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English 212
2002 Third Paper
On Serendip

Praxis Site Abstract

Jessica Tucker

Most of observations and in class experiences will be done through the community partnership program with between community health organization.  With this partnership, I will be observing and possibly leading sex education classes at an elementary school in Philadelphia with a sex education instructor.  The sex education program at this elementary school will be 11 weeks long, covering 11 sections.  Classes are once a week for less than an hour. (I will be observing several different classes a week covering the same material).  The topics covered range from puberty to reducing the risks of STD and pregnancy.  
Advocates for Youth.  
The Alan Guttmacher Institute. (Specifically, but not limited to: State Policies in Brief. October 1, 2002. and Sexuality Education  
"Condom On A Banana" Atlanta Inquirer. July 5th, 1997: 4.  
ETR Associates. Birth Control Choices. Santa Cruz, CA, 2000.  
ETR Associates. Female Facts. Santa Cruz, CA, 1996.  
ETR Associates. Male Facts. Santa Cruz, CA, 1996.  
ETR Associates. Puberty Facts. Santa Cruz, CA, 1996.  
ETR Associates. STD Facts. Santa Cruz, CA, 2000.  
Gibbs, Nancy. "Teens: the rising risk of AIDS" Time. Sept. 1991: 60-61.  
Harris, Robbie H. It's so Amazing!: A Book About Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies, and Families. Candlewick Press, November 1999.  
Kaiser Family Foundation. (Specifically, but not limited to: Sex Education in the U.S. Policy and Politics. March, 2002.  
Knowles, Jon. How To Talk With Your Child About Sexuality: A Parents Guide. Planned Parenthood, 1996  
The National Council for Research on Women. The Girl Report. What We Need to Know About Growing Up Female. New York, NY. 19998.  
Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania. Steps Toward Adolescence. Philadelphia, PA, 1999.  
Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania. Youth First 6th Grade (workbook). Philadelphia, PA, 2002.  
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States.  
Sheffer, Susannah. "Sexuality, Desire, and Adolescent Girls" New Moon Network: For Adults Who Care About Girls. Dec. 31st, 1995.  
Slothower, Laurie.  50 Things You Need to Know About STDs. Journeyworks Publishing, Santa Cruz, CA, 2001.  
Yagyu, Genichiro. Breasts. Kane/Miller Book Pub. March 1999.

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