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Serendip's mental health resource lists are intended to provide access to web materials which we believe are of continuing usefulness in discussions of mental health issues. This "News" section is aimed at helping people be aware of possible "growing points" relevant to mental health discussions, news reports which offer what may become important new perspectives on mental health, relating either to mental health itself or to related social, political, and economic phenomena that impact on it.
November, 2001
Justices Revisit the Issue of Child Protection in the Age of Internet Pornography, November 29, 2001
Supreme Court justices considered whether the federal government's efforts to shield children from pornography on the Internet could pass First Amendment muster.
Supreme Court Dismisses Challenge in Its Main Affirmative Action Case, November 28, 2001
Supreme Court justices dismissed a constitutional challenge to a federal highway contracting program and conceded that the case had been "improvidently granted."
Economists Make It Official: U.S. Is in Recession, November 27, 2001
A group of economists said that the longest economic expansion on record gave way earlier this year to the first recession in a decade.
As Attacks' Impact Recedes, a Return to Religion as Usual, November 26, 2001
Immediately after Sept. 11 Americans flooded to their local houses of worship, but polls now indicate that for most people the spiritual storm has passed.
Binge Drinking Hinders Brain-Cell Growth, November 24, 2001
Researchers found that binge drinking not only damages the brain, but interferes with the growth of new brain cells, as well.
EAPA: Senate's Mental Health Parity Bill Sent to Conference Committee, November 24, 2001
The Employee Assistance Professionals Association asks concerned citizens to contact their senator and/or representative asking them not to change language in the Mental Health Equitable Treatment Act (MHETA).
For Women, Denial, Ignorance are Big Barriers to Treatment, November 24, 2001
A survey revealed that failing to recognize an addiction is the major barrier to addiction treatment for women.
Hints of an Alzheimer's Aid in Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, November 22, 2001
Middle-age and elderly people who took anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or naproxen for at least two years were apparently protected from Alzheimer's disease.
Protesters Find the Web to Be a Powerful Tool, November 21, 2001
With opinion polls showing overwhelming support for President Bush, antiwar activists are relying heavily on the Internet to weave their fragmented constituents into a movement.
Involving Youth Offenders in Social Causes Reduces Recidivism, November 17, 2001
Youths offenders who become involved in developing and implementing their own community-service projects have reduced discipline problems and lower recidivism rates.
Report Documents Small-Town Gang Problems
A new report from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) documents the growth of small-town gang problems between the years 1970 and 1998.
Usefulness of SAT Test Is Debated in California, November 17, 2001
The president of the University of California is continuing his crusade against the use of SAT scores in college admissions in his university system.
Memories Bound: The Neuroscience of Dreams, November 16, 2001
Three recent papers enhance our understanding of the role of dreams in the neural basis of memory consolidation.
$88 Billion Farm Bill Wins Approval of Senate Panel, November 16, 2001
The Senate Agriculture Committee approved an $88 billion farm bill that places no limits on subsidies to America's wealthiest farmers.
Congress Agrees to U.S. Takeover for Air Security, November 16, 2001
House and Senate negotiators reached agreement on a major aviation security bill that requires the federal government to hire 28,000 screeners for airport travelers and baggage within one year.
University of California Moves to Widen Admissions Criteria, November 15, 2001
The University of California Board of Regents moved toward adopting a new policy that would broaden the factors considered in selecting students.
Genomics mandates end to race-based research, November 15, 2001
Genetically meaningless, "race" is a confounding variable in medical research and studies should no longer be based on it, geneticists said yesterday. As a proxy for lineage, they agreed, race data lead to misunderstandings.
Beauty, It Turns Out, Lights the Brain, November 13, 2001
Given the opportunity, many men will gladly spend time gazing at beautiful women's faces. Though the news may not come as much of a shock, the researchers who report the finding in a new study say it may still lend some insight into how the brain works.
Teens With Schizophrenia Lose Gray Matter in Back-to-Front Wave, November 13, 2001
Brains of teens with early onset schizophrenia are ravaged by a back-to-front wave of gray matter loss that parallels the progression from hallucinations and delusions to thinking and emotional deficits.
