Topic: TIDE - Active Underwriting

TIDE is an organization of business people, educators, and scientists which is committed to the improvement of education and has provided important support toSerendip. This forum is for discussion of thoughts arising from and extending materials in Serendip's
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Serendip's forums sometimes get longer than what can conveniently be accessed and displayed. They are, at the same time, in their entirety an important part of what Serendip has become at any given time (and, of course, particular contributions may well be of lasting significance). To try and balance needs for easy display and those of continuous and permanent record, only this year's forum comments are displayed on this page with earlier comments being preserved elsewhere. To go to the forum for prior years, click on the year below.

Year: - Current postings - 1999 - 1998 - 1997 - 1996 - 1995

Subject: From Spain
Date: Wed Feb 18 11:22:39 EST 1998
I am an spanish economist. I work in a private university. My speciallity (History of Economic Thought) force me (the last seven years) to make me a lot of questions about human nature, economic behaviour, the improvement of institutions, what had the "fathers" of my discipline said about these problems...(I mean Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Veblen, Hayek, Marx and so on). So I am very interested in TIDE. How can I get more information or to participate (if possible, and if you are so kind to allow me) in this wonderful effort you are doing?
Name: J Baye
Subject: intelligenesis
Date: Fri Nov 27 16:09:24 EST 1998
The Wall Street Journal wrote about Dr.Goertzels work 11/27/98. Have any members of this forum had an opportinity to study his english text AI models and the WebMind software. JBasarhe@AOL.COM

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