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Series of Talks on Language
Fall 2004

A new series of seminars will begin to explore the rich variety of approaches available for the study of language and the interrelations among them. Language is a topic that is particularly amenable to interdisciplinary exploration, as evidence by the range of disciplines (such as literary studies, languages, linguistics, psychology, education, computer science and cognitive science) related to it. The aim of this series of talks is to foster cross-disciplinary discussion among faculty and students from all the Tri-co schools. The series of talks will rotate among the three schools with each speaker coming from a non-host institution, so as to introduce faculty and students to work that is being conducted on language at the other colleges. Talks will be presented in a manner that is accessible to all faculty members and interested students in hopes of fostering more collaboration and discussion about the nature of language.

On Line Forum for continuing discussion
Faculty and Student Working Group on Language (Fall 2001-Spring 2004)

"Words," by Sharon Burgmayer

Schedule and Discussion Links

Oct. 21Shizhe Huange (Haverford College Asian Studies, Chinese and Linguistics)Some Remarks about Universal Quantificaiton with Natural Language in Mind
Nov. 4
Anne Dalke (Bryn Mawr College English, Feminist and Gender Studies) Where Do Stories Come From? Emergence, Surplus Meaning and the Last Word
Dec. 2Eric Raimy (Swarthmore College Linguistics) A Story About Parked Cars: The Intersection of Neurobiology, Linguistics and Sociology

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Director: Paul Grobstein -
pgrobste@brynmawr.edu | Faculty Steering Committee | Secretary: Selene Platt - splatt@brynmawr.edu
© 2003-2004, by Center for Science in Society, Bryn Mawr College and Serendip