would it be to be to say, "I was born an alcoholic, and therefore I embrace it"? In the same way, homosexuals must not embrace and defend their genetic disposition for homosexuality, as modern biology suggests; they should acknowledge it, admit it, and work to overcome it.

The film itself attests to the failure to do so.

Name: ()
Date: 04/13/2006 00:03
Link to this Comment: 19014

"but for me, the picture is one of overhwelming pathos. A story about love or love triumphing in the end or force of nature? No - just slow inexorable destruction - what happens when you, gutless, lie to yourself - lie to others - deny who you are and what you feel. Where is the beauty? Perhaps I'm just too close to it?"

The most reasonable post yet I've seen on this forum.