Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!
A Directory of Interactive Explorations on Serendip
(see Web as Interactive Educational Experiences)
Serendip is an interactive website committed to continuing explorations of ways that the web can be used to bridge the scientific/technological and humane worlds.
A core ideal of Serendip is that science is a human activity, a shared expression of human curiosity and story telling in which all humans can be involved. From this ideal, a major Serendip initiative is to develop and make available interactive explorations, web based activities related to broad human questions. Individuals can play with and learn from Serendip activities, in classrooms or out, and come to better understand their own capabilities as scientists and the nature of science itself. By way of such additional features as on-line forums, Serendip encourages an understanding of science as a social activity, one in which the sharing of stories among explorers is a central component of the enterprise. To the right is a sampling of Serendip's interactive explorations. The idea of these exhibits is not to simply illustrate "scientific" and "technological" ideas but rather to give visitors background and interactive materials which will allow, support, and encourage visitors to explore in a "scientific style", i.e. by observing patterns, generating hypotheses based on them, and making new observations directed at disproving their hypotheses in a cyclic and endless recursion. Since there is something to be learned from the evolution of our own explorations of how to achieve these objectives, the interactive explorations are presented chronologically with brief comments. Below is a listing of some additional Serendip materials that are relevant to the ideal of "interactive exploration" and its significance in wider human contexts.
Early Interactive Explorations , 1994-96
Interactive Explorations, 1997-2001
Recent Interactive Explorations, 2002-2003