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English 212

2002 Third Paper

On Serendip

Middle School Sexuality Education

Tamina Mencin

Paper #1

I am observing a middle school sexuality education class. There are two teachers, who designed the program together so the students have exposure to different styles of learning. It is also important to note that one is female and the other is male. The male teacher covers the topic of male anatomy and the female teacher talks about female anatomy. Both girls and boys have are in the same classroom to help their > understanding of the opposite gender.

I have had the chance to participate in a few classes. The teachers gave me the oppertunity to teach much earlier than I expected, I tried to mimic the language similar to theirs in my explanations. The reason I did this was not to confuse the students with language and topics that they had not been exposed to yet. I also did not want to disturb the flow of someone else's class.

I am interested to see how the dynamics of this class progress.

First draft revision of Sex education.

One of my fears with this site is the program is too good to revise. The students are very engaged and continue to ask questions throughout class. This is becasue the teachers make them feel comfortable speaking. It is emphasized that "there are no right or wrong answers" when it comes to an individuals beliefs on sex. The teachers state the facts of sex, including the consquences, so that students can make an informed decision.

My current goal is to get to know the students in the class better. I want to find out how effective they think the class is, and what they think should change.

Hawks, Gail, Sociology of Sex and Sexuality, Philadelphia: Open University Press: Philadelphia, 1996.

David H.J Larmour, Paul Allen Miller, Charles Platter, Rethinking Sexuality: Foucault and Classical Antiquity, United Kingdom: Princeton University Press, 1998.

Roffman, Deborah, The Thinking Parent's Guide to Talking Sense about Sex, Cambridge: Peruses Publishing, 2001.


"Academic Sexual Correctness"

"Language of Diplomacy"

"Positive thinking on Sex"

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