New Imaging Method Could Catch Early Alzheimer's, November 13, 2001
A method that is one of many promising new techniques aimed at early detection of Alzheimers Disease pathology.
Doctors Worried as Americans Get Organs of Chinese Inmates, November 11, 2001
An increasing number of Americans are traveling to China to receive transplanted kidneys, livers, corneas and other body parts from executed Chinese prisoners.
Beyond Polygraphs: Brain Images Tell the Truth, November 11, 2001
To get at the root of lying behavior, Daniel Langleben's team at the University of Pennsylvania used a brain-imaging technique called event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to find out what regions of the brain became metabolically active when a person lies.
Europe Moving Toward Ban on Internet Hate Speech, November 10, 2001
The Council of Europe is trying to ban racist and hate speech from the Internet by adding a protocol to its cybercrime convention, which was stamped for ratification on Thursday.
Furious Lobbying Is Set Off by Bill on Mental Health, November 6, 2001
Advocates for the mentally ill are trying to eliminate restrictions on care, but the measure's opponents say it would drive up costs.
Local Candidates Everywhere Focus on Terrorism, November 5, 2001
Candidates in more than 25 media markets have produced roughly 50 commercials that refer to the events of Sept. 11.
U.S. Sets Up Plan to Fight Smallpox in Case of Attack, November 4, 2001
Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are training doctors to recognize the disease and vaccinating small teams of experts.
Secret C.I.A. Site in New York Was Destroyed on Sept. 11, November 4, 2001
The Central Intelligence Agency's clandestine New York station was destroyed in the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center, seriously disrupting United States intelligence operations.
Court Voids Law Banning Cross Burning, November 3, 2001
In a case with echoes from the civil rights movement, the Virginia Supreme Court struck down a state law that banned cross burning.
Unemployment Jumps to 5.4%, a 5-Year High, November 3, 2001
Over 400,000 Americans lost their jobs last month, the most for a single month in more than two decades, as businesses responded to a deteriorating economy with a surge in layoffs.
Baffled F.B.I. Asks for Aid in Solving Riddle of Anthrax, November 3, 2001
After weeks of investigation, the government has no idea who is behind the anthrax attacks, and is appealing to the public for help in solving the case.
Using Social Marketing to Drive Up Demand for Treatment, November 3, 2001
Advocates can use proven social-marketing techniques to "sell" the need for addiction treatment to policymakers and the public in their communities.
Carolinas See Decline in Illegal-Drug Availability, November 3, 2001
With tighter security along U.S. borders as a result of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, several counties in North and South Carolina are reporting a drop in the supply of illegal drugs.
Domestic-Homicides Decline Tied to Gun Availability, November 3, 2001
New data from the U.S. Department of Justice shows that domestic homicides are down, with decreased availability of guns a key factor in the decline.
In Overheard Calls, Terrorists Spoke of Major Attack, Officials Say, November 2, 2001
Intelligence reports based on intercepted communications from members of Al Qaeda alarmed officials who read them and played a decisive role in the most recent terrorism warning.
State Budgets Facing a Fall in Revenues, November 2, 2001
Even before accounting for the fiscal devastation caused by the Sept. 11 attacks, state governments were facing the deepest budget shortfalls in at least a decade.
Bush's Approach on Plane Security Chosen by House, November 2, 1001
The House approved a Republican bill to place the federal government in charge of airport security without turning 28,000 baggage and passenger screeners into federal workers.
E.P.A. to Adopt Clinton Arsenic Standard, November 1, 2001
The Bush administration, which prompted an outcry by suspending a Clinton proposal on acceptable levels of arsenic in drinking water, has decided to adopt the proposed Clinton level after all.
U.S. Will Increase Number of Advisers in Afghanistan, November 1, 2001
Reflecting a new determination to aid the Northern Alliance, American advisers will move with rebel forces when they start to advance against Taliban troops.
U.S. Will End Regular Sale of Long Bond, November 1, 2001
The United States retired the old faithful of the bond market, ending the regular sale of 30-year bonds after a quarter of a century.
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resources lists are being compiled by Christine Tubiak, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact - -
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