Information Technologist Response, Smith College
Q. What roles and responsibilities
do you currently assume regarding
the use and instruction of technology?
As a Statistical Consultant for the
social sciences, education, and
school of social work, I assist faculty, students, and staff with
gathering, analysis, and presentation. People come to me with
a wide range
of questions and concerns including where to find data on various
how to construct testable hypotheses, which statistical software
to use
and how to use it, and advice on how to present data and results.
I usually
work with people individually, teaching them the statistical,
or data finding skills they require to complete their projects.
To assist
my constituents, I experiment with different statistical software
and teaching
tools and search for new data over the Internet.
Q. What goals for Collaboration do you have?
I am interested in working with faculty
and students to conduct research.
I would also like to help faculty introduce new techniques and
for teaching statistics into their classes. I know that the faculty
Smith are very interested in using the Internet in their classes
and have
this year begun to use Blackboard to develop a web based component
their classes. Faculty and students are also very interested in
using multi-media
computer techniques in their research and classes.
Q. What technologies could enhance student and faculty research/teaching/learning?
A range of multi-media technologies
would be very useful for student
learning and faculty teaching and research. Students learn best
in a variety
of ways. Some students rely on visual cues while others depend
on auditory
skills. Other students learn best by doing. Multi-media technologies
now make it easier to bring images, video clips, music, guest
and interactive experiences into the classroom will enhance knowledge
providing different learning opportunities for different kinds
of learners.
Faculty could also draw on these different technologies to conduct
present their ideas in the most illustrative framework.
Echoing these sentiments, a colleague
of mine who runs the Center for
Foreign Languages and Culture at Smith wrote to me the following,
"I believe
Smith needs greater access to DVD technologies, greater and more
support of student projects and general computer literacy, a network
which truly allows any user to log on to any appropriate server
from anywhere
including off campus, and more cohesive support of faculty curriculum
Much of this can be achieved through improved communication amongst
support groups on campus."
Lois Joy
Statistical Consultant
Smith College