Campus Pictures

Bryn Mawr College introduced to the U.S. the style of architecture known as "collegiate gothic." Modeled after Cambridge and Oxford colleges, Bryn Mawr is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and the M. Carey Thomas Library is a National Historic Landmark.

Rhoads Hall is one of ten residential halls at Bryn Mawr. Over 70 percent of Bryn Mawr students have single rooms, and all four classes live in each hall.

Thomas Great Hall, in the M. Carey Thomas Library, is now used for concerts, recitals, and symposia. It was originally the main library for the College. Among the many distinguished writers who have read from their works in the hall are Eudora Welty, Seamus Heany, W. S. Merwin, and Jamaica Kincaid.

The chemistry wing of the Marion Edwards Park Science Center was completed in 1993. This addition and renovations to the older wings of the building, which cost over $22 million, provide students with state-of-the art science facilities suitable for advanced research. Bryn Mawr produces 3-5 times the national average of women science majors, and more than one-third of the sudents major in science and mathematics each year.

Spring is one of the lovliest times at the College-- dozens of various flowering cherry trees burst into bloom. Spring also brings one of the students' favorite traditions-- May Day. Each class has a Maypole and the classes race through the dance to finish its Maypole before the others. Seniors have always won-- more practice or, as is rumored, a shorter pole?

Canaday Library, right hand upper corner, is one of three libraries at Bryn Mawr. The Collier Science Library is located in the Marion Park Science Center, and the Art, Archaeology, and Cities Library is housed in the M. Carey Thomas Library. Bryn Mawr is one of a very few liberal arts colleges to offer an undergraduate major in archaeology, and students often work on digs in Greece, Turkey, Siberia, and Alaska.

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