Complex Systems Resources
- Wondering what complex systems are all about? Here's a
comprensive site on Complex
Systems by David Green in Australia...
- Here's another page at UPenn about Complex (Adaptive)
- The LBL Imaging and
Distributed Computing Group
- MIT Press's Artificial
Life Online
- Explore neural networks at NEuroNet, King's College
- The Theoretical Neurobiology
Unit at the University of Antwerp in Belgium uses "realistic
models of neurons and neural networks to explore the function of the
nervous system." They also develop their own neural simulation
software. Check it out!
- Principia Cybernetica
- The Mind
Uploading Home Page is "dedicated to the putative future process
of copying one's mind from the natural substrate of the brain into an
artificial one, manufactured by humans"...
- The overarching objective for the Center for Complex Systems at
Florida Atlantic University is to "understand the mechanisms and
principles underlying complex behavior on all levels, from molecules
and cells to whole brain functioning...
- Explore chaos with the Chaos Group at U
Maryland... This site also has a listing of nonlinear science
resources as well as an annotated bibliography...
- Another chaos site at the Center for Complex Systems Research of
the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign... Whew! Long name, huh?
- The Santa Fe Institute is
a research and education center devoted to pursuing emerging sciences,
including the field of artificial life and complex systems...
- A listing of Artificial Intelligence
Resources from the NRC-CNRC Institute for Information
- Here's a page where you can download Macintosh
Artificial Life Software like EasyLife, Mac Cellular Automata,
Evolv-O-Matic, and MacTierra...
- More software for modeling and researching complexity at an
ftp site called Encore!
- Not sure what to call all the wonderful patterns you find in
the Game of Life? Do not fear, for here is Conway's Life
- A pretty cool article on certain Game of Life patterns called
- Zooland,
"The Artificial Life Resource"...
- Highlife,
a page devoted to the Game of Life - but with a different set of
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Last updated: April 16, 1996