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Serendip's mental health resource lists are intended to provide access to web materials which we believe are of continuing usefulness in discussions of mental health issues. This "News" section is aimed at helping people be aware of possible "growing points" relevant to mental health discussions, news reports which offer what may become important new perspectives on mental health, relating either to mental health itself or to related social, political, and economic phenomena that impact on it.
October, 2001
The Odyssey of an Anthrax-Tainted Envelope and a Trail of Death and Illness, October 31, 2001
Health officials and other investigators seem to be focusing on the letter to Senator Tom Daschle's office as a primary source of anthrax illnesses in its trail.
Special Forces, on the Ground, Aid the Rebels, October 31, 2001
The defense secretary said American forces were helping the Northern Alliance to establish supply routes, improve communications and target the Taliban.
Spores Are Found in 4 More Federal Buildings, October 30, 2001
Anthrax spores have been discovered in four more government buildings in Washington, health officials said.
3 New Allies Help C.I.A. in Its Fight Against Terror, October 30, 2001
Since Sept. 11, C.I.A. officials have opened lines with intelligence officials from several nations that Washington has accused of supporting terrorism.
Bush Announces a Crackdown on Visa Violators, October 30, 2001
President Bush moved to tighten immigration controls in order to keep potential terrorists out of the United States.
Ashcroft Warns of Terror Attacks Soon Against U.S., October 30, 2001
The government warned that more terror attacks were planned against the United States in the next week, but offered no specifics.
U.S. Planes Hit Taliban Positions Threatening Rebels, October 29, 2001
American warplanes on Sunday trained their weapons on Taliban artillery threatening a vital Northern Alliance supply line.
Pakistani Intelligence Had Links to Al Qaeda, U.S. Officials Say, October 29, 2001
Pakistan's intelligence service has had a longstanding relationship with Al Qaeda, turning a blind eye to growing ties between Osama bin Laden and the Taliban.
Workers at House Offices Begin Anthrax Treatment, Ocotber 28, 2001
Senator Tom Daschle urged the nation to move quickly to expand its defenses against bioterrorism as workers in three congressional offices began protective treatment.
Jubilant Calls on Sept. 11 Led to F.B.I. Arrests, October 28, 2001
Within hours of the Sept. 11 attacks, F.B.I. agents intercepted telephone calls in which suspected associates of Al Qaeda were overheard celebrating.
Allies Preparing for Long Fight as Taliban Dig In, October 28, 2001
Senior American and British officials say they are preparing for longer and tougher combat in Afghanistan than they had hoped, but eventual victory is seen.
U.S. Planes Bomb a Red Cross Site for Second Time, October 27, 2001
American forces bombed and largely destroyed the same Red Cross complex in Kabul that they struck 10 days ago.
Taliban Executes a Top American-Backed Rival, October 27, 2001
Abdul Haq, a former guerrilla commander who was seen as the potential leader of an anti-Taliban uprising, was caught and executed.
Czechs Confirm Iraqi Agent Met With Terror Ringleader, October 27, 2001
The Interior Minister of the Czech Republic said Friday that an Iraqi intelligence officer met with Mohammed Atta, one of the ringleaders of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
White House and Key Senators Revise Plan on Aid to Insurers, October 27, 201
The Bush administration and the three senior members of the Senate banking committee reached agreement on a framework for a financial assistance package for the insurance industry.
Gun Deaths Dropping, Especially Among Youths, October 27, 2001
New figures from the Centers for Disease Control show fewer Americans dying from gunshot injuries in 1999 than in at least 20 years. The rate of decline was steepest among children.
U.S. Murder Rate at 35-Year Low, October 27, 2001
The FBI's final figures for crimes reported in 2000 show that the murder rate in the United States was at its lowest level in 35 years.
Study: Teen Alcohol Use Predicts Adult Violence, October 27, 2001
A new study found that early teen drinkers are more likely to be involved in alcohol-related violence as adults.
Experts: Recent Research Supports Policy Arguments, October 27, 2001
Research provides the foundation for some critical policy messages that advocates need to deliver to policymakers, according to experts who spoke at the second Demand Treatment! Leadership Institute.
After a Week of Reassurances, Ridge's Anthrax Message Is Grim, October 26, 2001
Homeland security chief Tom Ridge publicly acknowledged for the first time that the anthrax germs in a letter opened on Capitol Hill were very pure, very concentrated and very deadly.
U.S. Steps Up Air Attack, While Defending Results of Campaign, October 26, 2001
American warplanes pounded Taliban forces along the front lines Thursday with troop-killing and armor-penetrating cluster bombs for the first time.
