Interactive Chemistry
Serendip sees the web as a tool which can make education a more
interactive and exploratory process, by making freely available
educational resources at a variety of levels and also, even more
importantly, be making it increasingly possible to learn by doing (see
web principles and
credo on education and technology). To
encourage understanding and use of the web in this way, Serendip provides
annotated lists of links useful for learning/teaching in a variety of
areas (see
Interactive Physics and
Interactive Biology). The focus is not on course
syllabi or notes but rather on materials from which individuals can learn
themselves, and particularly on those with an interactive component. This
list and annotations was created by Katie DiFelice. Links were checked July 2005 by Yaena Park. Suggestions for
additions to the list are warmly welcomed and should be sent to
Click here to jump to one of the following topics:
Chemistry for Fun
Chemistry in a Wider Context
Comprehensive Tutorials
Playing with Applets
Periodic Table
Chemical Reactions
Electron Geometry
Atomic Orbitals/Quantum Theory
Accessibility Level |
| Interactivity
| Explanation
Nye Labs Online ... scientist Bill Nye takes you through the chemical world around you with a combination of "Did You Know That?"s and neat experiments to try
| general
Creative Chemistry Fun Stuff ... play with crosswords, word searches, hangman, and jigsaws built around chemical terms
| high school
MDeA's Chemistry Fun Page ... a list of some fun jokes for the chemically oriented
| high school
Comic Book Periodic Table of the Elements ... need a break? Here, each element of the periodic table links to a related strip
| general
Accessibility Level |
| Interactivity
| Explanation
General Chemistry Online ... a very highly reccommended chem resource for the high school/undergraduate level, with sections for toolbox, features, tutorials, and more. Massive resource section!
| high school
Eric's Chemistry ... a collection of chemistry notes and explanations on many topics within general, organic, and physical chemistry, compiled by a college student
| college
General, Organic, and BioChemistry ... a tutorial that explains the basics of biochemistry in thouroughly understandable step-by-step pictures
| high school
An Interactive Guide to Chemistry ... basically, a web textbook that gives tutorials on a variety of topics
| high school
Visualization and Problem Solving for General Chemistry ... some interesting and helpful tutorials and demonstrations on certain specific subjects of general chemistry. From the chem department of Purdue University
| college
Chemical Stuff ... website provided by Carlton high school with some good explanatory tutorials
| high school
Chemistry Resources ... intended to help teachers preparing chemistry lessons, this site provides explanations for different class demonstrations and laboratory experiments
| general
ChemTeam ... a somewhat dry but very exhaustive explanation of topics in high school chemistry
| high school
Accessibility Level |
| Interactivity
| Explanation
Chemistry Activities ... a list of flashcard games to memorize atomic symbols, common polyatomic ions, etc.
| high school
Interactive Biochemistry ... interactive graphs of titrations, enzyme kinetics, and others. Interesting graphs, but they'll make more sense if you come in with a previous understanding and are only looking for a demonstration of what you already know.
| college
The irYidium Project ... several applets of interest dealing with such things as acclimation on Mt. Everest, stoichiometry, and combustion engines. The highlight is the chem lab that lets you see the result of many mixings of chemicals, from Carnegie Mellon University
| general
Molecular Model for an Ideal Gas ... see how the volume of a container of gas is affected by changes in number of gas particles, velocity, and atmosphic pressure
| general
Thermal Equilibrium ... Thermal equilibrium is illustrated from a molecular perspective with a Java applet. Two chambers contain gas at different temperatures. What happens when the gasses can mix? Proposes several interesting experiments
| general
Chemistry: High School Hub ... click on the symbols of the elements listed and drag them to their appropriate place on the periodic table to complete the puzzle
| high school
Accessibility Level |
| Interactivity
| Explanation
AP Interactive Quiz Directory ... AP course review quizzes, in case you need to review a particular topic
| high school
Chemistry ConcepTests ... a series of very explanatory chemistry tutorials interspersed with quiz questions, from the University of Wisconsin
| college
Chemistry Quizzes by K. Timberlake ... choose a topic to get a set of multiple choice questions, then submit your responses for immediate results
| high school
Equilibrium Practice Problems ... a comprehensive set of detailed practice problems for different topics within chemical equilibrium
| college
Accessibility Level |
| Interactivity
| Explanation
Home Experiments ... some simple do-it-yourself experiments to bring chemistry into the home
| general
Chemistry Resources ... intended to help teachers preparing chemistry lessons, this site provides explanations for different class demonstrations and laboratory experiments
| general
Virtual Chemistry Club: Activities ... list of five neat chemistry experiments to be done in the home. Wonder how different types of aspirins behave in the different parts of your digestive systems? What about those color-changing markers? Now you can find out how they work
| general
Accessibility Level |
| Interactivity
| Explanation
ChemBalancer ... helpful drill to learn to balance equations by inspection
| high school
Accessibility Level |
| Interactivity
| Explanation
Mission to Mars ... from this page you can access an online version of a unit on equilibrium that links chemical reactions to modern technology. Relies heavily on videos that take a long time to download
| general
Thermal Equilibrium ... Thermal equilibrium is illustrated from a molecular perspective with a Java applet. Two chambers contain gas at different temperatures. What happens when the gasses can mix? Proposes several interesting experiments
| general
Shakespeare and Thermodynamics: Dam the Second Law! ... an interesting website that takes a new look at the elusive second law of thermodynamics by first explaining chemical reactions in terms of energy barriers, then relating this phenomena to daily life
| general
Equilibrium Practice Problems ... a comprehensive set of detailed practice problems for different topics within chemical equilibrium
| college
Chemical Kinetics Simulation ... java applet that simulates the interaction of two reactants and two products in a dynamic equilibrium according to specified concentrations
| general
Accessibility Level |
| Interactivity
| Explanation
pH Tutorial ... Frame and link-based programmed instruction in basic concepts of acid-base chemistry. Site includes several quizzes. From the University of British Colombia
| college
Acids and Bases ... a series of problems that works through the basics of acid-base chemistry, with an explanatory tutorial available for each problem
| high school
Accessibility Level |
| Interactivity
| Explanation
Kinetic Theory ... a java applet that simulates a two-dimensional gas. Demonstrates how the velocities of the various particles eventually reaches the Bolzmann distribution
| general
Gas Laws ... a virtual lecture from Ohio State University with illustrations that show the behavior of gasses, as well as an applet that shows how changing temperature and volume affect molecular motion
| high school
Molecular Model for an Ideal Gas ... see how the volume of a container of gas is affected by changes in number of gas particles, velocity, and atmosphic pressure
| general
Accessibility Level |
| Interactivity
| Explanation
Quicktime Movies for Chemistry ... watch short clips, usually of bond rotation, designed to supplement orgamic chemistry lecture
| college
Accessibility Level |
| Interactivity
| Explanation
Sheffield ChemPuter ... set of simple calculators for chemistry(to calculate reaction yields, VSEPR structures, etc). From the University of Sheffield
| high school
To get a head start on finding further web chemistry resources, check out the following websites. Each of them is linked to many other helpful wesites on the topic of chemistry
World Lecture Hall ... good for any subject, really. access listing of chemistry course materials available online by following "WLH Courses" link to Chemistry
Homepage for Chemists ... links to magazines, newsgroups, databases, tutorials, and more that would be helpful to chemists
Chemistry Resources on the Web ... intended for the high school level, this massive set of categorized links would also be helpful to a college general chemistry student
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