Exploring Science as Open-Ended Transactional Inquiry:
A Working Group on Elementary Science Education
Current (and evolving)
Brain and Behavior Institute 2006
A Collaboration between Lansdowne Friends School and the Bryn Mawr College Center for Science in Society
In service day - Delaware Valley Friends School
Starting Stories/Metaphors for Science Inquiry
Alice Lesnick - "
Being in the Game
Paul Grobstein - "
Thnking/Getting it Less Wrong/Story Telling
Revisiting Science in Culture: Science as Story Telling and Story Revising
Empowering Learners: Theory and Practive of Extra-Classroom Teaching
Emergent Pedagogy: Learning to Enjoy the Uncontrollable and Make it Productive
Story Telling in (At Least) Three Dimensions: An Exploration of Teaching Reading, Writing, and Beyond
Education and Technology: Serendip's Experiences 1994-2004