Welcome to Ruf's Homepage. . .

Just finished a year of post-bacc study at Bryn Mawr College preparing for medical school. I'm now doing research at the Levine Lab of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. This page, like most, is evolving. I need new ideas for continued development of Serendip which is the playground which offered me a start in hypertext education. The people who created it have worked hard to make it interesting. Suggest you try it out and e-mail me through "Contact Information" below if you have any suggestions. My bookmark file is a collection of sites I find interesting and useful---it's growing outdated but might be of some use to you. Hopefully, It may evolve into something prettier someday. Thanks for stopping by!

If the digital clock below does not show up within about 1 minute, click on STOP on your browser to view the rest of this page. . .sorry for the glitch.

The clock to the right should show current US Naval Observatory time for about 10 seconds after loading this page. Click "Reload" on your browser to update it.

Contact Information for Rufus Timberlake.

Check out the web page I developed for the Neurobiology and Behavior class that I'm taking at Bryn Mawr. It's a collection of essays and ideas contributed by all class members and includes an interactive class picture.

Ever wonder what the AIDS virus looks like? Click here to see an artist's rendering of it.

Some photos of the AH-64 Apache that I flew while in the U.S. Army

My evolving Bookmark File---news, weather, medicine, folk rock and Shakespeare. . .

Today's 4 day weather outlook for Philly---(will appear here as soon as it has time to load)

Click here for Philly Current conditions and forecast.

Thanks for stopping by!