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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities

Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.

Science Matters: Serendip

A weekly feature (begun December 2004), supported by the Bryn Mawr College Center for Science in Society,
that highlights current news in the area of science and culture, and relevant materials on Serendip.

February 24, 2005
Online forum for continuing discussion  |  Archives

"Scientists develop 'toddler' robot"

In what could be described as one small step for a robot, but a giant leap for robot-kind, a trio of humanoid machines were introduced Thursday, each with the ability to walk in a human-like manner.

Each bipedal robot has a strikingly human-like gait and appearance. Arms swing for balance. Ankles push off. Eyeballs are added for effect. Read more...

Read and hear NPR story...

On the lighter side...

"I have never seen a human being who more perfectly represented the modern conception of a robot." ~ Winston Churchill, referring to the Soviet statesman Molotov

The Rise of the Machines:
The Controversy of Artificial Intelligence Humans, by Laura Bang!

Robby, Gort, Rosie, T-800, C-3PO - what do these names have in common? They are some of science fiction's most memorable androids - artificial intelligence robots resembling humans - from Hollywood's imaginings of humans' experiments with creating artificial intelligence....Scientists who work in the field of AI are primarily working to make intelligent machines, not androids or other machines that attempt to fully imitate human intelligence and behavior. They are first seeking to create intelligent computer programs that can interact with their users. Read more

The Evolution of Technologically Inspired Evolutionary Thoughts, by Debbie Plotnick
It is my intention in the final chapter of my biology and technology trilogy to examine the concepts referred to as Genetics, Nanotechnology and Robots (GNR) in an evolutionary context, albeit to do so in a less formal and more personal manner than the preceding papers. What follows is a bit of the how and why I have wanted to know about these technologies and much of what led me to conclude that the ramifications of GNR will have consequences far beyond human intentions...Read more

Computers, Chaos, Robots, and Artificial Intelligence Institute 2000

Cognition and Consciousness: An Ongoing Inquiry
If you build a robot smart enough to do the dishes, will it also be smart enough to find them boring?

See Science Matters: Center for Science in Society for related pages connecting current activities of the Center with publications and events worldwide.

These pages have been created by Selene Platt in consultation with Paul Grobstein.
Please submit suggestions for other topics to explore in "Science Matters" to Selene Platt

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