Ed 200
Ed Tech Assignment
Reflective Paper #4
Fall 04
Visit and explore/read the Serendip pages on Education and Technology at http://serendipstudio.org/sci_edu/edtech04/
Find a big idea/key premise to engage with in the site. If you need a place to start, start with the Serendip Web Principles and use one of them to get oriented to the site.
Once youve explored the site, write a 2-3 paragraph message to the discussion forum by noon of the day before your class meets.
Read the messages of your group members and as many others as you can thoughtfully read.
Write a second message in which you raise 1-3 questions about what youve read on the forum.
In class, youll meet with your reflective paper group to discuss your ideas and experience of writing on the forum in greater depth.
Remember that the assigned texts for our discussion of ed and tech are as follows:
Dwight, J. & Garrison, J. (2003). A Manifesto for Instructional Technology: Hyperpedagogy. Teachers College Record, 105 (5).
Willinsky, J. Tempering the Masculinities of Technology. In Lesko, N. (2000). Masculinities at School. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Please draw on/refer to them as needed and helpful.