Bayer Halves Price for Cipro, but Rivals Offer Drugs Free, October 26, 2001
Three big drug makers have stepped forward to offer large quantities of their antibiotics free if the F.D.A. will approve their use for the treatment of anthrax.
Antiterrorism Bill Passes; U.S. Gets Expanded Powers, October 26, 2001
The Senate passed sweeping antiterrorism legislation that would expand the government's ability to conduct actions to thwart terrorist acts and those who perpetrate them.
Ridge Deflects Pleas to Help the Cities Pay Security Costs, October 26, 2001
Tom Ridge, director of the Office of Homeland Security, turned away pleas from the nation's mayors for help in paying millions of dollars in overtime to police and firefighters.
Terror Bill Clears House; Moves to Senate, October 25, 2001
The House overwhelmingly passed sweeping antiterrorism legislation including new attacks on money laundering.
Divided House Approves Economic Recovery Plan, October 25, 2001
Saying business tax breaks are the best way to revive the economy, Republicans muscled their version of an economic recovery plan through the House.
Anthrax Checks Widen as Officials Admit Error, October 25, 2001
The postmaster general acknowledged that he could not guarantee the safety of the mail, and President Bush warned that the nation was "still under attack."
Naming of Hijackers as Saudis May Further Erode Ties to U.S., October 25, 2001
Fifteen of the 19 men who hijacked four airplanes on Sept. 11 were from Saudi Arabia, federal authorities said, a disclosure likely to complicate diplomatic relations.
Israel Rebuffs U.S. Request to End the West Bank Raids, October 24, 2001
Israel turned down President Bush's request to withdraw its forces from Palestinian-controlled territory, putting new pressure on American-Israeli relations.
U.S. Says Bayer Will Cut Cost of Its Anthrax Drug, October 24, 2001
The Bush administration said Tuesday night that it had won a major price concession from Bayer A.G. for its anthrax medicine, Cipro.
2 Postal Workers Die and 2 Are Ill; Inhaled Anthrax Indicated, October 23, 2001
Two postal workers in Washington died of what officials said was probably anthrax, as concerns about bioterrorism reached a new level.
Prompt Response for Politicians, a Slower One for Postal Workers, October 23, 2001
The disparity between responses one involving prominent politicians and the other involving working-class people drew sharp criticism.
After a Surge, Limits Return to School Prayer, October 23, 2001
In the days after the attacks, public schools allowed prayer. But the vast majority soon returned to their normal routines.
Rumsfeld Says Attacks Seek to Help Rebels Advance, October 23, 2001
American warplanes concentrated strikes on front-line Taliban positions, a move the defense secretary said was meant to help rebels in northern Afghanistan.
Other Drugs to Combat Anthrax Are in Ample Supply, Ottober 23, 2001
Despite concerns over a possible shortage of Cipro, government officials and drug makers say there is an ample supply of other drugs that are effective against anthrax.
Soldiers of the Northern Alliance Prepare for a Ground Battle, October 22, 2001
American warplanes carried out their first substantial attack on the Taliban's front-line troops north of Kabul on Sunday.
Postal Employee in Washington Has Anthrax in Lungs, October 22, 2001
A worker at the office that handles mail in the capital was infected with a dangerous form of anthrax, health officials said.
Sept. 11 Attacks Led to Push for More Smallpox Vaccine, October 22, 2001
Officials say the terrorist attacks prompted President Bush's decision to greatly expand the nation's smallpox vaccine stockpile.
Focus of F.B.I. Is Seen Shifting to Terrorism, October 21, 2001
The Bush administration is discussing proposals that would lead to a reorganization of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, shifting its focus to counterterrorism.
Eavesdropping, U.S. Allies See New Terror Attack, October 21, 2001
The United States and its close allies are still intercepting communications among Osama bin Laden's associates and are convinced more attacks are coming.
Afghan and Pakistani Tribe Lives by Its Own Set of Rules, October 21, 2001
The Pashtun, who make up about half the entire population of Afghanistan, is a tribe that anthropologists consider one of the oldest on earth.
Drunk Drivers Should Be Screened for Other Drug Use, Mental Illness, October 20, 2001
A new report recommends that people arrested for drunk driving should be tested for other drug use and mental illness, as well.
Casual Drug Users Find, Keep Jobs, Ocotober 20, 2001
A new study indicates that casual drug users are just as likely to find employment or hold down a job as those who don't use drugs at all.
