Serendip's mental health resource lists are intended to provide access to web materials which we believe are of continuing usefulness in discussions of mental health issues. This "News" section is aimed at helping people be aware of possible "growing points" relevant to mental health discussions, news reports which offer what may become important new perspectives on mental health, relating either to mental health itself or to related social, political, and economic phenomena that impact on it.
May, 2001
U.S. Crime Figures Were Stable in 2000 After 8-Year Drop, May 31, 2001
the number of serious crimes in the United States remained steady last year after an eight-year decline, the longest on record, the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported yesterday.
To Fill in Gaps, Shrinking Cities Seek a New Wave of Foreigners, May 30, 2001
A small but growing number of cities with declining populations are embracing new strategies to attract immigrants to replenish shrinking neighborhoods, fill labor shortages and inject greater ethnic diversity in their communities.
Program Finds Success in Reducing Teenage Pregnancy, May 30, 2001
The program, created by Dr. Michael Carrera at the Children's Aid Society, offers not just traditional sex education, but also tutoring, SAT preparation, job skills, medical and dental care, sports and creative arts.
Texas Judge Orders Notices Warning of Sex Offenders, May 29, 2001
On May 18, a judge ordered 21 registered sex criminals to post signs on their homes and automobiles warning the public of their crimes, and the results were almost immediate.
Ambivalence Prevails in Immigration Policy, May 27, 2001
There is no consensus on solutions for stanching the flow of at least 300,000 immigrants who enter the country illegally or overstay legal visas every year.
With an Asian Influx, a Suburb Finds Itself Transformed, May 26, 2001
There is a shift in the landscape as Asian immigrants, particularly new arrivals with professional degrees and entrepreneurial ambitions, forsake urban enclaves and move to the suburbs in such numbers that they transform them.
As Others Abandon Plains, Indians and Bison Come Back, May 26, 2001
As the nearly all-white counties of the Great Plains empty out, American Indians are coming home, generating the only significant population gains in a wide stretch of the American midsection.
Bush Expresses Kinship with Recovery Leader, May 25, 2001
After attending the White House ceremony announcing the new U.S. drug czar, William Cope Moyers, president of the Johnson Institute Foundation, said President Bush "really understands the bottom-line issue" when it comes to addiction.
Experts Link War on Drugs, Racial ProfilingMay 25, 2001
Experts considered the topic "Racial Profiling: Good Police Tactic or Harassment?" during a forum at the Cato Institute, a Washington-based libertarian think tank.
House Votes for New Testing to Hold Schools Accountable, May 24, 2001
The House today overwhelmingly passed a bill that would reshape the federal government's role in education by requiring states to conduct annual math and reading tests for students in grades three to eight and holding accountable those schools that fail to make progress.
Ashcroft Tells NRA Gun Ownership an Individual Right, May 24, 2001
In response to a letter from the National Rifle Association (NRA), U.S. Attorney John Ashcroft wrote that his interpretation of the Second Amendment is that gun ownership is an individual right.
Court Restricts Prenatal Care for Immigrants, May 23, 2001
Pregnant women who are in this country illegally have no right to prenatal care under Medicaid, a federal appeals court decided yesterday in a ruling that strengthened the cutback of benefits for illegal immigrants and raised anew the issue of whether a fetus is a person with rights.
Bush Pushes Role of Private Sector in Aiding the Poor, May 21, 2001
President Bush used a commencement address at the University of Notre Dame today to cast the involvement of religious institutions in federally financed social work as the next, crucial wave in a war on poverty that President Lyndon B. Johnson declared more than three decades ago.
Inmate Rehabilitation Returns as Prison Goal, May 20, 2001
Prisons introduce job training classes as a form of rehabilitation program in jails.
Violent Crimes Undercut Marijuana's Mellow Image, May 19, 2001,
Police officials in New York City, who spent years battling a crack scourge that sent the murder rate soaring, say they are now seeing increasing violence among dealers of marijuana, a drug that they say no longer fits its laid-back image.
