Talking Toward Techno-Pedagogy:

A Collaboration Across Colleges and Constituencies

Supported by a grant from the Mellon Foundation






Needs Analysis Form

Travel Info










Student Response, Mount Holyoke College

(Note: we changed the wording of these questions to make them more meaningful to the students. The revised questions are as follows: What kinds of research assignments to you get in classes? Do you ever seek help from librarians? When and why do you seek help from librarians and how would you like them to help you?)

The most common kind of assignment I get involves conducting a literature search. I don't often ask for help. Usually, I play around with the library systems until I figure out how to make them work for the particular assignment that I'm doing.

Kyra Comroe


Do you have any questions or comments regarding this response? Engage in a virtual dialogue with your colleagues before the workshop begins! Send your comments to

They will be posted in the "Forum" section of our webpage in the order they are received. Please indicate which response you are commenting on if your submission is about a specific topic/question. Thanks!


updated 5/19/00, Diana C. Applegate

 logo designed by Anne Braun, Bryn Mawr College