More Than 100 G.I.'s Participate in Helicopter Assaults, October 20, 2001
United States ground forces mounted an assault in southern Afghanistan on Friday. Two American military personnel were killed in a helicopter accident related to the mission.
Government Talks With Drug Companies About Buying Anthrax Antibiotics, October 20, 2001
Tommy G. Thompson, the secretary of health and human services, said that he was negotiating with Bayer and other drug companies to buy Cipro and other antibiotics that could be used to treat anthrax.
Link Suspected Between Anthrax and Hijackings, October 19, 2001
Investigators are intensely focusing on the possibility that Al Qaeda could be behind the mailing of anthrax to several locations.
Increased U.S. Activity Said to Aid Afghan Rebels, October 19, 2001
American Special Forces troops have been operating inside Afghanistan to support armed groups opposing the Taliban, according to a senior military officer.
Bush Meets China's Leader and Emphasizes Need to Fight Terrorism Together, October 19, 2001
President Bush met today with President Jiang Zemin of China for the first time, vowing to press forward with the war on terrorism.
Bush's New Focus Requires a Shift in His China Policy, October 18, 2001
The events of the last five weeks have made it critical for President Bush to develop ties with China that resemble the "strategic partnership" envisaged by President Clinton.
Tests Find 31 Workers Exposed to Anthrax in Capitol, October 18, 2001
Concern about biological terrorism heightened as preliminary tests showed that 31 workers on Capitol Hill were exposed to anthrax spores.
U.S. Seeks to Build a Stock of Vaccine Against Smallpox, October 18, 2001
Federal health officials are negotiating with four drug companies to buy 300 million doses of smallpox vaccine enough for every American.
U.S. Acts to Increase Supply of Drugs to Counter Anthrax, October 18, 2001
The government and the drug industry took steps to increase the production of the antibiotic Cipro and approve a broader range of drugs that fight the potentially deadly bacterium.
Powell Suggests Role for Taliban, October 17, 2001
The United States and Pakistan agreed to work urgently for the creation of a new government in Afghanistan that could include moderate elements of the Taliban.
Out of Work, and Out of the Benefits Loop, October 17, 2001
While the labor force has changed over the last three decades, the unemployment insurance system has not changed with it, job counselors and economists said.
Bush Voices Pride in Aid, but Groups List Hurdles, October 17, 2001
As President Bush promoted his relief fund for Afghan children, aid groups said the American bombing campaign was making it virtually impossible to deliver food to starving Afghans.
Right-Wing Israeli Minister Is Shot, October 17, 2001
Israel's far-right tourism minister, Rehavam Zeevi, was shot three times and seriously wounded today at a hotel in east Jerusalem, officials said.
Anthrax Fears Send Demand for a Drug Far Beyond Output, October 16, 2001Bayer has only begun to increase production of its antibiotic for anthrax and will probably take several months to produce the drug in the quantities the government wants.
High Cost of Being Well: Benefits at a Premium, October 16, 2001
Workers now signing up for health plans for next year are facing the largest rate increases in 10 years.
Anthrax Scare Grows as Baby Falls Ill in New York, October 16, 2001
The nation's anthrax scare widened as a new infection was reported in New York City and an anthrax-laced letter was opened on Capitol Hill.
fMRI Signal Found "Faithful" to Neuronal Activity, October 16, 2001
A new study by National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) scientists helps to put to rest concerns about the validity of a key functional brain imaging technique.
President Rejects Offer by Taliban for Negotiations, October 15, 2001
President Bush forcefully rejected another offer from the Taliban to begin talks about the surrender of Osama bin Laden if the United States stopped bombing Afghanistan.
Investigators Say Some Terror Cells Broken Up in U.S., October 15, 2001
Officials said that arrests of 10 people linked to Osama bin Laden had broken up several active Al Qaeda cells.
U.S. Is Stepping Up Plan for Handling Anthrax Threat, October 15, 2001
The Bush administration said it was moving to buy antibiotics that could be made available quickly to treat up to 12 million people.
Explosions Rock Afghan Cities in Daylight Raids, October 15, 2001
Kabul and the eastern city of Jalalabad were hit this morning, ushering in the second week of a U.S.-led air campaign against Afghanistan.
Bush Is Said to Scale Back His Religion-Based Initiative, October 14, 2001
President Bush has set aside his most ambitious plans to give federal money to religious charities and instead will support a watered-down version of his religion-based initiative.
Goals for Afghans Include a Broad Coalition and Security, October 14, 2001
In a series of meetings in recent days, President Bush has begun discussing how the United States and its coalition partners could quickly assemble a new government in Afghanistan.