Columbine Panel Blames Lack of Action for Deaths, May 18, 2001
he massacre at Columbine High School two years ago might never have happened had school officials and the local sheriff acted on clear signs that the two killers were prone to violence and familiar with lethal weapons.
Link Between Human Genes and Bacteria Is Hotly Debated, May 18, 2001
a fresh skirmish in the genome wars, a finding presented as a major discovery by the consortium of academic centers that decoded the human genome has come under attack from the camp of the consortium's rival, Celera Genomics.
Woman Is Convicted of Killing Her Fetus by Smoking Cocaine, May 18, 2001
A 24-year- old South Carolina woman has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for killing her unborn fetus by smoking crack cocaine.
Projects Recognized for Addiction Prevention Success, May 18, 2001
The U.S. government has recognized 20 programs throughout the country for their effectiveness in preventing addiction.
Boy Who Killed Teacher Is Found Guilty of Murder, May 17, 2001
A jury convicted a 14-year-old boy of second-degree murder today for fatally shooting his favorite teacher. But the jury decided not to find the boy, Nathaniel Brazill, guilty of first- degree murder. New York Times.
Bush Unveils Plan to Fight Gun Crime, May 17, 2001
President Bush announced that he would commit $550 million over two years to a community-level initiative aimed at curbing gun violence.
Boston Medical Center Turns to Lawyers for a Cure, May 16, 2001
A new program has been implemented at Boston Medical Center that goes beyond the traditional social work provided in hospitals. New York Times
For First Time, Nuclear Families Drop Below 25% of Households, May 15, 2001
For the first time, less than a quarter of the households in the United States are made up of married couples with their children, new census data show. New York Times.
Justices Set Back Use of Marijuana to Treat Sickness, May 15, 2001
The federal law does not allow a "medical necessity" exception to the prohibition on the distribution of marijuana. The 8-to-0 decision dealt a setback, but not a definitive blow, to a movement that has passed medical marijuana ballot initiatives in eight states. New York Times.
Bush Backs Increased Prosecution of Gun-Related Crimes, May 15, 2001
President Bush lamented the toll of gun- related violence today and vowed to crack down on it, saying that he would devote more federal money to the prosecution of crimes involving firearms. New York Times.
Supreme Court Rules against Medical Marijuana, May 15, 2001,
In a unanimous decision, the U.S. Supreme Court said that Congress has determined that marijuana has no medical value, undercutting a cannabis buyer's club's attempt to seek protection from prosecution by arguing a medical-necessity defense.
Lack of Research, Capacity Plague Adolescent Treatment System, May 15, 2001
There are at least 140,000 adolescents enrolled in public treatment programs, but very little is known about what type of treatment is appropriate for young people, and few programs are tailored to address their specific needs.
Doctors Play Key Role in Underage-Drinking Prevention, May 14, 2001,
Brief interventions in doctors' offices and emergency rooms, coupled with environmental strategies that address alcohol consumption and marketing on a community-wide basis, can delay the onset of alcohol use and prevent binge drinking.
A Broad Alliance Tries to Head Off Cuts in Medicare, May 14, 2001
Elected officials, hospital administrators, doctors and union leaders across the country are seeking to reverse a new Medicare policy that they say will slash billions of dollars from the health care industry and force cutbacks in critical hospital services. New York Times.
Drug Labs in Valley Hideouts Feed Nation's Habit, May 13, 2001
The Central Valley has been cited for its laboratories that are churning out illegal methamphetamine. New York Times.
Texas Governor Signs Hate Crimes Bill, May 12, 2001
Gov. Rick Perry of Texas signed a hate crimes bill today that strengthens the penalties for offenses against minorities, gays and others. New York Times.
Bush Announces Plan to Reduce Illegal Drugs Demand, May 11, 2001
Calling for an "all out effort" to reduce demand for illegal drugs in the United States, President Bush has endorsed a policy that he says incorporates law enforcement, education, treatment and prevention. JTO
Liquor Industry Pushes for TV Ads, May 9, 2001
The Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S., a liquor-industry trade group, recently unveiled a promotional ad designed to encourage local television stations to accept advertisements for hard liquor. JTO
Gains Found for the Poor in Rigorous Preschool, May 9, 2001
oor children who attend intensive preschool classes are more likely to graduate from high school and less likely to be arrested than poor children who have not participated in such programs, according to a study that followed graduates of urban preschools for 15 years. New York Times.
