Emergence the Book

Draft Table of Contents

Jan Trembley (Editor, Alumnae Bulletin), Introduction: The Nature of Things

Al Albano (Physics), Termites, Boltzmann, Shannon, and Information

Alan Baker (Philosophy), Emergence in Philosophy

Doug Blank (Computer Science), Emergent Artificial Intelligence: A Postmodern Approach

Doug Blank (Computer Science), Kim Cassidy (Psychology), Anne Dalke (English and Gender Studies), Paul Grobstein (Biology),
Emergent Pedagogy: Learning to Enjoy the Uncontrollable--and Make It Productive

Tim Burke (History), Emergence, Complexity and Causation in Human Societies

Anne Dalke (English and Gender Studies), Trees and Rhizomes: Emergent Meaning and Emergent Literature

Karen Greif (Biology), Can We Model a Cell?

Paul Grobstein (Biology), From the Active Inanimate to Models to Stories to Agency

David Harrison and Eric Raimy (Linguistics), Language as a Cognitively and Socially Emergent System

Deepak Kumar (Computer Science), Emergent Paradigms for Problem Solving

Mark Kuperberg (Economics), The Two Faces of Emergence in Economics

Jim Marshall (Computer Science), A Closer Look at Some Emergent Computational Models of Cognition

Ted Wong (Biology), Butterfly Wing-Spot Patterns and Emergence as Pessimism

Rob Wozniak (Psychology), ??

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