Failure to Heed Signs of Change in Terror Goals, October 14, 2001
Looking back through the prism of Sept. 11, officials now say that they failed to recognize signs of a drastic shift in the ambitions and reach of Al Qaeda.
U.S. Has Received Additional Credible Threats of Attacks, October 13, 2001
In the last 24 hours, the government has received additional credible threats of imminent terror attacks against Americans inside the United States or overseas.
Uzbekistan to Let U.S. Use Bases in Return for Promise of Security, October 13, 2001
The United States and Uzbekistan announced an agreement that would give the American military flexibility in operating from bases in the former Soviet republic.
U.S. Raid Kills Unknown Number in an Afghan Village, October 13, 2001
A respected Pakistani journalist reported that 53 people died in an eastern Afghan village after a raid by American bombers Wednesday.
Advocates Gather to Launch National Recovery Movement, October 12, 2001
At a moment in history when death and fear dominated the headlines, people in recovery from addictions made their way to St. Paul, Minn., last weekend to witness a birth: the launch of a national advocacy movement.
Senate Votes to Federalize Job of Airport Screening, October 12, 2001
The Senate unanimously passed legislation intended to make flying safer.
F.B.I. Issues Alert on Signs of New Terror, October 12, 2001
The F.B.I. issued a warning that there could be new terror attacks in the United States or abroad in the next several days.
U.S. Lists Most Wanted Terrorists and Offers Reward of Millions, October 11, 2001
President Bush announced the creation of a most wanted list of international terrorists, a roster of 22 suspects led by Osama bin Laden.
Taliban's Troops Hit as Allies Plan for Commando Raids, October 11, 2001
American warplanes shifted the focus of their bombing campaign from air defenses and command centers to Taliban troops in the field.
Trade in Honey Is Said to Provide Money and Cover for bin Laden, October 11, 2001
American officials say Osama bin Laden is using a network of shops that sell honey to generate income and secretly move weapons, drugs and agents.
At U.S. Request, Networks Agree to Edit Future bin Laden Tapes, October 11, 2001
The five major television news organizations have agreed to follow the suggestion of the White House and abridge future videotaped statements from Osama bin Laden.
U.S. Bombing Said to Destroy Afghan Camps, October 10, 2001
Administration officials said that the bombing of Afghanistan had destroyed at least seven of the largest training camps that Osama bin Laden's network had long operated.
In Next Phase of Attacks, an Emphasis on Helicopter Strikes, October 10, 2001
The Pentagon is preparing to launch helicopters raids into Afghanistan to find and attack forces allied with Osama bin Laden's terrorist network and the Taliban.
American Action Is Held Likely in Asia, October 10, 2001
Terrorists tied to the Al Qaeda network and based in the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia are among the likely targets of future American actions, officials said.
Members of Congress Balk at Bush's Limits on Secrets, October 10, 2001
President Bush and leading members of Congress from both parties clashed over Mr. Bush's order limiting classified military and investigative briefings to eight senior lawmakers.
Second Case of Anthrax Leads F.B.I. Into Inquiry, October 9, 2001
The F.B.I. took over the investigation of anthrax contamination in South Florida after a second man was found to have spores of the disease.
A New Federal Office Opens, October 9, 2001
Tom Ridge was sworn in as the first director of homeland security, a job experts fear will be nearly impossible.
A Different Kind of Wartime Economy, October 9, 2001
Given the nature of the new conflict with terrorism, the economy is not likely to be revived by the developments that fueled previous wartime booms.
Thunderous Blasts and Bright Flashes Mark Kabul Strikes, October 8, 2001
A steady bombardment of Kabul began Sunday night, sending bright flashes of light and loud concussions rolling across a farming plain north of the Afghan capital.
Congressional Leaders Offer Strong Endorsement of Attack, October 8, 2001
The top leaders of both parties in Congress issued a joint statement endorsing President Bush's decision to begin military strikes.
Bush Warns 'Taliban Will Pay a Price', October 8, 2001
Striking at night from aircraft carriers and distant bases, the United States and Britain launched a powerful barrage of cruise missiles and long-range bombers against Afghanistan.
New Slogan in Washington: Watch What You Say, October 7, 2001
Officials throughout the government readily say they have been ordered to be circumspect about their remarks to the press.
In Hindsight, C.I.A. Sees Flaws That Hindered Efforts on Terror, October 7, 2001
George Tenet, the director of central intelligence, issued a directive shortly after Sept. 11 demanding improved information sharing throughout the government.
