Name: Paul Grobstein
Subject: Welcome
Date: Wed Dec 10 12:44:06 EST 1997

Not all new technologies are good. Some are bad, and some one can take or leave alone. Our Serendip experiences have persuaded some of us that rapidly developing information technology not only is neither bad nor neutral but instead provides the wherewithal to dramatically, substantively, and positively improve education at all levels. Achieving that promise is not, however, without costs and dislocations, and depends on a widespread sense of both excitement and commitment within academic and educational communities generally.

This forum area is intended to provide a place where issues related to technology and education can be posed, considered, and evaluated openly and frankly. Your thoughts, pro or con, are warmly welcomed, as part of precisely the kind of open intellectual discussion which our communities most highly value, and which is one of the most important things which developing information technology can effectively facilitate and enhance.

Name: anonymous
Date: Mon Jun 22 14:53:13 EDT 1998
shiz nit
Name: Aquiles Marcano
Subject: Question
Date: Thu Jul 2 18:17:15 EDT 1998
What is HTML? Thank you
Name: anonymous
Date: Tue Aug 25 15:34:06 EDT 1998

Name: Antonio Mendez
Subject: International Conference on ICT in Education
Date: Mon Jan 28 13:38:03 EST 2002
Dear collegue, I am sending you a conference for your website on events on education conferences: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION (ICTE 2002). Badajoz, Spain. 20-23 November 2002. The Conference will provide a presentation and discussion platform for new educational environments and their application. The organising committee is committed to giving an overview of the state of the art as well as upcoming trends, and to promoting discussion about the pedagogical potential of new learning and educational technologies both in the academic and corporate world. The focus of the conference will be on technological, pedagogical, networking, and community building innovation. Thanks for your time. ******************************** Antonio Mendez Vilas Dpto. de Fisica Universidad de Extremadura Avda. Elvas s/n 06071 Badajoz, Spain *******************************
Name: Pee Girl
Username: Pee Girl
Subject: thanks for your site !
Date: Sat Jun 21 09:41:13 EDT 2003
thanks for your site !
Name: Lolita
Username: Lolita
Subject: Greetings from Paris,how are you?
Date: Mon Jun 23 22:07:05 EDT 2003
Greetings from Paris,how are you?
Name: Female Sperm
Username: Female Sperm
Subject: can you suggest book about this?
Date: Wed Jul 9 01:23:06 EDT 2003
can you suggest book about this?