Information Technologist Response, Haverford College
What technologies could enhance
student and faculty research/teaching/learning?
Include a brief description of the technology and a brief explanation
its potential usefulness.
In the social sciences, there are
many technologies that can
enhance both the student and faculty experience in research, teaching
learning. There is a need for data analysis, video editing capabilities
for experiments and demonstrations, web searching and creation
both for
research and sharing of results, web discussion groups, and many
There is probably no technology that would not enhance research,
or learning in some way. The real problem is not so much as to
which technologies enhance curricular goals (yet to be stated)
but to only
use technology as a means of accomplishing those goals, and not
just because
it exists. There is a real danger in getting caught up in the
push for
new and exciting technology and it is critical that when determining
technology to use, that a real effort be made to ensure that it
in fact
offers a better way of accomplishing the ultimate goal: education.
I see
a need for basic competence at all levels (student, staff, faculty,
for research, writing and communicating using computers, but beyond
the field is wide open to determine where to focus resources to
the educational experience and not just create a technological
What roles and responsibilities
do you currently assume regarding the
use and instruction of technology?
Our primary responsibility is to provide
faculty and staff members
with operating equipment and software supported by the college.
We are
responsible for helping them use the equipment and software provided
whatever way they need. This involves everything from helping
them fix
a jammed printer to figuring out which program will help analyze
a particular
data set most effectively, to helping them create a PowerPoint
for a class.
In addition to maintaining the basic
services on campus (such
as mail, software distribution, network access and maintaining
equipment) we try to keep in touch with the current technologies
and software
available so that we are in a position to implement new technologies
will assist and improve the access the campus has to resources
that will
improve their curricular endeavors. For many of the programs that
we distribute
on campus, we offer seasonal courses to introduce and assist faculty
staff in their use. We regularly offer courses in Web Page Development,
using PowerPoint to create presentations, and how to create web
ready graphics
using a scanner and photo editing software. We have offered courses
using the web for data collection, using a spreadsheet program
to analyze
data, and a course in advanced uses of word processing. We have
also made
available to faculty/students programs that address growing needs
on campus
(such as discussion groups) and have taken the lead in researching,
and then presenting the program to the campus as a whole. We have
courses to introduce faculty to these new programs and have created
outlining their usefulness. We have also, on occasion, gone into
the classroom
to show a small group how to effectively use the program for that
but this is not a frequent event. We generally create documentation
these programs and all participate in presenting the material
in the courses.
We also assist faculty in determining which products or software
packages will best suit their needs in a particular research or
goal. For instance, in the use of video/audio editing equipment
and software,
we assist in determining which product will meet specific needs
that the
faculty bring to us. We will then assist the faculty in learning
how to
best use those products, and will continue to offer support as
In this regard the faculty generally take the lead and we address
questions or issues brought to our attention.
Finally, we offer technology grants
to faculty to give them an
opportunity to incorporate new technologies in their research
or teaching.
For the faculty receiving these grants, we offer support to help
the faculty
implement their award, from providing assistance in web page design
researching software requirements and making software purchased
under the
grant available to students in the labs.
What goals do you have for collaboration in this area?
In order to maximize the resources
and support available to faculty
and students, and minimize the duplication of resources and effort,
main goal is to collaborate in all areas that have a technological
with all the departments that focus on technology, library, computing,
faculty, etc. Having a program, such as the one you are designing,
is a
first step in creating the kind of atmosphere that will foster
the communication
and coordination of services necessary to accomplish this.
What resources are you considering devoting to its future development?
We have created an advisory group
to address issues regarding instructional
technology and the direction we need to take to solve various
campus needs.
There is also a higher level policy group involving computing,
faculty and administration, that is geared toward creating an
in which collaboration is encouraged and welcomed, so that these
can be met.
Barbara Mindell
User Support Specialist
Haverford College