Companies' Big Debts Now Carry Big Risks, October 7, 2001
The United States is almost certainly in a recession, and many companies now face a stark future. Much of corporate America is overextended.
For Cheney, a Low Profile and a Major Role, October 7, 2001
Behind the scenes, Vice President Dick Cheney continues to play a major role as war minister, diplomat and political adviser to President Bush.
Supreme Court of Georgia Voids Use of Electrocution, October 6, 2001
Georgia's Supreme Court became the first appellate court in the country to rule that electrocution is an unconstitutionally cruel and unusual punishment.
U.S. and Britain Make Late Push to Forge Coalition for Combat, October 6, 2001
The Pentagon on Friday sent nearly 1,000 troops to Uzbekistan as senior American and British officials shored up a loose coalition to support military action.
Job Cuts Increased Even Before Sept. 11, October 6, 2001
In the weeks before Sept. 11, American companies cut more jobs than in any similar period in the last decade.
House Votes for More Spy Aid and to Pull in Reins on Inquiry, October 6, 2001
The House approved new spending for the nation's intelligence agencies, while baking away from an inquiry in to the performance of the government leading up to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Illicit-Drug Use Rates Remain Stable, October 6, 2001
The 2000 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse shows that illicit-drug use rates remained unchanged, while youth tobacco use declined.
Pain Patients Have Difficulty Getting OxyContin, October 6, 2001
Because of the growing nationwide misuse of OxyContin, many physicians are no longer prescribing the potent prescription painkiller, leaving patients without a drug that is effective in treating their chronic pain.
Bush Proposes Extending Aid to the Jobless, October 5, 2001
President Bush proposed extending unemployment insurance for workers in states hardest hit by the economic effects of the attacks.
Bush Wants $320 Million in Provisions for Afghans,October 5, 2001
President Bush announced that the United States would try to deliver $320 million in food and medical supplies to help Afghanistan's population.
Vast U.S.-Canada Border Suddenly Poses a Problem to Patrol Agents, October 4, 2001
United States Border Patrol officials are facing new challenges as new mandates are being handed down to secure the United States-Canadian border against terrorists.
Will Suggests Suspect Had Long Planned to Die for Beliefs, October 4, 2001
The details of the will of suspected hijacker Mohamed Atta describes his desire to die for Islam and that he wanted his final actions to be understood as an effort to serve God.
Piece-by-Piece Coalition: Rumsfeld's Delicate Mission, October 4, 2001
The secretary of defense is trying to patch together a coalition of unaligned and potentially unstable countries for a mission that is not yet fully defined.
Researchers Say Gene Is Linked to Language, October 4, 2001
A team of geneticists and linguists say they have found a gene that underlies speech and language, the first to be linked to this uniquely human faculty. Must subscribe to the New Yor Times to read entire article.
Drug Giant to Introduce Discount Plan for the Elderly, October 3, 2001
GlaxoSmithKline plans to announce that it is reducing the price of its drugs by 25 percent or more for elderly people who lack prescription drug coverage.
Democracy in Wartime, Ooctober 3, 2001
During our recent wars the opposition party has nearly always gained seats in midterm Congressional elections.
Army Tightens Security at Nation's 8 Chemical Arms Depots, October 2, 2001
The Army has added hundreds of troops to guard the perimeters and imposed strict no-flight zones over each depot.
In a New Term's Somber First Day, Justices Hear Arguments on Inmate Rights, October 2, 2001
The Supreme Court heard arguments on whether inmates can sue a prison contractor for violating their rights.
Negotiators Back Scaled-Down Bill to Battle Terror October 2, 2001
Negotiators in the House reached agreement on a bill that would give law enforcement expanded authority to wiretap suspected terrorists.
Fund for Victims' Families Already Proves Sore Point, October 1, 2001
The compensation fund created by Congress for the families of victims in the attacks has generated resentment and confusion.
In a New Climate of Unity, Divisive Issues Remain, October 1, 2001
Contentious domestic issues dominate the docket for the new Supreme Court term that begins on Monday.
Defense Secretary Warns of Unconventional Attacks, October 1, 2001
Donald H. Rumsfeld said he expected terrorist groups would obtain chemical, biological and possibly even nuclear weapons technology.
Bush Approves Covert Aid for Taliban Foes, October 1, 2001
President Bush has approved a covert effort to strengthen a diverse array of groups opposing the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan.
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These resources lists are being compiled by Christine Tubiak, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact - -
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