Spending on Prescription Drugs Increases by Almost 19 Percent, May 8, 2001
As an aging population coped with arthritis, diabetes and high cholesterol, spending on prescription drugs shot up 18.8 percent last year, to $131.9 billion, a new study shows. New York Times
Most Cities in U.S. Expanded Rapidly Over Last Decade, May 7, 2001
The nation's largest cities grew nearly twice as fast in the 1990's as in the 1980's, with three out of every four urban centers gaining population, analyses of the latest census figures show. New YorkTimes.
Nuns Offer Clues to Alzheimer's and Aging, May 7, 2001
An experiment, called the Nun Study, is considered by experts on aging to be one of the most innovative efforts to answer questions about who gets Alzheimer's disease and why, as well as whether a positive emotional outlook early in life can help people live longer. New York Times.
10,000 People Take Online Alcohol Screening Test in April, May 7, 2001
In the thirty days since it launched, has helped 10,000 people assess their drinking patterns using a confidential self-test. JTO
Regional Disturbances, May 6, 2001
The acceptance of a new category of psychiatric illnesses known as culture-bound syndromes, that is, mental disorders induced primarily by culture and not by any bodily pathology, is controversial. Culture-bound syndromes raise questions about the nature of mental illness, including debates about the conflicting roles of nature and nurture. New York Times.
Segregation Growing Among U.S. Children, May 6, 2001
Most black and white children are living in increasingly segregated neighborhoods, especially in major metropolitan areas in the Midwest and Northeast, a new analysis of the latest census data shows. New York Times.
Bush Names New Drug Czar, May 4, 2001
President Bush has named conservative writer and anti-drug official John P. Walters to head up the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). JTO
Pain-Relieving Cannabis Medicine Close to Availability, May 4, 2001
Clinical trials of cannabis-based medicine have moved into the last phase of testing before approval is sought. JTO
UNC Release: Study Shows Many Parents do not Lock Guns, May 4, 2001
Research conducted at UNC shows that many parents do not lock guns away where kids can't get at them. JTO
As Diversity Sweeps Nation, a Placid Town Is Unchanged, May 4, 2001
According to data released in the 2000 census, the U.S. changed substantially in the last decade, with it population expanding by 32.7 million, to more than 281 million. There are millions more Hispanic and Asian people, transforming towns and cities from top to bottom. From the New York Times.
Toby Hoover named Join Together Hero of the Month, May 4, 2001
Toby Hoover, Director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, talks about her experiences in the gun violence prevention movement, and what motivates her involvement. JTO
Strict BAC Limits Discourage Teen Drinking and Driving, May 3, 2001
A new survey found that states with stricter blood-alcohol limits (BAC) for young people have fewer teen drinking and driving incidents. JTO
Trial Opens for Florida Boy, 14, Accused of Killing His Teacher, May 3, 2001
A jury here began hearing a case today against a 14-year-old, who could receive a life sentence if convicted of murder in the killing of his English teacher. From the New York Times.CDC: Gun Deaths Sharply Down, April 18, 2001
Gun deaths in the U.S. in 1998 hit their lowest level since 1966, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. From JTO.
House Democrats Block Voucher Provision, May 3, 2001
Democrats today succeeded in stripping the House education bill of a provision that would permit children in persistently failing public schools to use tax dollars to attend private schools. From the New York Times.
Lawsuits Touch Off Debate Over Paddling in the Schools, May3, 2001
This article presents the current debate over corporal punishment in schools. From the New York Times.
WHO Begins Negotiations on Tobacco-Control Treaty, May 2, 2001
The United Nations have begun negotiations to develop a first-of-its-kind international treaty to reduce smoking. JTO
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resources lists are being compiled by Christine Tubiak, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact - -
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